What policy did President Gorbachev introduce in the 1980s in order to restructure Soviet Unions economy quizlet?

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What policy did President Gorbachev introduce in the 1980s in order to restructure Soviet Unions economy quizlet?

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What policy did President Gorbachev introduce in the 1980s in order to restructure Soviet Unions economy quizlet?


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- 1988: Gorbachev introduced glasnost, which gave Soviet people freedoms they had not previously known, including greater freedom of speech.
- He believed that opening up of the political system- essentially, democratising it- was the only way to overcome inertia in the political and bureaucratic apparatus, which had a big interest in maintaining the status quo.
- Glasnost reflected a commitment of the Gorbachev administration to allowing Soviet citizens to discuss publicly the problems of their system and potential solutions.
- He encouraged popular scrutiny and criticism of leaders, as well as a certain level of exposure by the mass media.
- The press became far less controlled and thousands of political prisoners and many dissidents were released as part of a wider program of de-Stalinization.
- Gorbachev hoped that lifting censorship would expose the errors of previous governments, creating support for more extensive economic reforms.
- His goal in glasnost was to pressure conservatives was to pressure conservatives who opposed his policies of economic restructuring, believing that through varying ranges of openness, debate and participation, the Soviet people would support his reform initiatives.
- Gorbachev became a constitutional dictator- but only on paper.
- His policies were simply not put into practice.

1988: He had become strong enough to emasculate the Central Committee Secretariat and take the party out of the day-to-day running of the economy.
- The explosion in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the Ukraine had a dramatic impact on Gorbachev's government.
- News of this was withheld and there was a steady flow of misinformation.
- It convinced Gorbachev that reform had to be radical and that the secret circles of the party and the government needed opening up to criticism- glasnost.

By the late 1980s, Soviet citizens were eagerly exchanging books, movies and music that had previously been banned.
- The flow of information ushered in a period of cultural revival and sparked heated public debate about Soviet history.
- Media reported on the Soviet Union and legalised banned films.
- The control of the central government over people and media was loosened.
- Encouraged the civilians to speak out and provide him with ideas on how to govern the country.
- The heavy hand of censorship was lightened, and magazines and newspapers became more outspoken.
- The USSR entered into a period of freer discussion and debate than at any time since the summer of 1917.
- Gorbachev, himself, talked openly of returning to the real Lenin, lost, he believed, since the late 1920s.
- Literature previously banned in the USSR was now permitted.
- Novels denouncing the Stalinist period appeared, most famous of which were children of the Arbat, by A. Rybakov.
- The policy failures of previous leaders were also subjected to scrutiny and criticism.

- For historians, glasnost was the opening of a new era, allowing archives to be examined for the first time.
- Enemies of the people were rehabilitated, like Bukharin.
- Some of the worst crimes committed by Stalin's NKVD were exposed, such as the massacre of Polish officers at Katyn.
- Though religion was criticised by Gorbachev personally, restrictions on religious groups were lifted.

Gorbachev hoped by this policy that the resistance of party officials and government bureaucrats would be swept away.
- He did not foresee that criticism and open debate might lead to demands for the end of the Soviet system and the Soviet Union itself.
- Gorbachev never succeeded in making the jump from the command economy to a mixed economy.
- "The old system collapsed before the new one began working."

What policy did president Gorbachev introduce in the 1980s in order to restructure Soviet Union's economy quizlet?

the leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. He was responsible for introducing the reforms (glasnost and perestroika) that brought about the break up of the Soviet Union and the end of Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. There was very little political freedom, and the economy was stagnating.

What changes did Gorbachev introduced in the Soviet Union quizlet?

What kinds of reforms did Gorbachev introduce in the Soviet Union? He pledged himself to a course of dramatic reforms known as PERESTROIKA, or restructuring, and GLASNOST, or openness.

What was the Soviet Union's economic restructuring plan quizlet?

a restructuring of the Soviet economy to permit more local decisions making, begun by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. One of the two reforms that Gorbachev tried to implement to make the economic system more efficient and productive.

What effect did Gorbachev's market and policy reforms have on Eastern Europe in the 1980s quizlet?

What impact did Gorbachev's reforms have on the USSR and Eastern Europe? The impact it had was that now had eastern european leaders to open up their economic and political systems They would now no longer intervene for communism in a country so they could freely choose what they wanted to be.