What principle refers to the trunk of the body growing before the extremities of the arms and legs?

3-3. What is the principle that states that growth follows a pattern that begins with the head and upper body parts and then proceeds down to the rest of the body?

a) Cephalocaudal

b) Principle of hierarchical integration

c) Principle of the independence of systems

d) Proximodistal


3-6. What principle refers to the trunk of the body growing before the extremities of the arms and legs?

a) Independence of systems

b) Proximodistal

c) Cephalocaudal

d) Hierarchical integration


3-7. What is the name of the principle that is based on Greek and Latin roots meaning "head-to-tail"?

a) Proximodistal

b) Hierarchical integration

c) Independence of systems

d) Cephalocaudal


3-8. What is the principle that is based on the Latin words for "near" and "far"?

a) Proximodistal

b) Cephalocaudal

c) Hierarchical integration

d) Independence of systems


3-5. What principle means that we develop visual abilities (located in the head) well before we master the ability to walk (closer to the end of the body)?

a) Independence of systems

b) Hierarchical integration

c) Cephalocaudal

d) Proximodistal


3-9. Name the principle: Simple skills typically develop separately and independently, but are later integrated into more complex skills.

a) Cephalocaudal principle

b) Proximodistal principle

c) Principle of the independence of systems

d) Principle of hierarchical integration


3-10. A baby grasps for his/her rattle at 3 months of age but cannot quite get hold of it. However, by 11 months, the baby is holding and moving the rattle with total control. This is an example of __________.

a) principle of hierarchical integration

b) proximodistal principle

c) cephalocaudal principle

d) principle of the independence of systems


3-11. What is the principle that different body systems grow at different rates?

a) Principle of the independence of systems

b) Cephalocaudal principle

c) Principle of hierarchical integration

d) Proximodistal principle


3-12. If you were to examine the different growth patterns of a child's body size, nervous system, and sexual characteristics, you would apply which principle?

a) Principle of the independence of systems

b) Cephalocaudal principle

c) Principle of hierarchical integration

d) Proximodistal principle


3-13. The basic nerve cell of the nervous system is called a __________.

a) synapse

b) dendrite

c) neuron

d) myelin


3-14. The gap at the connection between neurons through which neurons chemically communicate with one another, is called a __________.

a) synapse

b) dendrite

c) neuron

d) myelin


3-15. Like all body cells, __________ have a cell containing a(n) __________.

a) synapses; axon

b) neurons; nucleus

c) myelin; nucleus

d) dendrites; axon


3-16. Neurons have a distinct ability to communicate with other cells using a cluster of fibers called __________.

a) nucleus

b) myelins

c) synapses

d) dendrites


3-17. __________ receive messages from other cells, and at their opposite end there is a long extension called a(n) __________ which carries the messages to other neurons.

a) Neurons; dendrite

b) Dendrites; axon

c) Axons; synapse

d) Synapses; neuron


3-18. Communication with other neurons is done by means of __________ that travel across the small gaps called __________.

a) myelins; synapses

b) dendrites; myelin

c) neurotransmitters; synapses

d) axons; synapses


3-19. During the first __________ year(s) of life, a baby's brain will establish billions of new connections between neurons.

a) one

b) two

c) three

d) four


3-20. Synaptic pruning means that unused __________ is(are) being removed in the brain.

a) myelin

b) dendrites

c) axons

d) neurons


3-22. What is the fatty substance that helps insulate neurons and speeds the transmission of nerve impulses?

a) dendrites

b) axons

c) myelin

d) synaptic vesicles


3-23. __________ is the degree to which a developing structure or behavior is modifiable due to experience.

a) Synaptic pruning

b) Principle of independence of systems

c) Myelination

d) Plasticity


3-108. Piaget believed that the earliest schemes are limited to __________ that we have when we are born.

a) inherited abilities

b) senses

c) neuron and synapse development

d) reflexes


What principle refers to the trunk of the body?

Proximodistal Principle. States that the development proceeds from the center of the body outward. This principle means that the trunk of the body grows before the extremities of the arms and legs. Furthermore, development of the ability to use various parts of the body also follows the Proximodistal Principle.

Which principle describes a pattern of development that proceeds from the center of the body outward?

2. Development proceeds from the center of the body outward. This is the principle of proximodistal development that also describes the direction of development. This means that the spinal cord develops before outer parts of the body.

Which principle states that growth begins with the head and upper body parts and then proceeds to the rest of the body?

cephalocaudal principle the principle that growth follows a pattern that begins with the head and upper body parts and then proceeds down to the rest of the body.

How are the Proximodistal principle and the Cephalocaudal principles different?

How are the proximodistal principle and the cephalocaudal principle different? A) The proximodistal principle states the body grows from the bottom to the top, while the cephalocaudal principle states that the body grows from top to the bottom.


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