What process produces a blueprint that details how hardware and software meet the needs of the organization?

A downtime of the electronic health record (EHR) system is planned for three months from today. The informatics nurse is formulating a communication plan for the clinical staff about the downtime. The nurse plans to:

announce the upcoming downtime at system-wide meetings, and at department meetings of specific system hospitals affected by the downtime.

bring copies of the communication plan to IT meetings, and discuss it with the IT directors and managers.

present the information at the "super user" meetings, department and unit meetings, and at other specialty clinician meetings, in addition to having a message posted on the message-of-the-day screen in the EHR.

print fliers with the downtime plan and post them in bathrooms and breakrooms, as well as on bulletin boards in various locations in the hospitals.

When writing and reviewing the downtime policy and procedure for the new electronic health record it is imperative to clearly define for the end user the?

When writing and reviewing the downtime policy and procedure for the new electronic health record, it is imperative to clearly define for the end-user the: policy for how or when to "back-enter" data.

Which tool is most likely to be used to track resources milestones and timeframes associated with the implementation of a new clinical program?

Project Management Software is a tool that tracks resources milestones and time frames associated with the implementation of a new clinical program.

What is the first layer that protects unauthorized access to facilities information?

The initial layer of protection to prevent unauthorized, external access to a facility's information network is the firewall.

What is the foundational process that a nurse uses in care of patients?

These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Assessment is the first step and involves critical thinking skills and data collection; subjective and objective.


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