What role does the economic environment play in the success of entrepreneurial ventures?

An entrepreneurial alliance between an innovator who has created at least one successful store and wants to grow and a partner who manages
a new store of the same type in a new location is called:

an intrapreneurial venture.
conglomerate diversification.

A(n) _____ differs from an entrepreneurial venture in that it is not managed aggressively, and its owners expect normal, moderate levels of
sales, profits, and growth.

intrapreneurial team
small business
speculative venture
Internet start-up
global venture

When an enterprising individual pursues a lucrative opportunity, it is known as:

horse trading.

Which of the following is a formal planning step that focuses on an entire venture and describes all the elements involved in starting it?

An organizational assessment
An opportunity analysis
A contingency plan
A venture capital agreement
A business plan

One of the five key factors that entrepreneurs are required to have thought through is _____.


Legitimacy increases the probability of success of a new business by:

- helping to revise rules and expectations of society.
- helping a firm acquire resources such as top managers and good employees.
- eliminating risk from the business plan.
- weakening the competition and its ability to operate in the future.
- reducing the number of resources necessary to start the firm, such as office space, loans, and supplies.

helping a firm acquire resources such as top managers and good employees.

The primary objective of an entrepreneurial venture is to:

increase the social capital.
reduce the amount of dividends paid.
provide non-profit services.
acquire growth and high profitability.
create a long term relationship with an investment banking firm.

acquire growth and high profitability.

Which of the following models brings buyers and sellers together and charges a commission for each sale?

The intermediary model
The conglomerate model
The subscription model
The affiliate model
The transaction fee model

Which of the following provides a way to raise capital through federally registered and underwritten sales of shares in the company?

Commodity sale
Future stock sale
Initial public offering
Stock option
First bond option

Intrapreneurs are otherwise known as:

knowledge workers.
corporate entrepreneurs.
social entrepreneurs.
horse traders.

Which of the following is true of the role of the economic environment in the success of entrepreneurial ventures?

- The economic environment affects the success of entrepreneurial ventures by affecting the supply of capital and prospective opportunities.
- Downturns in the economic environment offer no opportunity for entrepreneurial success.
- A robust economy and the resulting conditions in credit and demand increase the rate of new business formation, but a troubled
economy has no effect on new ventures.
- Entrepreneurial success is affected only by the talent and behavior of individuals, not by the economic environment.
- Entrepreneurial success is not affected by the economic environment as a good idea will prevail in all external conditions.

The economic environment affects the success of entrepreneurial ventures by affecting the supply of capital and prospective opportunities.

A competitive advantage in the form of relationships an entrepreneur has with other people and the image other people have of the
entrepreneur is known as:

corporate advantage.
social capital.
emotional intelligence.

Which of the following refers to project teams designated to produce a new product?

Horse traders
Social entrepreneurs
Knowledge workers

A(n) _____ is a formal planning step that focuses on an entire venture and describes all the elements involved in starting it.

operational plan
opportunity analysis
business plan
strategic plan
trend analysis

Which of the following is the fundamental reason for creating an opportunity analysis?

- To excite potential customers
- To analyze whether or not to proceed
- To work out the details of marketing, finance, and manufacturing
- To obtain financing
- To negotiate agreements with suppliers

To analyze whether or not to proceed

Which of the following is a key difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur?

- An entrepreneur receives no corporate support, whereas an intrapreneur has the benefit of corporate support.
- An entrepreneur has more knowledge of business, whereas an intrapreneur lacks business knowledge.
- An entrepreneur has less knowledge of business, whereas an intrapreneur is more knowledgeable.
- An entrepreneur works longer and harder, whereas an intrapreneur is laid back and easy going.
- An entrepreneur makes use of corporate resources, whereas an intrapreneur does not.

An entrepreneur receives no corporate support, whereas an intrapreneur has the benefit of corporate support.

Which of the following refers to the tendency of an organization to engage in activities designed to identify and capitalize successfully on
opportunities to launch new ventures by entering new or established markets with new or existing goods or services?

Horse trading
Strategic concentration
Entrepreneurial orientation
Vertical integration

Entrepreneurial orientation

Which of the following entrepreneurial businesses is an example of high innovation and high risk?

A new restaurant
An online retail shop
A new hardware store
A new dog-walking service
A new drug

The role of a business incubator is to:

- provide a protected environment for new, small businesses.
- provide large business employees enhanced wellness benefits.
- provide new, small businesses access to competition.
- protect consumers from fraud.
- provide opportunities for exponential growth without competition.

provide a protected environment for new, small businesses.

Which of the following key planning elements should provide a competitive advantage that can be defended?

Risk and reward

What role does entrepreneurship play in the economy?

Entrepreneurs create employment opportunities not only for themselves but for others as well. Entrepreneurial activities may influence a country's economic performance by bringing new products, methods, and production processes to the market and by boosting productivity and competition more broadly.

How does entrepreneurship play an influential role in the economic growth and the standard of living of a society?

So, there is a very important role for entrepreneurs to spark economic development by starting new businesses, creating jobs, and contributing to improvement in various key goals such as GDP, exports, standard of living, skills development and community development.

What role entrepreneurs play in the sustainable growth of an economy?

Entrepreneurship is a vital driver of economic growth. It creates new jobs while providing goods and services which help to meet the needs of consumers. When entrepreneurs succeed, they pass on their success to others through profits, which helps other people become more prosperous than they otherwise would have been.

What are the 3 importance of entrepreneurship to the economy?

Entrepreneurship Drives Innovation Growth in productivity raises the material well-being for a society, improves standards of living, and is the primary source of long-term economic prosperity.