What should you insert if you want to print one page of a document in a landscape orientation while the rest of the document prints in portrait?

Page Contents

Learn about working with landscape pages:

  • Creating a Landscape Section
  • Disconnecting the Landscape Section
  • Adding Page Numbers to the Landscape Pages

Working with Landscape Pages

When you change the orientation of a section of page to landscape, the header and footer of that section do not change orientation.  Instead, the header and footer are at the top and bottom of the page on your screen, but when you print, they are in the left and right margins of the page, not the top and bottom. Any page numbers in the header or footer will appear sideways on the left or right of the printed page.  These steps will help you move the page numbers to the appropriate spot and turn them on their side so they print correctly.

(Written instructions below)

Creating a Section

Creating a Landscape Section

  1. Click on the last line of the page before the page you want to have landscape orientation.
  2. On the Page Layout Ribbon, in the Page Setup Group, click on the arrow next to the Breaks icon and select Next Page under the Section Breaks section.
  3. This will create a new page and a section break.  If you need to, use the Delete key, not the Backspace key (sometimes called the backwards delete key), on the keyboard to bring the next page’s content back up to the page you are currently on.
  4. Click on the last line of the last page that you want to have landscape orientation (or if you don’t have content yet press Return on the keyboard a few times), and repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. Click anywhere in section you want to have the landscape orientation.
  6. On the Page Layout Ribbon, in the Page Setup Group, click on the arrow next to the Orientation icon and selectLandscape. Word 2010 understands that you want landscape only for this section.

Disconnecting Sections

Disconnecting the Landscape Section

  1. Click somewhere in the first page of the section with landscape pages. On the Insert Ribbon, in the Header & Footer Group, click on the arrow below the Header icon and select Edit Header.
  2. In theHeader & Footer Tools Design Ribbon, in the Navigation Group, unlink this section’s Header from previous sections’ headers by clicking the highlighted Link to Previousicon.
  3. Click on the Go to Footericon and repeat step 3.
  4. Scroll down to the first portrait page following your landscape section and repeat steps 3 and 4 for this section.

You have now disconnected the headers and footers in the sections prior to and following the landscape section of pages.  This will prevent any changes you make to the page numbers on the landscape pages from affecting the numbering on other pages.

What should you insert if you want to print one page of a document in a landscape orientation while the rest of the document prints in portrait?

Adding Page Numbers

Adding Page Numbers to the Landscape Page(s)

Rackham no longer requires dissertations to be prepped for printing. However, some departments still do. If your department requires you to prepare your dissertation for printing, you will have to alter the placement of the page numbers on your landscape pages.

  1. Delete the page numbers from the footer of the landscape section.
  2. On the Insert Ribbon, in the Header & Footer Group, click on the arrow next to the Page Numbericon, choose Page Margin, and then in the Plain Number section, choose Large, left (unfortunately, they don’t seem to have just a plain left option).
  3. A large number will now appear in the left margin, and should be correctly centered.
    What should you insert if you want to print one page of a document in a landscape orientation while the rest of the document prints in portrait?
  4. Highlight the number, go to the Home Ribbon, and apply the Footer style so it matches all of your other footer.
    • Go to the Styles Group, click on the More icon () and then Apply Styles. 
    • Type in “Footer” in the Style Name: box, and then click Apply.
  5. In the Drawing Tools Format Ribbon, in the Text Group, click on Text Direction icon until the number is rotated in the right orientation.

    What should you insert if you want to print one page of a document in a landscape orientation while the rest of the document prints in portrait?

  6.  If you are using Word 2013, choose Rotate all text 90° and you should be set.

What should you insert if you want to print one page of a document in a landscape orientation while the rest of the document prints in portrait?

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What should you insert if you want to print one page of a document in a landscape orientation while the rest of the document prints in portrait?

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On the Page Layout tab, click on Breaks, and then under Section Breaks, click Next Page. This will insert the section break, and text following the section break will begin on a new page. If you want the text to continue on the same page, under Section Breaks, click Continuous.

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Place the insertion point where you want to create the break..
On the Insert tab, click the Page Break command. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Enter on your keyboard..
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When you print in portrait orientation the page is wider than it is tall?

Portrait – denoting a format of printed matter which is higher than it is wide. Landscape – denoting a format of printed matter which is wider than it is high. So, printing orientation that is wider than it is taller is landscape. Hence, 'landscape' is the correct answer.