What specific dangers to the skin may be brought about by the exposure to the sun explain your answer?


The skin uses sunlight to help manufacture vitamin D, which is important for normal bone formation. But there’s a downside. The sun's ultraviolet light can cause major damage to the skin. The outer layer of the skin has cells that contain the pigment melanin. Melanin protects skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. These can burn the skin and reduce its elasticity, leading to premature aging.

People tan because sunlight causes the skin to produce more melanin and darken. The tan fades when new cells move to the surface and the tanned cells are sloughed off. Some sunlight can be good as long as you have proper protection from overexposure. But too much ultraviolet, or UV, exposure can cause sunburn. The UV rays penetrate outer skin layers and hit the deeper layers of the skin, where they can damage or kill skin cells.

People, especially those who don’t have much melanin and who sunburn easily, should protect themselves. You can protect yourself by covering sensitive areas, wearing sunblock, limiting total exposure time, and avoiding the sun between 10 am and 2 pm.

Frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays over many years is the chief cause of skin cancer. And skin cancer should not be taken lightly.

Check your skin regularly for suspicious growths or other skin changes. Early detection and treatment are key in the successful treatment of skin cancer.

Updated by: David C. Dugdale, III, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.

What specific dangers to the skin may be brought about by the exposure to the sun?

Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can raise the risk of developing melanoma. Other less common causes are repeated X-ray exposure and occupational exposure to certain chemicals.

What are three dangers of being exposed to sunlight?

It can lead to:.
Skin changes. Some skin cells with melanin can form a clump. ... .
Early aging. Time spent in the sun makes your skin age faster than normal. ... .
Lowered immune system. White blood cells work to protect your body. ... .
Eye injuries. UV rays can damage the tissue in your eyes. ... .
Skin cancer..

What are 5 dangers of the sun?

You may start to see more wrinkles, dryness, sagging and a dull, leathery look. Pigment changes known as “age spots” appear, and your skin bruises more easily. Changes in the skin cells caused by prolonged exposure may lead to skin cancer, the most common of all cancers.