What strategies can be used to promote an appreciation of culture diversity in different classes?

The United States Census Bureau projected that the U.S. would become a majority-minority nation for the first time in 2043. The 2020 Census confirms that assertion, finding that the U.S. population was more racially and ethnically diverse than ten years prior. The survey found that the “most prevalent racial or ethnic group for the United States was the White alone non-Hispanic population at 57.8%. This decreased from 63.7% in 2010.” Their predictions also show that the total number of the Hispanics, Black Americans, Asians, American Indians and Alaska Natives and others will grow to comprise over 50% of the population by 2060.

What does this mean for educators? Teachers must be prepared to acknowledge, respect and understand students with substantially different cultural histories and diverse backgrounds.

Culture and Diversity

When we speak of culture, we consider where our students are born, what traditions they hold dear and their preferences in such aspects as music, art, food and clothing, to name a few. We think of culture as stemming from nationalistic patterns and customs of groups of people.

When we think of diversity, however, we consider how our students are different from others, both inside and outside of their cultural groups. Diversity involves individual or family spiritual beliefs, gender, physical and mental abilities and political positions. Within cultural groups we find that people are diverse in many ways, even if they were born and raised with a single cultural norm.

How Can Teachers Show Appreciation for Culture?

Even now, most urban classrooms include students from various national backgrounds. Some of these students have been born and raised in the United States and mirror much of the culture and traditions they have experienced in the U.S.

However, many students immigrate with their families from countries all over the world. They come to the classroom needing more support than is required to overcome language barriers or fit in socially. Teachers must find ways to not only acknowledge but also celebrate their students’ cultural heritages.

One way teachers can honor cultural differences is by letting students from different cultures be the expert. Teaching other students about traditions, explaining the history and geography of countries and regions, and sharing cultural experiences are some ways to let these students know they are valued and welcome.

In addition to educators teaching and respecting students from other cultures, it is important that students in the classroom develop a sense of respect and acceptance of each other. The traditions and heritage students bring with them, whether or not they were born in the United States, contribute to the unique tone and atmosphere of the classroom. Teachers must help all students explore the cultures represented and recognize how cultural differences make the world more interesting, not more divided.

How Can Teachers Show Appreciation for Diversity?

Students may come to school from the same cultural background but with diverse opinions, positions and perspectives in a variety of subjects. In addition, students from different cultural backgrounds can share opinions and perspectives even if their cultures seem to clash. When it comes to diversity, the primary goals of the teacher are to promote both understanding and respect.

In order to show appreciation for diversity, teachers should recognize how their own cultural norms determine their behavior and define their ideas. They should examine their own biases and stereotypes, engage in cultural conversations, listen openly and commit to educating themselves and being a part of the change to be more inclusive. Deep listening is always key in developing cultural competency.

Preparing to Teach with Appreciation for Cultural Differences and Diversity

The online Master of Education in Elementary Education program at Mississippi College will prepare you to work with students who represent different cultures and diverse belief systems and abilities. When you graduate with this degree, you will have the skills to “design and implement lesson plans and prepare curricula that respect and reflect diverse cultural experiences, as well as differentiate instruction for different learning needs.” With these skills, you will be able to make a significant difference in the lives of your students as you facilitate their introduction to various cultures and widespread points of view.

Learn more about the Mississippi College’s online M.Ed. in Elementary Education program.

What strategies can be utilized to promote appreciation of cultural diversity in different classes?

One way teachers can honor cultural differences is by letting students from different cultures be the expert. Teaching other students about traditions, explaining the history and geography of countries and regions, and sharing cultural experiences are some ways to let these students know they are valued and welcome.

What are strategies for cultural diversity?

Here are 5 strategies to help transform your organization as well as manage differences and avoid cultural issues in the workplace:.
Hiring. ... .
Communication. ... .
Religious Accommodations. ... .
Team-Building. ... .
Intercultural Interaction. ... .
Policies and Procedures. ... .
Zero-Tolerance Policy. ... .
Sensitivity Training..

What are the activities that will promote cultural diversity in the classroom?

Here are several ways you can have fun with your students exploring different cultural groups and traditions..
Cultural Dress Show and Tell. ... .
Host a Multicultural Day. ... .
Have a World Music Dance Party. ... .
Create a Classroom Collage. ... .
Make Global Friends..

How can students promote cultural diversity?

5 Ways to Promote Diversity Awareness in Your Classroom/Home.
Celebrate differences. Make sure to identify and celebrate differences as valuable. ... .
Foster creative expression. ... .
Invite students to share. ... .
Represent multiple cultures in the learning environment. ... .
Celebrate ALL holidays..