What term is used to describe the idea that people try to control what others think about them quizlet?

What is the word for the ability to control the behavior of others?

Power. The ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will. Max Weber.

Which term refers to the idea that we develop a sense of self by considering how others view us?

Looking-Glass Self. A term coined by sociologist Charles Horton Cooley to emphasize the extent to which our own self-understandings are dependent on how others view us.

Is an example of status inconsistency quizlet?

when two statuses are in opposition to one another; for example a student could experience status inconsistency if she is both a criminal and an honor student, because these statuses are inconsistent with one another.

What is the sociological term for the social positions that people occupy?

Statuses and roles are insignificant social characteristics. Statuses are socially defined positions that people occupy in a group or society that help determine how they interact with one another.