What translates information processed by a computer into a form that the user can understand?

Input & Output  Input Hardware  Devices that translate into a form the computer can process  Translates, and into  Output Hardware  Devices that translate information processed by the computer into a form humans can understand  Translates into, and

Input: Keyboards  Keyboards: convert letters, numbers, and characters into  Our keyboard – “ keyboard”  Problems with layout?  Standard  keys desktop standard, keys for laptops (no numeric keypad)  Wired  Connect to via a serial or port  Wireless  Require line of sight to connect  Use either or technology  Virtual keyboard  Uses to project a keyboard onto another surface  used with PDAs and smartphones

Input: Pointing Devices   Control the position of the cursor or pointer in the screen and allow the user to select options displayed on the screen  Used with  Most today are  Use reflection of to determine movement of mouse pointer  position for wrist  Trackball  A movable mounted on top of a stationary device  Good for locations where a couldn’t move enough  Good for people with

Input: Pointing Devices   To use: slide your finger over this small flat surface  Click by on the surface  May require more practice to use than a mouse   A sensitized to receive input from a finger  Cruder than a mouse, because are big  Problems: that show a that is not precisely aligned with the input  input  Use a for input rather than typing on a keyboard  Can use to translate into data  Problems with ?

Scanners  Use equipment to translate images of text, drawings, and photos into digital form  reflects off image and scanner measures reflection at  Measurements can either be shades of gray or color  Color:  Points are in rows and columns across the image  Measurements are stored as digital code (called a ) in a file (a “ ”)  - The more in each dot, the more colors that can be represented.  refers to the image sharpness, measured in

Scanners   Photoelectric (optical) scanners that translate symbols into digital code  Left and right-most are special so that scanner can always tell whether an image is or  The is then sent to a computer  The computer looks up the item and displays its name and pricing info

OCR  OCR – software  Converts scanned from images (pictures of the ) to an format  You use this to read in non-computer documents where you don’t have the source files Q: Why is this difficult for the computer? Is it difficult for us? What does this say about the computer’s capabilities? Q: Who does this help? Can you think of populations who’d value this technology?

Sound: Audio Input Devices  Translates sound into files for storage and processing  – continuous (like music)  – numbers (in this case, at discrete points in time)  We measure the displacement of air and store the measurements in a file as a sound file.  Two ways to audio   A card in a PC that converts sound (usually from a microphone) to sound, stores it in a file, and/or plays it back to speakers or amp   Uses a standard for the interchange between musical instruments, synthesizers, and PCs

Speech Recognition Systems  Converts a person’s into digital representations of and  Usually by signal to 200,000 or so stored Q: what populations would find this most useful?  Still not often used in place of the mouse/keyboard for fast document creation  Dragon Dictate  ScanSoft’s Open Speech Dialog  Apple Speech Recognition  ScanSoft’s Navigon MobileNavigator 5

Other Input Hardware   Use a light-sensitive chip to capture in form and store them (usually on flash memory cards)  Most can be connected to a PC by or FireWire  Can allow you to take more pictures and decide which ones to print and save  Be aware:  printed at home don’t last nearly as long as those printed at a photo shop  Storing photos: ’s may only last 5 – 25 years

Input Hardware RFID Tags  tags use a tag with a containing specific  Scanners use to read them and match the to a  Enables items to be tracked without physical contact  Drivers put RFID tags in cars to automatically  is tagging certain with RFID to avoid counterfeits  Carmakers are using it for car electronic  RFID tags are implanted under to aid in recovery and identification when they get  Used to scan for Q: What other uses can you think of for RFID Tags?

Health & Ergonomics  :  Studying the use of and the movements needed to use those   Results from continuous, motions  E.g., Tennis elbow  Represents 62%of all North American WC claims  Nearly $15-20 billion in lost work time and WC claims each year  E.g.,  caused by pressure on the median nerve in the, caused by short repetitive movement  Too much typing, too much mouse use!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Prevention  Keep hands, arms, and fingers strong and flexible  Don’t smoke  Switch mouse hands  Restrict salt intake  Use ergonomically correct keyboard  Keep wrists straight and elevated when typing  Use pad for wrists (only for when resting, not when typing)  Don’t slouch  Type correctly  Take breaks  Do exercises to flex and stretch wrists and hands  Keep hands and arms warm  Use other forms of input  Use voice recognition software  Use larger font  start->control panel-> display->appearance->font size  Use mouse as little as possible


Output devices translates information processed by the computer into a form you can understand. Can you guess which of these devices are OUTPUT devices?

OUTPUT DEVICES Output devices can be divided into two categories: SOFTCOPY output devices and HARDCOPY output devices. SOFTCOPYHARDCOPY Monitors (VDUs)Printers Projectors Speakers Video Graphics Card

SOFTCOPY vs HARDCOPY Softcopy output is information in intangible form i.e. It is displayed on a screen or in audio or voice form through speakers. Hardcopy output is tangible and refers to output which is printed.

SOFTCOPY OUTPUT DEVICES Monitors – these are also called Visual Display Units (VDUs). There are two types of monitors. These are Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) and Flat Panel Displays.

CRT MONITORS vs FLAT PANEL SCREENS Differences between CRT Monitors and Flat panel monitors. It is less expensive.It is more expensive. It takes up more desk space.Doesn’t take up much space. It uses more energy.Are more energy efficient. It is heavier and bulkier.Weigh’s much less. It emits harmful radiation.Doesn’t emit radiation. It is used only for PCs.Also used for laptops, PDAs, cellular phones.

SPEAKERS Normal music system speakers are used to output sound. They convert the sound from electronic form stored in the computer to what the user can understand.

HARDCOPY OUTPUT DEVICES Printers – Printers can be divided into two broad categories IMPACT and NON IMPACT printers. IMPACT printers produce their output when the printing mechanism strikes the paper to make a print. NON IMPACT printers produce their output without their printing mechanism making any impact with the paper.

IMPACT PRINTERS Two common impact printers are DOT MATRIX printers and LINE printers. Dot Matrix Printer Line Printer

DOT MATRIX PRINTERS Dot matrix printers contain a print head with up to 24 pins arranged in a rectangular pattern (matrix). These print one character at a time which are formed by specific patterns of dots struck by the pins. The print quality is not very good and they are slow.

LINE PRINTERS A Line printer is an impact printer which appears to print one line at a time.

NON IMPACT PRINTERS Four types of Non Impact printers are: LASER printers, INKJET printers, PLOTTERS and THERMAL printers. Laser PrinterInkjet PrinterThermal PrinterPlotter

LASER PRINTERS Used in many large companies or institutions. They produce very high quality output at terrific speeds. They are also called PAGE printers because the appear to print an entire page at a time. Some can produce up more than 40 pages per minute. This video gives you a good idea of how a laser printer produces output.

INKJET PRINTERS These printers produce their output by spraying small, electrically charged droplets of ink from nozzles, through holes, at a high speed, onto the paper. The quality of printing is high but not as high as laser printers. LA&feature=related LA&feature=related This video gives you a good idea of how an inkjet printer produces output.

THERMAL PRINTERS These have a print head made up of pins arranged in a pattern (matrix). These pins are heated electrically and burn the characters onto heat-sensitive paper.

PLOTTERS A Plotter is a special printer designed to produce high quality graphics in vibrant colour on a large scale. They are especially useful for creating maps, billboards, banners, architectural drawings and charts.










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Computer Terminology


Translations • Devices that translate information processed by the computer into a form humans canunderstand• Translates binary code into words, numbers, sounds, and picturesUNIT 5A: Input Hardware• The three major types of input hardware are keyboards, pointing devices, and sourcedata-entry devices.5.1 KeyboardsKeyboards: convert letters, numbers, and characters into electrical signals• English keyboards differ from foreign language keyboards• How keyboards work:• You press a key• This interrupts the current flowing through the circuits• Processor determines where the break occurs

Does output devices translate information?

An output device is a piece of computer hardware that receives data from a computer and then translates that data into another form. That form may be audio, visual, textual, or hard copy such as a printed document.

What might you use to input data into the computer to be processed?

Some example input devices include:.
Keyboard. Made up of a panel of keys, this device is used to input alphanumeric characters, symbols and simple commands into a computer. ... .
Mouse. ... .
Microphone. ... .
Webcam. ... .
Scanner. ... .
Graphics Tablet / Digitizer. ... .
Sensor. ... .

How do we get information into and out of a computer?

Input and output devices allow the computer system to interact with the outside world by moving data into and out of the system. An input device is used to bring data into the system. Some input devices are: Keyboard.

What we send into the computer for processing is called what?

Input: Getting Data from the User to the Computer. Some input data can go directly to the computer for processing. Input in this category includes bar codes, speech that enters the computer through a microphone, and data entered by means of a device that converts motions to on-screen action.


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