What type of curriculum is a teaching using when students are confronted with a scenario generate hypotheses and solutions?

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What are the examples of supported curriculum?

The Supported Curriculum is the curriculum supported by available resources. Such resources include both human (teachers) as well as physical (such as textbooks, workbooks, audio visual aids, teacher guides, grounds, buildings, library books and laboratory equipment).

What is a scenario in teaching?

Teaching scenarios are a collection of tasks you may want to achieve in the classroom or while managing your course. Each teaching scenario is paired with a technology-based solution on how to achieve that task. These teaching scenarios may help you answer questions such as: How can I create narrated slides?

What is problem

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered approach in which students learn about a subject by working in groups to solve an open-ended problem. This problem is what drives the motivation and the learning.

Which instructional model do teachers stimulate student thinking and view the learner as a problem solver?

Problem-based inquiry emphasizes learning as a process that involves problem solving and critical thinking in situated contexts. It provides opportunities to address broader learning goals that focus on preparing students for active and responsible citizenship.