What type of organizational structure do project managers have the least amount of authority?

B, D, F. The needs or demands that bring about a project include the following: market demand, strategic opportunity/business need, customer request, technological advances, legal requirements, ecological impacts, and social needs. A feasibility study is conducted to determine the viability of a project, and the business case documents the reasons for the project and the justification for the project. Stakeholder needs may bring about a project, but their needs will fall more specifically into one of the seven needs or demands that bring about a project.

In what type of organizational structure do project managers have the least amount of authority a functional B project C matrix D circular?

Project managers have the most authority in a pure project organizational structure and the least amount of authority in a pure functional organizational structure.

In what type of organizational structure do project managers have the least amount of authority quizlet?

Project managers have the least amount of authority in a functional organization, they have some authority in a balanced matrix, and, a little more authority in a strong matrix, but not as much authority as they have in a project-based organization.

Which organizational structure provides little to no authority for the project manager?

In what type of organization does the project manager have little or no authority? Although a weak matrix provides a project manager with limited authority, only the functional organization provides the project manager with little or no authority.

In which organizational structure does the project manager have the most authority?

Strong Matrix Structure Strong matrix organizations are closer to a projectized organization. The project managers have the highest authority, control over the budget, and a full-time team reporting to them.