What type of seating arrangements would you choose for a training course that involved small group case discussions?

  • School Gwinnett Technical College
  • Course Title EMPL MGMT2130
  • Pages 5
  • Ratings 100% (7) 7 out of 7 people found this document helpful

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the hands on learning, but it’s still a valuable and resourceful option.10. What type of seating arrangements would you choose for a training course thatinvolved small-group case discussions? For a lecture including PowerPoint anduse of YouTube videos? Explain your choices.

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11. List the steps in project management. Discuss how each step helps in effectivedesign.

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Develop-Involves many of the steps in the ISD process including identifying thetraining objectives and methods, how the program will be evaluated, andensuring transfer of training. Also involves designing the actual training includingany materials or online modules.Engage-This step is where the training is implemented. This step also includesconducting an evaluation of training.Stop-This step includes the finishing of the project, paying vendor and suppliers,and meeting with stakeholders to see if they feel that the project met itsobjectives and their expectations.

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What types of seating arrangements would you choose for a training course that involved small group case discussion?

A fan-type seating arrangement is best for a training course that involves small- group discussions because it allows for easier movement into a group activity from a presentation. It also helps make for easier communication among the groups.

Which seating arrangement should be used for group discussion?

U-shape. The U-shape or the horseshoe. This classroom arrangement encourages discussion and makes it easy for the teacher to observe students and give one-on-one help.

What is the best classroom arrangement for working in small groups?

Clusters. Clustering the desks into small groups promotes student-to-student interaction. Students develop skills such as communication, problem solving, collaboration, and more in this arrangement. These clusters offer safe and comfortable environments for students to share ideas.

What are the types of seating arrangement?

11 Seating Arrangements Used for Events.
Theatre. A Theatre style seating arrangement it the simplest, and most common, arrangement used in events. ... .
Classroom. ... .
Herringbone. ... .
U Shape. ... .
Horse Shoe. ... .
Hollow Square. ... .
Boardroom. ... .