What value does an automated asset inventory system have for the risk identification process?

Threat and Vulnerability Management

Table of Contents

  • Threat and Vulnerability Management
  • Asset and Data Inventory
  • Why We Need Security Programs
  • Classifying Assets
  • Introduction—The Internet of Things
  • How This Book Flows
  • CMDB System Use Cases
  • Some technology considerations
  • Information Security Risk Assessment: Data Collection
  • IT Asset Inventories
  • Detecting Operating Systems
  • Deployment: Questioning Change and Decision Making
  • What level of change management is most effective?
  • Information Security Risk Assessment: Maintenance and Wrap Up
  • Process Summary
  • Information Governance and Risk Management
  • Asset Identification and Valuation
  • Security Policy Overview
  • Developing a Security Policy
  • What is the value of risk identification?
  • What is risk management Why is the identification of risks and vulnerabilities to assets so important in risk management?
  • What is asset identification in risk management?
  • Which tool is most useful when identifying risks?

Evan Wheeler, in Security Risk Management, 2011

Asset and Data Inventory

Having an asset and data inventory is a basic part of any security program, but in many cases, it looks easier than it is. Assets usually are tracked at some level by other functions, but often, these inventories don't include the information that you will need. At a minimum, you will want to capture this basic data in your inventory:

System Type and Version

Software (including Version)

Physical and Logical Location

Logical Network Addressing


Resource Administrator

Data Sensitivity

For added efficiency, combining your inventory data with your Security Risk Profile can provide the TVM program with a single source for much of the data needed to verify applicability.

Let's imagine that a vulnerability notification for Apache Web server, version 2.0, is released. The first question you would need to ask is, “Does this apply in my environment?” If the answer is, “No,” then you have nothing else to do; it isn't productive to spend a lot of your own and the administrator's time trying to track down and qualify vulnerabilities that turn out not to be applicable in your environment. If, on the other hand, the answer is, “I don't know,” then you can't qualify the risk. For example, you may not run Apache directly on any of your Web servers, but a vendor product in your environment may use an Apache server as part of their application without you realizing it. So you can't rely solely on asset inventories that are based on records of what has been purchased, you also need to compare this to active discovery and scanning results.

There are many ways to start gathering inventory information if you don't already have a central database of assets:

Vulnerability scanning data will tell you a lot about your environment, but not necessarily about the business context for applications.

Infrastructure devices, such as DHCP, DNS, and NAC servers, can also be a good source of information.

Many organizations have a naming convention for systems that can be helpful.

Software licensing and maintenance contracts may also be helpful.

Records of technology purchases from the acquisitions or finance department are always helpful.

Methods for putting together a data inventory are similar: you can do scans of your environment, passively monitor communications, interview business owners, and so on.

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Why We Need Security Programs

Jason Andress CISSP, ISSAP, CISM, GPEN, Mark Leary CISSP, CISM, CGIET, PMP, in Building a Practical Information Security Program, 2017

Classifying Assets

In addition to developing an asset inventory so that we know specifically what we are protecting, in the sense of individual hosts, it is also vital that we know what the importance of the individual hosts is. We might choose any number of factors to rate the importance of a given host, but a few of the more likely are items such as whether the host is internet facing or not, whether it represents a single point of failure, whether it supports a critical process for the organization, and whether it stores or processes sensitive data. There will, of course, be any number of factors that may be more or less important in any given environment, and we should choose those appropriate for our needs.

We can generally assign a criticality level to the system and can base further efforts in the direction of security it on this rating. As with the asset list that we just discussed, having a formal definition of the criticality of any given system is a foundational part of developing the security program. If we cannot say that system X is more, less, or equally as important that systems Y and Z, then we have no basis for prioritizing work toward securing these systems, incident response efforts, disaster recovery, and so on.

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Introduction—The Internet of Things

Tyson Macaulay, in RIoT Control, 2017

How This Book Flows

The intent of this book to convey as much useful information about security requirements, threats, vulnerabilities, and risks in the IoT as possible, in a context familiar to those who must manage risk. It will therefore follow a format that will be immediately familiar to those who have conducted risk analyses, read threat-risk assessments, conducted them, or even have a broad-based security background that has introduced them to formal risk management.

So how does a risk assessment typically flow? Thusly:

Asset inventory: What are you assessing or protecting?

Requirements and sensitivity analysis: To how much damage are the assets susceptible, from the perspective of confidentiality, integrity, and availability? (In other words, unauthorized disclosure, change, deletion, or delay.)

Threat analysis: Who or what might want to impact sensitivity?

Vulnerability analysis: Where are the weaknesses that a threat agent might exploit?

Risk and mitigation: Taking into account the frequency or likelihood that a threat agent will try and exploit a vulnerability, what is the risk? Risk is almost always expressed in a qualitative manner (high/medium/low, for example), and we will not attempt to go beyond this convention. And finally, what can you do about the risk?

In the course of this book, we will hit all these high points and have developed chapters to fit this approach.

This chapter is an introduction to the concept of the IoT, what it might be, and what it probably is not. “Might” because this is a new area, and definitions are not hardened or complete.

Chapter 2, The Anatomy of the Internet of Things, is about the parts of the anatomy of the IoT: component parts and the different stakeholders. This is intended to identify what is in scope when discussing risk and the IoT. This is the first exercise of sensitivity analysis, as described previously.

Chapter 3, Requirements and Risk Management, is the second part of a sensitivity analysis—what are requirements for confidentiality, availability, and integrity from the perspective of business and operations?

Chapter 4, Business and Organizational Requirements, is about threats to the IoT: the “who” and “why” associated with the risks as we understand them now. In Chapter 4, Business and Organizational Requirements, as in Chapter 3, Requirements and Risk Management, we will try and remain at the business and operational level for discussion.

Chapter 5, Operational and Process Requirements, is about vulnerabilities in the IoT at the business and operational process levels, sometimes touching on technical issues. Vulnerabilities, in contrast to threats, are about the “how” of risk. How will a threat agent or entities inflict damage?

Chapter 6, Safety Requirements in the Internet of Things, is about safety risk requirements in the IoT and how they are related to security requirements.

Chapter 7, Confidentiality and Integrity and Privacy Requirements in the IoT, is about privacy, confidentiality, and integrity requirements in the IoT.

Chapter 8, Availability and Reliability Requirements in the IoT, is about availability and reliability requirements in the IoT and the associated risks and vulnerabilities.

Chapter 9, Identity and Access Control Requirements in the IoT, concerns identity and access control risks and vulnerabilities in the IoT.

Chapter 10, Usage Context and Environmental Requirements in the IoT, is about usage context and operating environment requirements in the IoT.

Chapter 11, Interoperability, Flexibility, and Industrial Design Requirements in the IoT, is about flexibility and interoperability requirements in the IoT.

Chapter 12, Threats and Impacts to the IoT, is a broad discussion of threats in the IoT, including a strategy for threat assessment and ranking.

Finally, Chapter 13, RIoT Control, is about treating the new risks in the IoT. It describes some of the potential new management techniques and operational controls and safeguards that might evolve in the coming years.

We have tried to make this book approachable for a variety of readers, not merely risk management and security nerds, so expect to see chapters that might drift into discussions tangential to pure risk management, but helpful to provide context. The IoT is a rapidly developing domain and any aids to memory or comprehension are generally helpful.

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CMDB System Use Cases

Dennis Nils Drogseth, ... Dan Twing, in CMDB Systems, 2015

Some technology considerations

Some of the key integrations and capabilities to consider in selecting technologies for Asset Management and Financial Optimization are

asset inventory (integration);

asset license/usage (integration);

asset contract management (integration);

financial or business-related analytics (integration);

service catalog for indicating service costs and articulating asset values (integration);

vendor management data (integration);

support for desktops and mobile devices from a life cycle perspective;

modeling to support document/contract affiliations, locations, owners and organizations, license-related Ts and Cs, and vendor/supplier SLAs and other cost-related data—as attributes for critical CIs;

automation in support of asset-related compliance audits;

integrations and analytics to support IT-to-enterprise planning and financial optimization.

Capabilities for change and configuration management as described in the first use case are also relevant considerations for life cycle asset management and optimization.

However, once again, please realize that eating the Asset Management and Financial Optimization elephant is best done one bite at a time. Do plan to build toward a more robust cross domain functionality with a longer-term vision but target phase 1 objectives based on realistic requirements. For instance, life cycle asset optimization for endpoints (desktops, mobile devices, etc.) represents a meaningful piece of the elephant in itself—and is more than enough to justify a useful set of phase 1 objectives.

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Information Security Risk Assessment: Data Collection

Mark Talabis, Jason Martin, in Information Security Risk Assessment Toolkit, 2013

IT Asset Inventories

One of the activities that should be started early during the data collection phase is the compilation of IT asset inventories and IT asset owners. This activity can be initiated at the early stages of the project and be run in parallel with the executive interviews. In fact, having a good knowledge of the IT assets would help you in the executive interviews especially when talking about systems that support the processes being discussed during the interview.

An IT asset inventory, as the name implies, is a list of IT assets that belong to the organization and support a business process or processes. The goal of this activity is to identify as many systems as possible and then, in the scoping phase, narrow the list down to the most important systems. An IT asset inventory basically gives you the building blocks to start your risk assessments for the individual systems.

This process sounds simple enough; however, time after time we have seen this activity be a source of confusion, especially during early implementations of the risk assessment and management process. This is particularly true in organizations that have never done a risk assessment and have a relatively immature control environment especially in the area of asset management.

The first step in this process is to identify sources where you can obtain or collect information for the IT asset inventory. There is rarely a “good” place to obtain this information and it may vary from organization to organization. In fact, depending on the type of organization you are working in there may be no listing or inventory at all. We have compiled a listing of groups that are typically involved with maintaining a rationalized listing of applications. Approaching these groups may give you the best chances of obtaining a good listing:

Asset Management Group.

Enterprise Architecture.

IT Application Support Group.

IT Operations Group.

Network Group.

Head of Individual Departments.


If you are lucky enough to be in an organization that has its own asset management group, there is a good chance that you will be able to get a decent listing; however, before you get your hopes up, some asset management groups focus primarily on tracking hardware rather than software and so they may not be able to provide much assistance. The organization’s application support group, as well as the enterprise architecture group are also typically great sources of information when trying to compile an IT asset listing.

Ok, so now you know the groups you should approach; however, how do you narrow down the individuals that you should be approaching? The best people to approach would be the operational or line managers for each group, as they are the most involved with actual operations. Going to executives to obtain this information may be of little value since the knowledge of day-to-day operational details tends to decrease the higher you move up the organizational hierarchy. Operational and line managers are more likely to know the key applications and supporting databases that are supporting their operations.

Ultimately, you need to keep in mind that your goal is to gather as much information as possible to allow you to build the closest approximation of all the systems supporting the organization. The information to be collected includes but is not limited to:

Listings of Enterprise Applications.

Listings of Databases.

Software Inventory.

Hardware Inventory.

System Diagrams.

Technical Design Documents.

The goal here is to combine all of the information collected into the form of a single list (e.g. a spreadsheet). Though you shouldn’t be picky when obtaining information from various sources in the organization there are certain important data elements that you should try to capture. These are:

Asset Name.

System Name.

Description of the System.

Hostnames or IP Address.

Vendor if any.

System Owner.

Technical Support Contact.

Department that uses the Asset.

Description of Data.

Classification of Data.

No of Records.

If an application:

Operating System.


If a database:

Operating System.

Applications Supported.

There are a variety of different sources for the above information, so it is important to rationalize and normalize the list. One common problem occurs when various groups use different modules of a single enterprise application and refer to the system by the module they use instead of the applications name. As trivial as this may sound, when it happens this can lead to having 10–15 entries on your listing, all of which are for the same system. Another question you will face is whether you should consider a database that supports an application as a separate asset. This is actually a tough question to answer. Let’s say that you have identified a database that supports multiple applications. Should you consider the database as a separate asset or would you only identify the application assets and leave the database server off the list? Ultimately, this depends on the application and database architecture. For a database that supports multiple applications such as a database cluster, there is an argument that it should be considered as an asset for purposes of creating your listing. In an instance where the database supports one application and is self-contained, you may just consider the application stack as one asset.

In many cases, the collection and correlation of the data needed to build your listing does not go as well as planned. There are usually large gaps between what information you would like to obtain and what you actually have. The goal here is to gather as much information as you can. At the very least, you should aim to obtain the system name and system owner as this information will allow you to follow-up and gather more detailed information through interviews.

A sample asset inventory is provided in the companion website of this book.

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Using Nmap

Angela Orebaugh, Becky Pinkard, in Nmap in the Enterprise, 2008

Detecting Operating Systems

A really nice feature of Nmap is the ability to remotely detect OS versions. This is particularly useful for network asset inventory and OS patch management. For example, you may use Nmap OS detection to identify outdated or unauthorized systems on your networks. Nmap performs OS detection by probing the target host and analyzing the responses. Probes include TCP and UDP packets that examine OS specifics such as initial sequence numbers (ISN), TCP options, IP identifier (ID) numbers, timestamps, explicit congestion notification (ECN), and window sizes. Each OS has distinctive responses to the probes, which identify the OS and result in an OS fingerprint. The probes and response matches are located in the nmap-os-db file. Nmap will attempt to identify the following parameters:

Vendor Name The vendor of the OS such as Microsoft or Sun.

Operating System The underlying OS such as Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris.

OS Generation The version of the OS such as Vista, XP, 2003, 10.5, or 10.

Device Type The type of device such as general purpose, print server, media, router, WAP, or power device.

In addition to these parameters, OS detection also provides useful information on system uptime and TCP Sequence Predictability Classification, which is the measure of the difficulty to forge a TCP connection against the remote host. To enable OS detection with your port scan use the -O command-line option. For example:

# nmap -O

Starting Nmap 4.50 (http://insecure.org) at 2008-01-03 21:40 EST

Interesting ports on

Not shown: 1709 closed ports

631/tcp open ipp
1033/tcp open netinfo

Device type: general purpose

Running: Apple Mac OS X 10.4.X

OS details: Apple Mac OS X 10.4.8 – 10.4.10 (Tiger) (Darwin 8.8.0 – 8.10.2)

Network Distance: 0 hops

OS detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at http://insecure. org/nmap/submit/.

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11.844 seconds

This command will use Nmap’s default SYN scan for port detection, but the OS detection option can be combined with any of the port detection techniques.

Nmap includes several command-line options to configure the OS detection engine. To limit OS detection to targets with at least one open port and one closed port, thus increasing your chances of a successful identification, you can use the --osscan-limit command-line option. If Nmap can’t make a perfect match for an OS it will guess something that is close, but not exact. To make Nmap guess more aggressively, you can use the --osscan-guess command-line option. Lastly, to make OS detection quicker you can lower the --max-os-retries command-line option. By default, Nmap will retry OS detection five times, and two times when conditions aren’t favorable. Setting the --max-os-retries to a lower value such as 1 will speed up the detection process, but detection may not be as reliable.

This section provided a basic introduction to Nmap’s OS detection usage. Table 4.4 summarizes the OS detection command-line options. Nmap’s OS detection features are covered in more detail in Chapter 6.

Table 4.4. Operating System Detection Command-Line Options

-O Enable OS detection
--osscan-limit Only perform OS detection against targets with at least one open and one closed port
--osscan-guess Guess near-matches aggressively
--max-retries < number > Sets the number of OS detection retries


For detailed information on OS detection, including usage and customization, check out http://insecure.org/nmap/osdetect.

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Deployment: Questioning Change and Decision Making

Andrew S. Wigodsky, in RAPID Value Management for the Business Cost of Ownership, 2004

What level of change management is most effective?

The last is one of the most critical points of ITSM: You must manage changes to configuration carefully. ITSM does not define the size, scope, or shape of a component; this task ITSM leaves up to the organization. The general rule is that you should size each component in a CMDB to the level of “independent change” or “maximum control with minimum records.”1

Finding the right components to include and pinpointing the appropriate level of detail is the ultimate challenge, but generally you can start with an asset inventory and justify your way simpler or more complicated. If you develop software internally, you will need to account for changes to these components as well. With a model, you can see the effects of architecture and process on each individual component to help you make decisions. A model can help you

Understand the relationships

Estimate the impacts of each change before making changes

Ensure that resources do not make untracked changes

HP's Change Management group defines five principles of change management. The following principles are the basis for the Global Change Management Standards and Procedures. (See Table 8.1)

Table 8.1. Change management

Cut over/under Information Services Operations control

Cut over is done under GBS control, activated by the change manager's approval of the change and its implementation plan, and the approval of the appropriate approving manager.

An approving manager can delegate the approval function as long as this does not conflict with the change management standard/policy.

Project manager's responsibilities Changes are to be submitted by the project manager/change owner in charge of the change on the mandatory quest change request form. The project manager/change owner takes responsibility for ensuring all tasks required to implement the change have been identified and are acted on correctly. He or she is also responsible for ensuring users' understanding for the necessity of the change, representing customers in the change management process, and coordinating changes with customers.
Changes are approved, rescheduled, or canceled by the change management team members Changes and schedules are accepted and approved for implementation by approvers and the change management team. This is based on risk and benefits analysis of the change. In case of conflicts, changes may be rescheduled or canceled on the basis of unacceptable risk to the company's shared systems environment after consultation of all involved parties.
Change request approval deadlocks and appeals As the change manager has the authority to approve or cancel a change, he/she must not be subject to pressure from any project manager/change owner. In case of disagreement, the project manager/change owner needs to involve the respective level of GBS management for final decision.
Change management planning/review meetings Scope, scheduling, and completion of all changes are reviewed periodically. Change management is responsible for facilitating meetings as prescribed in the global change management procedure document. The project managers, requesters, and implementation managers are committed to contribute to the planning and review process as required.

(Source: HP)

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Information Security Risk Assessment: Maintenance and Wrap Up

Mark Talabis, Jason Martin, in Information Security Risk Assessment Toolkit, 2012

Process Summary

At this point, we have completed a full information security risk assessment; however, the overall process is not finished. The final part of our information security risk assessment process is to conduct a post-mortem in order to see if there are options and alternatives for improving the process. Before diving into the post-mortem review let’s look back at each of the phases of the process:

Data Collection

In the data collection phase our primary focus was to gather information in support of our information security risk assessment. Without adequate data, there is very little value to the risk assessment. If you have been performing a risk assessment as you’ve read through the book than you have already experienced the fact that the data collection phase is the most rigorous activity within the information security risk assessment process.

Some of the important activities conducted in the data collection phase were:

Preparing the risk assessment team

Identifying the sponsor

Performing executive interviews

Sending document requests

Obtaining asset inventories

Asset scoping

Conducting the asset profile survey

Conducting the control survey

At the end of the data collection phase, the assessor would have “containers” for the data elements that were collected. These “containers” could be a spreadsheet, a database or even just a bunch of files. At this point there is very little structure to the data and it is far from being something useable. This is where the next phase, data analysis, comes into play.

Data Analysis

In this phase, the main goal was to transform the data that we’ve collected in the data collection phase into something useable. At this point in the process the assessor has collected various forms of data from survey results, interviews, documents, issues registers, and other sources bundled together into one container. The data analysis phase, takes that amalgamated data and adds structure. This is the point where the practitioner moves from just having raw collected data into the actual analysis of risk in the organization and the organization’s systems.

Some of the important activities in this phase include:

Compiling observations from the interviews

Compiling observations from documents collected

Preparing the threat/vulnerability catalogs

Performing the Impact Analysis

Performing the Likelihood Analysis

Performing the Control Analysis

Computing for the Risk Score

At the end of this phase, the assessor will have a list of observations, which are typically high level organizational issues, and a list of risk scores for each application that provide a system view of risk. These will be the primary components used for identifying the risk to the organization in the risk analysis phase.

Risk Analysis

At this point, we have collected the data, and then through data analysis, have converted the data into a structured format so that an assessor can perform the actual risk analysis over the organization and the in-scope systems. The main goal of this phase is also the goal of the whole risk assessment process: Determine what the risks are to the organization and its information systems. Simply put, this is where you answer the question: What is our risk?

The main activities that were conducted in this phase were:

Performing a System Specific Risk Review

Performing an Organizational or Strategic Risk Review

At the end of this phase, the assessor will have identified the main risks for each of the in-scope systems (if done correctly), and would begin to have an overall view of the organization’s information security risk level as well.


During reporting, the assessor documents their findings and communicates to various stakeholders and relevant parties the results of the risk assessment. Though this is a relatively simple part of the overall process, proper reporting could make or break your assessment. We can’t stress enough the importance of properly communicating the findings of the assessment. Even if the assessment was done flawlessly, inaccurate reporting of a finding could produce significant issues in the acceptance of your work.

The main activities conducted in this phase are:

Preparing a communication plan

Presenting to the executives

Preparing debriefs to other parties

Preparing and packaging the final report

At the end of this phase, the assessor will have communicated the results of the risk assessment to all relevant parties that have a stake in the process as well as provided the necessary documentation to support all the activities performed so far.

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Information Governance and Risk Management

Timothy Virtue, Justin Rainey, in HCISPP Study Guide, 2015

Asset Identification and Valuation

The second concept to understand involves asset identification and valuation. An important component to a risk management methodology is the identification and inventory of information assets. Without an accurate asset inventory, it will be difficult to assess risk and ensure appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards are implemented to protect the organization’s assets. For example, as the HIPAA Security Rule mandates protection for electronic protected health information, the organization must understand where this type of information is stored, received, maintained, or transmitted to ensure it receives appropriate protections and the organization maintains compliance with the law. Asset valuation is another important factor in identifying the importance of assets to an organization. Value can be derived in both tangible and intangible forms and associated with risk (e.g., low, medium, high). Tangible forms involve direct (real) value of physical assets including revenue and server or facility costs. Intangible forms involve indirect value such as brand, reputation, and loss of prospective customers and intellectual property. For example, let us say a healthcare organization has an online prescription filling system that generates $5000 per hour in revenue. If the system goes offline unexpectedly for 3 hours and leaves the organization unable to take new orders or fill prescriptions, the organization would have $15,000 in tangible (direct) revenue losses. The organization might also incur intangible losses associated with media coverage of the outage impacting brand and reputation or customers filling prescriptions with a competitor. An inventory of information assets and their associated value will enable organizations to leverage a risk-based approach to protecting only those assets with the greatest need of protection. Otherwise organizations will be left wasting resources and likely failing to protect all information assets equally based on the highest set of requirements.

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Security Policy Overview

Craig Wright, in The IT Regulatory and Standards Compliance Handbook, 2008

Developing a Security Policy

The aim of this process is to develop policies and procedures that are designed to meet the business needs of the organization. This process should provide a framework under which all security architecture design, implementation and management can be accomplished.

Security policy and procedures should be created from information collected from the organization and its staff. To determine what your security requirements are, is best achieved by a combination of:

The results of an information asset inventory

Interviews with information asset owners

Interviews with IT security staff

Interviews with organization managers.

The next stage is to develop a corporate security policy that will contain, at a minimum:

A definition of information security with a clear statement of management's intentions

An explanation of specific security requirements including:

Compliance with legislative and contractual requirements

Security education, virus prevention and detection, and business continuity planning

A definition of general and specific roles and responsibilities for the various aspects of your information security program

An explanation of the requirement and process for reporting suspected security incidents

The process, including roles and responsibilities, for maintaining the policy document

Begin by Talking About the Issue

Before you even start to write policy, find some people and discuss what you want to achieve. Talk about the trade-offs:

Could the policy be more liberal or stricter?

Could it be more specific or more liberal?

There are two principal reasons to do this:

The aim is to get buy in from the stakeholders. Asking people's opinion before sending them a draft allows you to determine the views of others and also to demonstrate that you care about their opinion and want their feedback. This gets people involved.

By discussing the policy out loud, you begin to collate the concepts into a logical readable issue.

The Use of the English Language in Policy Should Be Simple

Policy should be simple. For most organizations it should be targeted somewhere between 6th and 9th grade mastery of the English language.

Overly wordy policies with impressive sounding words are commonly misunderstood.

Keep the language used in writing policy Simple!

Policy Should Be Evaluated on Clarity and Conciseness

When you are evaluating policy, assess it from the perspective of the consumer. In this case this is the individual who needs to read, understand, and follow the policy.

The policy simply has to be clear and concise.

If users start to read something they do not understand, they tend to go on to something else.

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What is the value of risk identification?

Risk identification enables businesses to develop plans to minimize harmful events before they arise. The objective of this step is to identify all possible risks that could harm company operations, such as lawsuits, theft, technology breaches, business downturns, or even a Category 5 hurricane.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risks and vulnerabilities to assets so important in risk management?

Risk management is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in an organization's information systems and taking carefully reasoned steps to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all the components in the organization's information system.

What is asset identification in risk management?

In other words, identifying risks entails providing a list of critical information assets the organization needs to protect and identifying their vulnerabilities and potential threats that could exploit the assets (Reid & Floyd, 2001).

Which tool is most useful when identifying risks?

SWOT. SWOT, or strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, is another tool to help with identifying risks.

What is the value of risk identification?

Risk identification enables businesses to develop plans to minimize harmful events before they arise. The objective of this step is to identify all possible risks that could harm company operations, such as lawsuits, theft, technology breaches, business downturns, or even a Category 5 hurricane.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risk and vulnerabilities to assets so important in risk management?

Risk management is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in an organization's information systems and taking carefully reasoned steps to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all the components in the organization's information system.

What information attribute is often of great value for networking equipment when DHCP is not used?

What information attribute is often of great value for networking equipment when DHCP is not used? The IP address is a useful attribute for networking equipment.

Which is more important to the systems components classification scheme that the asset identification list be comprehensive or mutually exclusive?

It is more important that the list be comprehensive than mutually exclusive. It would be far better to have a component assessed in an incorrect category rather than to have it go completely unrecognized during a risk assessment.