What was one way in which New Englanders who settled in New York impacted the colony in the 1680s?

Colonial North America

The second, larger Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay was conceived as a "city upon a hill." But it also struggled with internal turmoil—like the Salem Witch Trials—and external conflict, like King Philip's (Metacom's) War. 

Colonial North America

How did New Englanders religious ideas influence their relations with neighboring Native American peoples?

How did New Englanders' religious ideas influence their relations with neighboring Native American peoples? The Puritans believed they were God's chosen people. They considered themselves divinely ordained. Like Catholic Missionaries, Puritans felt their such should embrace everyone.

Why did England reduce colonial autonomy during the 1680s?

In what ways did England reduce colonial autonomy during the 1680s? a. Charles II revoked the charters of all colonies that had violated the Navigation Acts.

What statement accurately depicts the legal status of people of African descent in the Chesapeake?

What statement accurately depicts the legal status of people of African descent in the Chesapeake prior to 1660? Blacks' rights were ambiguous, allowing some Africans to become landowners with servants or slaves.

What was the impact of King Philip's War 1675 1676 )? Quizlet?

What was the impact of King Philip's War (1675-1676)? Native Americans destroyed twelve Massachusetts towns, which helped establish them in the minds of New Englanders as bloodthirsty savages. the government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power.

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