What was the connection between President Wilsons Fourteen Points and Germanys surrender quizlet?

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1) What pushed you to keep Russia out of the conference?
A= Russia was in the middle of a civil war and for such reason they are not enoughly stable like to take part in a peace conference.

(World War I was over. The killing had stopped. The terms of peace, however, still had to be worked out. On January 18, 1919, a con- ference to establish those terms began at the Palace of Versailles, outside Paris. Attending the talks, known as the Paris Peace Conference, were delegates repre- senting 32 countries. For one year, this conference would be the scene of vigor- ous, often bitter debate. The Allied powers struggled to solve their conflicting aims in various peace treaties.)

(As the Paris Peace Conference opened, Britain and France showed little sign of agreeing to Wilson's vision of peace. Both nations were concerned with national security. They also wanted to strip Germany of its war-making power.
The differences in French, British, and U.S. aims led to heated arguments among the nations' leaders. Finally a compromise was reached. The Treaty of Versailles between Germany and the Allied powers was signed on June 28, 1919, five years to the day after Franz Ferdinand's assassination in Sarajevo. Adopting Wilson's fourteenth point, the treaty created a League of Nations. The league was to be an international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations.
The treaty also punished Germany. The defeated nation lost substantial territory and had severe restrictions placed on its military opera- tions. As tough as these provisions were, the harshest was Article 231. It was also known as the "war guilt" clause. It placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany's shoulders. As a result, Germany had to pay reparations to the Allies.
All of Germany's territories in Africa and the Pacific were declared mandates, or territories to be administered by the League of Nations. Under the peace agreement, the Allies would govern the mandates until they were judged ready for independence.)

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Which of the following best describes the relationship between President Wilson's Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles quizlet?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between President Wilson's Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles? The Fourteen Points added the League of Nations to the Treaty of Versailles.

How did Wilson's 14 points affect Germany?

The promise of the Fourteen Points helped to bring the Germans to peace talks at the end of the war. However, the actual results of the Treaty of Versailles were much harsher against Germany than the Fourteen Points.

What did President Wilson's Fourteen Points propose about communication between nations quizlet?

What did President Wilson's Fourteen Points propose about communication between nations? The world's leaders should handle disputes openly.

When did President Wilson offer Germany to surrender?

When Germany offered to surrender, President Wilson would not agree to it unless something happened first. What was it? Kaiser Wilhelm had to abdicate his throne. Why were the Balkans so important to Germany's war effort?


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