What will the nurse instruct the client to do to prevent the development of tolerance to nitroglycerin?

8. A client who has angina is prescribed nitroglycerin. The nurse reviews which appropriate nursing interventions for nitroglycerin? (Select all that apply.)

a. Have client lie down when taking a nitroglycerin sublingual tablet.

b. Teach client to repeat taking a tablet in 5 minutes if chest pain persists.

c. Apply Transderm-Nitro patch to a hairy area to protect skin from burning.

d. Call the health care provider after taking 5 tablets if chest pain persists.

e. Warn client against ingesting alcohol while taking nitroglycerin.

Which patient instruction will help prevent tolerance to nitrate therapy?

One of the ways to prevent tolerance is to change the dosing of regular nitrate therapy to guarantee a nitrate-free interval. For example, if patients take nitrate patches, the recommendation is only to wear them for 12 hours to allow a nitrate-free interval of 8–12 hours. This minimises the risk of tolerance.

Which instruction does the nurse provide to the patient for correct application of nitroglycerin?

Place one tablet under the tongue. Inform the patient NOT to swallow or chew the tablet, but let it dissolve under the tongue. In addition, have the patient NOT eat or drink anything for 10-15 minutes after administration.

Which instruction regarding sublingual nitroglycerin would the nurse provide to the patient?

Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets should not be chewed, crushed, or swallowed. They work much faster when absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Place the tablet under the tongue or between the cheek and gum, and let it dissolve. Do not eat, drink, smoke, or use chewing tobacco while a tablet is dissolving.

What would the nurse teach a patient about administration of their nitroglycerin transdermal patch?

Do not apply the patch to your arms below the elbows, to your legs below the knees, or to skin folds. Apply the patch to clean, dry, hairless skin that is not irritated, scarred, burned, broken, or calloused. Choose a different area each day. You may shower while you are wearing a nitroglycerin skin patch.


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