When a neutral stimulus NS is paired with an already established CS and the NS becomes a CS this is called?

An unconditioned stimulus elicits a(n) __________. 

unconditioned response (UR)

Respondent conditioning occurs when a ______ is paired with a(n) _______. 

previously neutral stimulus (NS); Unconditioned Stimulus 

As a result respondent conditioning, the _____ becomes a conditioned stimulus and elicits a _______.

Neutral stimulus (NS); conditioned response (CR)

When a neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with an already established CS and the NS becomes a CS, this is called ________.

higher-order conditioning

When Pavlov presented the sound of the metronome repeatedly without putting the meat powder in the dog’s mouth, the dog quit salivating to the metronome. What is this process? 

After respondent extinction occurred in which the dog no longer salivated to the sound of the metronome, later Pavlov presented the metronome and the dog began to salivate (to a lesser extent). This is called 

For respondent conditioning to be most effective, the US should _____ (precede / follow) the CS

Respondent conditioning is not likely to occur when the CS _____ (precedes / follows) the US.

______ is an example of a conditioned emotional response.

T F Unconditioned responses have survival value for the individual.

T F Ideally, the US should occur immediately before the onset of the CS.

T F Backward conditioning is most likely to result in respondent conditioning.

T F During spontaneous recovery, the magnitude of the CR is usually smaller than the magnitude of the CR that occurred prior to extinction.

T F Respondent and operant behaviors cannot occur together in the same situation.

T F One pairing between a neutral stimulus and a US is often sufficient to establish the neutral stimulus as a CS.

T F CERs are always negative.

T F A neutral stimulus becomes a CS by being paired with a US.

T F In respondent extinction, the target behavior is no longer reinforced.

T F In respondent extinction, the CS occurs without the US and eventually the CS no longer elicits a CR.

T F A less intense stimulus will be a more effective US.

When a neutral stimulus is paired with a CS the neutral stimulus will become a CS and elicit a CR This process is called?

The process by which a previously neutral stimulus acquires the capacity to elicit a response through association with a stimulus that already elicits a similar or related response. The response is termed a reflex or a respondent.

What is the neutral stimulus NS That becomes a conditioned stimulus CS through repeated pairing?

Stimulus discrimination occurs when the organism learns to differentiate between the CS and other similar stimuli. In second-order conditioning, a neutral stimulus becomes a CS after being paired with a previously established CS.

How does a neutral stimulus become a CS?

In classical conditioning, when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus. With repeated presentations of both the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus will elicit a response as well, known as a conditioned response.

What is it called when a neutral stimulus is paired with a previously conditioned stimulus to become a conditioned stimulus as well this?

The classical conditioning process is all about pairing a previously neutral stimulus with another stimulus that naturally produces a response. After pairing the presentation of these two together enough times, an association is formed. The previously neutral stimulus will then evoke the response all on its own.


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