When a person authorizes another to make medical decisions on his or her behalf the person has written which of the following?

B, C, E

This client lives in Oregon, one of five states that have decriminalized physician-assisted suicide, the practice of providing a means by which a client can end his or her own life. This practice is controversial, with proponents arguing the client has a right to self-determination and a relief from suffering when there is no other means of palliation (Quill & Greenlaw, 2008). Opponents, on the other hand, find it contrary to the Hippocratic Oath. In this scenario, the nurse should determine exactly what the client is asking and then support his or her wishes. It is not the nurse's role to suggest physician-assisted suicide voluntarily, however.

When a person authorizes another to make medical decisions on his or her behalf the person has written Which of the following quizlet?

A proxy directive and health care power of attorney are other names for a durable power of attorney for health care, in which one individual is appointed and authorized to make medical decisions on behalf of another person when that person is no longer able to speak for him or herself.

In which of the following legal documents is the health care proxy authorized?

Advance directives and living wills are legal documents that give instructions to your family members, health care providers, and others about the kind of care you would want to receive if you can no longer communicate your wishes because you are incapacitated by a temporary or permanent injury or illness.

Which classification is given to a client who has a long term chronic or terminal disease?

Terminally ill: “A life expectancy of 6 months or less.” Terminally ill: “Beneficiaries who have a progressive incurable illness that will culminate in death.”

In which of the following types of awareness the client is unaware of impending death?

Closed awareness denotes a context in which patients are not aware of their own impending death.


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