When and where was the UN charter drafted where was the first official meeting of the UN General Assembly held quizlet?

The Pumpkin Papers consisted of sixty-five pages of retyped secret State Department documents, four pages in Hiss's own handwriting of copied State Department cables, and five rolls of developed and undeveloped 35 mm film. The State Department documents dealt with a wide variety of subjects, including U. S. intentions with respect to the Soviet Union, the Spanish Civil War, and Germany's takeover of Austria.

The identity of the typist of the sixty-five State Department documents was a major point of contention. The government argued that the documents were typed on a Woodstock typewriter owned by the Hiss' in early 1938. Hiss argued that neither he nor his wife could have typed the documents because the Woodstock typewriter identified as having been used to type the documents was given away by them in 1937.

HUAC sent the film to Eastman Kodak to determine the date of manufacture. Initial test results indicated that the film was manufactured in 1945. However, Eastman Kodak reported the initial report was wrong, and that the film was made in 1938, consistent with Chambers' story.

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Gorbachev met with President Reagan to discuss a mutual limitation of nuclear arms, resulting in the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty. In addition, he dramatically changed Communist policy by agreeing to reduce Soviet weapons strength, to free the enslaved nations of Eastern Europe, and to stop encouraging revolution and bloodshed throughout the world.

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