When assessing a dark skinned client for cyanosis what area of the body will best reveal cyanosis?

A complete health database

A complete health database is the framework for a complete health history and full physical examination. The information thus obtained describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured. The complete health database is used in a primary care setting, such as a pediatric or family practice clinic, independent or group private practice, college health service, women's health care agency, visiting nurse agency, or community health agency. An episodic database is used for a limited or short-term problem. It focuses mainly on one problem or one body system. A follow-up database evaluates an identified problem at regular and appropriate intervals. An emergency database is used for rapid collection of the data, often compiled concurrently with lifesaving measures.

When assessing a dark

Cyanosis would be best noted in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The nurse is monitoring a wound in a dark-skinned client for signs of erythema. How should the nurse best determine the presence of erythema? 1.

What area of the body would the nurse assess for cyanosis in a patient with dark skin quizlet?

Terms in this set (66) answer a,b,d ........ In dark-skinned people, cyanosis can be best assessed by examining the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, tongue, conjunctivae, or the buccal mucosa. In light-skinned people, the nailbeds and the area around the lips can be used.

Where do you assess for cyanosis and pallor in dark

Here are conditions and techniques to use in the assessment of darkly pigmented skin: Cyanosis—Inspect the conjunctivae, palms, soles, oral mucosa and tongue. Pallor—Inspect the sclera, conjunctivae, oral mucosa, tongue, lips, nail beds, palms and soles.

When assessing a patient with dark skin which areas should the nurse check for physical manifestations of jaundice?

Jaundice produces a yellow-orange discoloration of body tissues. Which body part is the best site for the nurse to inspect for jaundice? The best site to inspect for signs and symptoms of jaundice is the sclera, or the mucous membranes.