When assessing a Gerontologic client the nurse expects to find various aging related physiologic changes These changes include?

A Palpation
Respiratory fremitus is felt when the nurse places hands on the client's back and palpates for presence of vibrations or fremitus during respiratory effort. During palpation, a nurse touches a client's body to feel for vibrations and pulsations, to locate body structures, and to assess such characteristics as size, texture, temperature, tenderness, and mobility. During auscultation, the nurse uses a stethoscope to listen for sounds. During inspection, the nurse uses her critical observation skills. During percussion, she taps the client's body sharply with her fingers or hands to elicit sounds

In a care conference, the social worker is asking if a psychosocial assessment has been completed. Which areas would the nurse report on as part of this assessment?

a) Rest and sleep patterns, activity and exercise patterns, and coping and stress tolerance
b) Breathing patterns, circulation patterns, and responses to hospitalization
c) Health habits, family relationships, affect, and thought patterns
d) General survey results, eating habits, and ability to perform activities of daily living

Sets with similar terms

When Auscultating a client's chest a nurse assesses a second heart sound S2 What would the nurse determine is the cause of this sound?

The first sound (S1) is caused by closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves and the two sounds tend to merge as one. When considered separately, the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves is called M1 and T1 respectively. The second sound (S2) is caused by closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves.

When assessing a dark skinned client for cyanosis what area of the body will best reveal cyanosis?

Cyanosis would be best noted in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The nurse is monitoring a wound in a dark-skinned client for signs of erythema. How should the nurse best determine the presence of erythema? 1.

When a nurse enters a client's room the client complains that she is spitting up blood when she coughs when the nurse takes a quick health history it will include?

When an emergency department nurse enters the room, the client complains that she's spitting up blood when she coughs. The nurse performs a quick review of the client's pertinent health history, which should include: 2. the history of the present problem, allergies, medications, and recent major operations.

Which trait is the most important for ensuring that a nurse manager is effective?

Nurse managers need strong communication and leadership skills. They should be adept at coordinating resources and personnel and meeting goals and objectives. They must be effective leaders who can strike a balance between working with the nursing staff and the healthcare facility administrators.