When caring for a client with pneumonia, which nursing intervention is the highest priority?

Encouraging increased fluid intake

Increasing the client's intake of oral or I.V. fluids helps liquefy thick, tenacious secretions, and ensures adequate hydration. Turning the client every 2 hours would help prevent atelectasis, but will not adequately mobilize thick secretions. Elevating the head of the bed would reduce pressure on the diaphragm and ease breathing, but wouldn't help the client with secretions. Maintaining a cool room temperature wouldn't help the client with secretions.

What is the nursing intervention when caring for a client with pneumonia?

The following nursing assessment for pneumonia and nursing interventions promote airway patency, increase fluid intake, and teach and encourage effective cough and deep-breathing techniques. 1. Assess the rate, rhythm, and depth of respiration, chest movement, and use of accessory muscles.

For which clinical manifestation should the nurse observe in a patient with pneumonia?

Respiratory assessment should further identify clinical manifestations such as pleuritic pain, bradycardia, tachypnea, and fatigue, use of accessory muscles for breathing, coughing, and purulent sputum.

What are the uses of pulmonary function tests PFT )? Select all that apply?

Pulmonary function tests are done to: Help in the diagnosis of certain types of lung disease, such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Find the cause of shortness of breath. Measure whether exposure to chemicals at work affects lung function.

Which of the following diets would be most appropriate for a client with COPD?

A person with COPD should try to eat plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber-rich foods and add healthy sources of fat to meals and snacks.