When considering treatment of migraine headaches What is the primary goal of abortive therapy?

To determine the effectiveness of the prescribed drugs

To assess headache symptoms and identify the type of headache

To identify the presence of any unusual changes associated with the headache

Headache diaries or journals allow the patient to document each headache to help the healthcare provider determine the type of headache on the basis of the patient's symptoms, determine the effectiveness of prescribed drugs, and identify any unusual changes associated with the headaches. A headache diary is not intended as a creative release or to take the patient's mind off the headache symptoms.

What is the goal of abortive therapy in migraine headaches?

Abortive: The goal of abortive treatment is to stop a migraine once it starts. Abortive medications stop a migraine when you feel one coming or once it has begun. Abortive medications can be taken by self-injection, mouth, skin patch, or nasal spray.

What is the most common abortive therapy for cluster headaches?

Subcutaneous sumatriptan and high-flow oxygen are the most proven abortive treatments for cluster headache attacks, but other treatment options such as intranasal triptans may be effective. Verapamil and lithium are the preventive drugs of first choice and the most widely used in first-line preventive treatment.

What is the best treatment for migraine headache?

Many people who have migraines find that over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen, can help to reduce their symptoms. They tend to be most effective if taken at the first signs of a migraine attack, as this gives them time to absorb into your bloodstream and ease your symptoms.

Which of the following drugs can be used as abortive therapy for migraines?

Triptans are used as abortive medications for moderately severe to severe migraine headaches. These drugs are selective serotonin agonists, specifically acting at 5-hydroxytryptamine 1B/1D (5-HT1B/1D) receptors on intracranial blood vessels and sensory nerve endings.