When making a visit to the home of postpartum woman 1 week after birth the nurse should recognize that the woman would characteristically?

C) Shifts between the desire to have her own nurturing needs met and the need to take charge of her own care and that of her newborn.

One week after birth the woman should exhibit behaviors characteristic of the taking-hold stage. This stage lasts for as long as 4 to 5 weeks after birth.

Reviewing events and behavior during labor/birth and exhibiting reduced attention span/limited readiness to learn are characteristic of the taking-in stage, which lasts for the first few days after birth.

Re-establishing role as spouse/partner reflects the letting-go stage, which indicates that psychosocial recovery is complete.

When helping a woman cope with postpartum blues What suggestion should the nurse offer?

Suggestions for coping with postpartum blues include: (1) Remember that the "blues" are normal and that both the mother and the father or partner may experience them. (2) Get plenty of rest; nap when the baby does if possible. Go to bed early, and let friends and family know when to visit and how they can help.

Which of the following behaviors characterizes the postpartum mother in the taking in phase?

Which of the following behaviors characterizes the PP mother in the taking in phase? Passive and dependant. During the taking in phase, which usually lasts 1-3 days, the mother is passive and dependent and expresses her own needs rather than the neonate's needs.

When assessing a mother 12 hours following the delivery of a baby where should the nurse expect to palpate the fundus?

Immediately after delivery, the upper portion of the uterus, known as the fundus, is midline and palpable halfway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus. By approximately one hour post delivery, the fundus is firm and at the level of the umbilicus.

What is the taking hold phase of postpartum?

Taking Hold Phase The woman starts to initiate actions on her own and making decisions without relying on others. Women who underwent anesthesia reach this phase only hours after her delivery. She starts to focus on the newborn instead of herself and begins to actively participate in newborn care.