When making the bed of a client who needs a bed cradle, which action should the nurse include?

The nurse is evaluating a client learning about a low-sodium diet. Selection of which meal would indicate to the nurse that this client understands the dietary restrictions?

Tossed salad, low-sodium dressing, bacon and tomato sandwich.

New England clam chowder, no-salt crackers, fresh fruit salad.

Skim milk, turkey salad, roll, vanilla ice cream.

Macaroni and cheese, diet Coke, a slice of cherry pie.

HESI Fundamentals Practice Test B

1.What is the rationale for using the nursing process in planning care for clients?
A. As a scientific process to identify nursing diagnoses of a clients' healthcare problems.
B. To establish nursing theory that incorporates the biopsychosocial nature of

C (The nursing process is a problem-solving approach that provides an organized, systematic, decision making process to effectively address the client's needs and problems. The nursing process includes an organized framework using knowledge, judgments, an

2.What activity should the nurse use in the evaluation phase of the nursing process?
A. Ask a client to evaluate the nursing care provided.
B. Document the nursing care plan in the progress notes.
C. Determine whether a client's health problems have been

In the nursing process, the evaluation component examines the effectiveness of nursing interventions in achieving client outcomes (D). (A) is an evaluation of client satisfaction, not outcomes. (B) is a written record of the plan of care. Although (C) may

3.Which statement is an example of a correctly written nursing diagnosis statement?
A. Altered tissue perfusion related to congestive heart failure.
B. Altered urinary elimination related to urinary tract infection.
C. Risk for impaired tissue integrity r

The first part of the nursing diagnosis statement is the diagnostic label and is followed by related to the cause, which should direct the nurse to the appropriate interventions. (D) best fits this criteria. (A and B) contain a medical diagnosis. (C) incl

4.What action by the nurse demonstrates culturally sensitive care?
A. Asks permission before touching a client.
B. Avoids questions about male-female relationships.
C. Explains the differences between Western medical care and cultural folk remedies.
D. Ap

Physical contact, such as touching the head, in some cultures is a sign of respect, whereas in others, it is strictly forbidden. So asking permission before touching a client (A) demonstrates culturally sensitive care. (B, C, and D) do not demonstrate cul

5.A nurse is becoming increasingly frustrated by the family members' efforts to participate in the care of a hospitalized client. What action should the nurse implement to cope with these feelings of frustration?
A. Suggest that other cultural practices b

Acknowledging a client's beliefs and customs related to sickness and health care are valuable components in the plan of care that prevents conflict between the goals of nursing and the client's cultural practices. Cultural sensitivity begins with examinin

6.Which technique is most important for the nurse to implement when performing a physical assessment?
A. A head-to-toe approach.
B. The medical systems model.
C. A consistent, systematic approach.
D. An approach related to a nursing model.

The most important factor in performing a physical assessment is following a consistent and systematic technique (C) each time an assessment is performed to minimize variation in sequence which may increase the likelihood of omitting a step or exam of an

7.A 73-year-old Hispanic client is seen at the community health clinic with a history of protein malnutrition. What information should the nurse obtain first?
A. Amount of liquid protein supplements consumed daily.
B. Foods and liquids consumed during the

A client's dietary habits should be determined first by the client's dietary recall (B) before suggesting protein sources or supplements (A and C) as options in the client's diet. Although grains and legumes (D) contain incomplete proteins that reduces th

8.The nurse formulates the nursing diagnosis of, "Ineffective health maintenance related to lack of motivation" for a client with Type 2 diabetes. Which finding supports this nursing diagnosis?
A. Does not check capillary blood glucose as directed.
B. Occ

The nursing diagnosis of ineffective health maintenance refers to an inability to identify, manage, and/or seek out help to maintain health, and is best exemplified in the client belief or understanding about diet and health maintenance (D). (A) indicates

9.Which statement correctly identifies a written learning objective for a client with peripheral vascular disease?
A. The nurse will provide client instruction for daily foot care.
B. The client will demonstrate proper trimming toenail technique.
C. Upon

An objective should contain four elements: who will perform the activity or acquire the desired behavior, the actual behavior that the learner will exhibit, the condition under which the behavior is to be demonstrated, and the specific criteria to be used

10.A middle-aged woman who enjoys being a teacher and mentor feels that she should pass down her legacy of knowledge and skills to the younger generation. According to Erikson, she is involved in what developmental stage?
A. Generativity.
B. Ego integrity

Healthy middle-aged adults focus on establishing the next generation by nurturing and guiding, which is describe by Erikson as the developmental stage of generativity (A), and is characteristic of middle adulthood. (B, C and D) are not stages of this age

11.Which statement best describes durable power of attorney for health care?
A. The client signs a document that designates another person to make legally binding healthcare decisions if client is unable to do so.
B. The healthcare decisions made by anoth

The durable power of attorney is a legal document or a form of advance directive that designates another person to voice healthcare decisions when the client is unable to do so. A durable power of attorney for health directives is legally binding (A). (B,

12.A male client with an infected wound tells the nurse that he follows a macrobiotic diet. Which type of foods should the nurse recommend that the client select from the hospital menu?
A. Low fat and low sodium foods.
B. Combination of plant proteins to

A macrobiotic diet is high in whole-grain cereals, vegetables, sea vegetables, beans, and vegetarian soups, and the client needs essential amino acids to provide complete proteins to heal the infected wound. Although a macrobiotic diet contains no source

13.A client with Raynaud's disease asks the nurse about using biofeedback for self-management of symptoms. What response is best for the nurse to provide?
A. The responses to biofeedback have not been well established and may be a waste of time and money.

Biofeedback involves the use of various monitoring devices that help people become more aware and able to control their own physiologic responses, such as heart rate, body temperature, muscle tension, and brain waves. (D) is an accurate statement concerni

14.A female client informs the nurse that she uses herbal therapies to supplement her diet and manage common ailments. What information should the nurse offer the client about general use of herbal supplements?
A. Most herbs are toxic or carcinogenic and

The current availability of many herbal supplements lacks federal regulation, research, control and standardization in the manufacture of its purity and dose. Manufacturers that provide evidence of quality control (C), such as labeling that contains scien

15.A female client who has breast cancer with metastasis to the liver and spine is admitted with constant, severe pain despite around-the-clock use of oxycodone (Percodan) and amitriptyline (Elavil) for pain control at home. During the admission assessmen

The components of every pain assessment should include sensory patterns, area, intensity, and nature (PAIN) of the pain (A) and are essential in identifying appropriate therapy for the client's specific type and severity of pain, which may indicate the on

16.A client who has moderate, persistent, chronic neuropathic pain due to diabetic neuropathy takes gabapentin (Neurontin) and ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) daily. If Step 2 of the World Health Organization (WHO) pain relief ladder is prescribed, which drug p

Based on the WHO pain relief ladder, adjunct medications, such as gabapentin (Neurontin), an antiseizure medication, may be used at any step for anxiety and pain management, so (A) should be implemented. Nonopiod analgesics, such as ibuprofen (A) and aspi

17.To obtain the most complete assessment data for a client with chronic pain, which information should the nurse obtain?
A. Can you describe where your pain is the most severe?
B. What is your pain intensity on a scale of 1 to 10?
C. Is your pain best de

A client with chronic pain is more likely to have adapted physiologically to vital sign changes, localization or intensity, so pain assessment should focus on any interference with daily activities (D), sleep, relationships with others, physical activity,

18.A male client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) develops cryptococcal meningitis and tells the nurse he does not want to be resuscitated if his breathing stops. What action should the nurse implement?
A. Document the client's request in th

Advance directives are written statements of a person's wishes regarding medical care, and verbal directives may be given to a healthcare provider with specific instructions in the presence of two witnesses. To obtain this prescription, the client should

19.The nurse is discussing dietary preferences with a client who adheres to a vegan diet. Which dietary supplement should the nurse encourage the client to include the dietary plan?
A. Fiber.
B. Folate.
C. Ascorbic acid.
D. Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is normally found in liver, kidney, meat, fish and dairy products. A vegan who consumes only vegetables without careful dietary planning and supplementation may develop peripheral neuropathy due to a deficiency in vitamin B12 (D). (A, B, and C

20.The nurse is preparing a male client who has an indwelling catheter and an IV infusion to ambulate from the bed to a chair for the first time following abdominal surgery. What action(s) should the nurse implement prior to assisting the client to the ch

The nurse should plan to implement (A, B, D, and F). Pre-medicating the client with an analgesic (A) reduces the client's pain during mobilization and maximizes compliance. To ensure the client's cooperation and promote independence, the nurse should info

21.A client is demonstrating a positive Chvostek's sign. What action should the nurse take?
A. Observe the client's pupil size and response to light.
B. Ask the client about numbness or tingling in the hands.
C. Assess the client's serum potassium level.

A positive Chvostek's sign is an indication of hypocalcemia, so the client should be assessed for the subjective symptoms of hypocalcemia, such as numbness or tingling of the hands (B) or feet. (A and C) are unrelated assessment data. (D) is contraindicat

22.When preparing to administer an intravenous medication through a central venous catheter, the nurse aspirates a blood return in one of the lumens of the triple lumen catheter. Which action should the nurse implement?
A. Flush the lumen with the saline

Aspiration of a blood return in the lumen of a central venous catheter indicates that the catheter is in place and the medication can be administered. The nurse should flush the tubing with the saline solution, administer the medication (A), then flush th

23.Which client assessment data is most important for the nurse to consider before ambulating a postoperative client?
A. Respiratory rate.
B. Wound location.
C. Pedal pulses.
D. Pain rating.

Mobilization and ambulation increase oxygen use, so it is most important to assess the client's respiratory rate (A)before ambulation to determine tolerance for activity. (B, C, and D) are also important, but are of lower priority than (A).
Correct Answer

24.The nurse is administering an intermittent infusion of an antibiotic to a client whose intravenous (IV) access is an antecubital saline lock. After the nurse opens the roller clamp on the IV tubing, the alarm on the infusion pump indicates an obstructi

If the client's elbow is bent, the IV may be unable to infuse, resulting in an obstruction alarm, so the nurse should first attempt to reposition the client's arm to alleviate any obstruction (B). After other sources of occlusion are eliminated, the nurse

25.Which nursing intervention is most beneficial in reducing the risk of urosepsis in a hospitalized client with an indwelling urinary catheter?
A. Ensure that the client's perineal area is cleansed twice a day.
B. Maintain accurate documentation of the f

The best intervention to reduce the risk for urosepsis (spread of an infectious agent from the urinary tract to systemic circulation) is removal of the urinary catheter as quickly as possible (D). (A, B, and C) are helpful to reduce the risk of infection,

26.In evaluating client care, which action should the nurse take first?
A. Determine if the expected outcomes of care were achieved.
B. Review the rationales used as the basis of nursing actions.
C. Document the care plan goals that were successfully met.

In evaluating care, the nurse should first determine if the expected outcomes of the plan of care were achieved (A). As indicated, the nurse may then review the initial nursing actions and the rationales for those actions (B), document successful completi

27.Prior to administering a newly prescribed medication to a client, the nurse reviews the adverse effects of the medication listed in a drug reference guide and determines the priority risks to the client. While performing this action, the nurse is engag

The nurse is analyzing (B) data to establish an individualized nursing diagnosis, such as, "Risk for injury related to side effects of drugs." This analysis is based on assessment (A) and guides the planning and implementation (C) of care, such as the dec

28.The nurses determines a client's IV solution is infusing at 250 ml/hr. The prescribed rate is 125 ml/hr. What action should the nurse take first?
A. Determine when the IV solution was started.
B. Slow the IV infusion to keep vein open rate.
C. Assess t

The nurse should first slow the IV flow rate to keep vein open (KVO) rate (B) to prevent further risk of fluid volume overload, then gather additional assessment data, such as when the IV solution was started (A) and the appearance of the IV insertion sit

29.A male nurse is assigned to care for a female Muslim client. When the nurse offers to bathe the client, the client requests that a female nurse perform this task. How should the male nurse respond?
A. May I ask your daughter to help you with your perso

Many female Muslim clients are very modest and prefer to receive personal care from another female because of their religious and cultural beliefs. The most culturally sensitive response is for the male nurse to ask a female colleague to perform this task

30.As the nurse prepares the equipment to be used to start an IV on a 4-year-old boy in the treatment room, he cries continuously. What intervention should the nurse implement?
A. Take the child back to his room.
B. Recruit others to restrain the child.

A 4-year-old typically has a vivid imagination and lacks concrete thinking abilities. The mother's assistance (C) can provide a stabilizing presence to help soothe the preschooler, who may perceive the invasive procedure as mutilating. To preserve the chi

31.When making the bed of a client who needs a bed cradle, which action should the nurse include?
A. Teach the client to call for help before getting out of bed.
B. Keep both the upper and lower side rails in a raised position.
C. Keep the bed in the lowe

A bed cradle is used to keep the top bedclothes off the client, so the nurse should drape the top sheet and covers loosely over the cradle (D). A client using a bed cradle may still be able to ambulate independently (A) and does not require raised side ra

32.A male client has a nursing diagnosis of "spiritual distress." What intervention is best for the nurse to implement when caring for this client?
A. Use distraction techniques during times of spiritual stress and crisis.
B. Reassure the client that his

The most beneficial nursing intervention is to use nonjudgmental reflective listening techniques, to allow the client to feel comfortable expressing his concerns (D). (A and B) are not therapeutic. The client should be consulted before implementing (C).

33.A client has a nursing diagnosis of, "Spiritual distress related to a loss of hope, secondary to impending death." What intervention is best for the nurse to implement when caring for this client?
A. Help the client to accept the final stage of life.

Hopefulness is necessary to sustain a meaningful existence, even close to death. The nurse should help the client set short-term goals, and recognize the achievement of immediate goals (B), such as seeing a family member, or listening to music. (A) is too

34.The nurse overhears the healthcare provider explaining to the client that the tumor removed was non-malignant and that the client will be fine. However, the nurse has read in the pathology report that the tumor was malignant and that there is extensive

The nurse should address the healthcare provider with the written report and discuss why he/she did not tell the client the truth--this may be at the family's request (A). (B, C, and D) may be indicated, but first the nurse should confer with the healthca

35.A single mother of two teenagers, ages 16 and 18, was just told that she has advanced cancer. She is devastated by the news, and expresses her concern about who will care for her children. Which statement by the nurse is likely to be most helpful at th

The nurse should first assess what the client desires (C). (A) is somewhat judgmental and attempts to solve the problem for the client without eliciting the client's feelings. Though a referral to the social worker (B) may be indicated, the nurse should f

36.In providing care for a terminally ill resident of a long-term care facility, the nurse determines that the resident is exhibiting signs of impending death and has a "do not resuscitate" or DNR status. What intervention should the nurse implement first

The nurse's first priority is to notify the family of the resident's impending death (C). The family may request that hospice care is initiated (A). Reporting the client's acuity level (B) does not have the priority of informing the family of the client's

37.When the nurse enters a client's room to do an initial assessment, the client shouts, "Get out of my room! I'm tired of being bothered!" How should the nurse respond?
A. There is no reason to be so angry.
B. Why do I need to leave your room?
C. What is

(C) is an open-ended question that encourages the client to discuss personal feelings. (A) devalues the client and hinders further communication. Acting defensively and asking why questions such as (B) are likely to elicit more anger and block communicati

38.The nurse encounters resistance when inserting the tubing into a client's rectum for a tap water enema. What action should the nurse implement?
A. Withdraw the tube and apply additional lubricant to the tube.
B. Encourage the client to bear down and co

If resistance is encountered during the initial insertion of an enema tube, the client should be instructed to relax while a small amount of solution runs through the tube into the rectum (D) to promote dilation. (A) is unlikely to resolve the problem. (B

39.When assessing a client with a nursing diagnosis of fluid volume deficit, the nurse notes that the client's skin over the sternum "tents" when gently pinched. Which action should the nurse implement?
A. Confirm the finding by further assessing the clie

Skin turgor is assessed by pinching the skin and observing for tenting. This finding confirms the diagnosis of fluid volume deficit, so the nurse should continue interventions to restore the client's fluid volume (C). Jugular vein distention (A) is a sign

40.When teaching a female client to perform intermittent self-catheterization, the nurse should ensure the client's ability to perform which action?
A. Locate the perineum.
B. Transfer to a commode.
C. Attach the catheter to a drainage bag.
D. Manipulate

Adequate visualization or palpation of the perineum (A) is essential to ensure correct placement of the catheter. (B) is not necessary to perform self-catheterization. During a self-catheterization, the client typically allows the urine to drain into an o

41.A client in hospice care develops audible gurgling sounds on inspiration. Which nursing action has the highest priority?
A. Ensure cultural customs are observed.
B. Increase oxygen flow to 4L/minute.
C. Auscultate bilateral lung fields.
D. Inform the f

An audible gurgling sound produced by a dying client is characteristic of ineffective clearance of secretions from the lungs or upper airways, causing a rattling sound as air moves through the accumulated fluid. The nursing priority in this situation is t

42.The nurse notes that a client consistently coughs while eating and drinking. Which nursing diagnosis is most important for the nurse include in this client's plan of care?
A. Ineffective breathing pattern.
B. Impaired gas exchange.
C. Risk for aspirati

Coughing during or after meals is a manifestation of dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, which places the client at risk for aspiration (C). Dysphagia can lead to aspiration pneumonia, but the client is not currently exhibiting any symptoms of breathing

43.The nurse is digitally removing a fecal impaction for a client. The nurse should stop the procedure and take corrective action if which client reaction is noted?
A. Temperature increases from 98.8� to 99.0� F.
B. Pulse rate decreases from 78 to 52 beat

Parasympathetic reaction can occur as a result of digital stimulation of the anal sphincter, which should be stopped if the client experiences a vagal response, such as bradycardia (B). (A, C, and D) do not warrant stopping the procedure.
Correct Answer:

44.A client is admitted with a stage four pressure ulcer that has a black, hardened surface and a light-pink wound bed with a malodorous green drainage. Which dressing is best for the nurse to use first?
A. Hydrogel.
B. Exudate absorber.
C. Wet to moist d

To provide moisture and loosen the necrotic tissue, the eschar should be covered first with wet to moist dressings (C), which are discontinued and then a hydrogel alginate can be placed in the prepared wound bed to prevent further damage of granulating an

45.A 35-year-old female client with cancer refuses to allow the nurse to insert an IV for a scheduled chemotherapy treatment, and states that she is ready to go home to die. What intervention should the nurse initiate?
A. Review the client's medical recor

Competent clients have the right to refuse treatment, so the nurse should first ensure that the client is competent (D). (A and C) are not necessary for a competent client to refuse treatment. The nurse cannot document (C) until the healthcare provider is

46.A client with chronic renal disease is admitted to the hospital for evaluation prior to a surgical procedure. Which laboratory test indicates the client's protein status for the longest length of time?
A. Transferrin.
B. Prealbumin.
C. Serum albumin.

Serum albumin has a long half-life and is the best long-term indicator of the body's entry into a catabolic state following protein depletion from malnutrition or stress of chronic illness (C). While (A) is a good indicator of iron-binding capacity in a h

47.What client statement indicates to the nurse that the client requires assistance with bathing?
A. I wasn't able to pack a bag before I left for the hospital.
B. I don't understand why I'm so weak and tired.
C. I only bathe every other day.
D. I left my

Bathing often makes a client feel weak, and if a client is already feeling weak (B), assistance is required during the bathing process to ensure the client's safety. (A and C) do not pose safety issues. Although (D) may pose a safety issue, further assess

48.How should the nurse handle linens that are soiled with incontinent feces?
A. Put the soiled linens in an isolation bag, then place it in the dirty linen hamper.
B. Place an isolation hamper in the client's room and discard the linens in it.
C. Place t

The nurse should be careful to keep the soiled linens from contaminating the fresh linens, and should handle the soiled linens like any other dirty linen (C). (A, B, and D) are not indicated.
Correct Answer: C

49.When caring for an immobile client, what nursing diagnosis has the highest priority?
A. Risk for fluid volume deficit.
B. Impaired gas exchange.
C. Risk for impaired skin integrity.
D. Altered tissue perfusion.

The ABCs of caring for clients are airway, breathing, and circulation. Impaired gas exchange (B) implies that the client is having trouble with breathing, which has the highest priority of the nursing diagnoses listed. Though an immobilized client present

50.The nurse assesses an immobile, elderly male client and determines that his blood pressure is 138/60, his temperature is 95.8� F, and his output is 100 ml of concentrated urine during the last hour. He has wet-sounding lung sounds, and increased respir

(D) will help to move and drain respiratory secretions and prevent pneumonia from occurring, so this intervention has the highest priority. Older adults often have an increased BP, and a PRN antihypertensive medication is usually prescribed for a BP over

51.The home health nurse visits an elderly female client who had a brain attack three months ago and is now able to ambulate with the assistance of a quad cane. Which assessment finding has the greatest implications for this client's care?
A. The husband,

Scatter rugs (C) pose a safety hazard because the client can trip on them when ambulating, so this finding has the greatest significance in planning this client's care. Psychological support of the caregiver (A) is a less acute need than that of client sa

52.The nurse removes the dressing on a client's heel that is covering a pressure sore one-inch in diameter and finds that there is straw-colored drainage seeping from the wound. What description of this finding should the nurse include in the client's rec

Serous drainage is clear watery plasma, so (C) provides accurate documentation based on the information provided. Information to stage this pressure score (A) is not provided, and sero-sanguineous drainage is pale and watery with a combination of plasma a

53.A medication is prescribed to be given QID. What schedule should the nurse use to administer this prescription?
A. 0800, 1200, 1600, 2000.
B. 800.
C. Every other day at 0800.
D. 0800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 0000, 0400.

(A) provides the best schedule, because QID means four times per day. (B, C, and D) provide incorrect dosages.
Correct Answer: A

54.The nurse working in the emergency department is assessing four clients' ability to tolerate pain. Which client is likely to tolerate a higher level of pain?
A. A 10-year-old who was burned by a camp fire earlier today.
B. A 70-year-old who has a posto

Experiences with the same type of pain that has successfully been relieved makes it easier for a client to interpret the pain sensation, and as a result, the client is better prepared to take steps to relieve the pain (D). (A, B, and C) are having new exp

55.A 4-year-old boy who is scheduled for a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy asks the nurse, Will it hurt to have my tonsils and adenoids taken out? Which response is best for the nurse to provide?
A. It may hurt a little because of the incision made in you

Answering questions simply and directly provides comfort for the preschool-age child and builds confidence in the health care team (D). (A) uses language (i.e. 'incision') that could create anxiety for the child. Four-year-olds are in the Initiative vs. G

56.A female nurse who sometimes tries to save time by putting medications in her uniform pocket to deliver to clients, confides that after arriving home she found a hydrocodone (Vicoden) tablet in her pocket. Which possible outcome of this situation shoul

Even if this is only one incident, the nurse may be suspected of taking medications on a regular basis and the incident could be interpreted as diversion (A), or diverting narcotics for her own use, which should be reported to the peer review committee an

57.A signed consent form indicated a client should have an electromyogram, but a myelogram was performed instead. Though the myelogram revealed the cause of the client's back pain, which was subsequently treated, the client filed a lawsuit against the nur

The client was not properly informed of the procedure, and failure to obtain informed consent constitutes assault and battery (C). (A) is injury to economics and dignity, such as invasion of privacy or defamation of character. This is not an incident of f

58.A nurse observes a student nurse taking a copy of a client's medication administration record. When questioned, the student states, Another student is scheduled to administer medications for this client tomorrow, so I am going to make a copy to help my

The nurse should deal with the issue immediately and explain that a client's records are the property of the hospital and cannot be removed (D), even with the client's permission (C). Next, the clinical instructor should be notified (B)so that all student

59.An older female client with rheumatoid arthritis is complaining of severe joint pain that is caused by the weight of the linen on her legs. What action should the nurse implement first?
A. Apply flannel pajamas to provide warmth.
B. Administer a PRN do

The nurse should first provide an immediate comfort measure to address the client's complaint about the linens and drape the linens over the footboard of the bed (D) instead of tucking them under the mattress, which can add pressure perceived by the clien

60.A male client with venous incompetence stands up and his blood pressure subsequently drops. Which finding should the nurse identify as a compensatory response?
A. Bradycardia.
B. Increase in pulse rate.
C. Peripheral vasodilation.
D. Increase in cardia

When postural hypotension occurs, the body attempts to restore arterial pressure by stimulating the baro-receptors to increase the heart rate (B), not decrease it (A). Peripheral vasoconstriction, not dilation (C), of the veins and arterioles occurs with

61.The daughter of an older woman who became depressed following the death of her husband asks, "My mother was always well-adjusted until my father died. Will she tend to be sick from now on?" Which response is best for the nurse to provide?
A. She is alm

Analysis of behavior patterns using Erikson's framework can identify age-appropriate or arrested development of normal interpersonal skills. Erikson describes the successful resolution of a developmental crisis in the later years (older than 65-years) to

62.A client provides the nurse with information about the reason for seeking care. The nurse realizes that some information about past hospitalizations is missing. How should the nurse obtain this information?
A. Solicit information on hospitalization fro

Direct questions should be used after the client's opening narrative to fill in any details that have been left out or during the review of systems to elicit specific facts (D) about past health problems. (A and B) are time consuming, and may require the

63.The nurse is preparing to give a client with dehydration IV fluids delivered at a continuous rate of 175 ml/hour. Which infusion device should the nurse use?
A. Portable syringe pump.
B. Cassette infusion pump.
C. Volumetric controller.
D. Nonvolumetri

A cassette pump (B) should be used to accurately deliver large volumes of fluid over longer periods of time with extreme precise, such as ml/hour. A syringe pump (A) is accurate for low-dose continuous infusion of low-dose medication at a basal rate, but

64.A low-sodium, low-protein diet is prescribed for a 45-year-old client with renal insufficiency and hypertension, who gained 3 pounds in the last month. The nurse determines that the client has been noncompliant with the diet, based on which report from

Potato chips (A) are high in sodium. Tuna (B) is high in protein. Bacon (C) and crackers (E) are high in sodium. Only (D) is a meal that is in compliance with a low sodium, low protein diet.
Correct Answer: A, B, C, E

65.What intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care for a client who is being treated with an Unna's paste boot for leg ulcers due to chronic venous insufficiency?
A. Check capillary refill of toes on lower extremity with Unna's paste boot.

The Unna's paste boot becomes rigid after it dries, so it is important to check distally for adequate circulation (A). Kerlix is often wrapped around the outside of the boot and an ace bandage may be used to cover both, but no bandage should be put under

66.A 75-year-old client who has a history of end stage renal failure and advanced lung cancer, recently had a stroke. Two days ago the healthcare provider discontinued the client's dialysis treatments, stating that death is inevitable, but the client is d

When death is impending, it is essential for the nurse to determine who is legally empowered to make decisions regarding the use of life-saving measures for the client (D). (A) will be abnormal and will worsen without dialysis, so are not of immediate con

67.The charge nurse assigns a nursing procedure to a new staff nurse who has not previously performed the procedure. What action is most important for the new staff nurse to take?
A. Review the steps in the procedure manual.
B. Ask another nurse to assist

According to states' nurse practice acts, it is the responsibility of the nurse to function within the scope of competency (D), and in this case safe nursing practice constitutes refusal to perform the procedure because of a lack of experience. Although s

68.Before administering a client's medication, the nurse assesses a change in the client's condition and decides to withhold the medication until consulting with the healthcare provider. After consultation with the healthcare provider, the dose of the med

The nurse took the correct action and should document the events that occurred in the nurses' notes (C). (A) did not occur and (B) is not indicated. The medication administration record is part of the client's medical record and should be placed in the ch

69.On the third postoperative day following thoracic surgery, a client reports feeling constipated. Which intervention should the nurse implement to promote bowel elimination?
A. Remind the client to turn every two hours while lying in bed.
B. Provide war

Prune juice is a natural laxative that stimulates peristalsis, and warming the prune juice (B) facilitates peristalsis. (A) is also helpful in promoting peristalsis but is less likely to relieve the client's constipation. (C) reduces discomfort during amb

70.The home health nurse visits an elderly client who lives at home with her husband. The client is experiencing frequent episodes of diarrhea and bowel incontinence. Which problem, for which the client is at risk, has the greatest priority when planning

Diarrhea can lead to fluid volume loss, which is potentially life-threatening, so the highest priority is to prevent a fluid volume imbalance (D). Diarrhea and bowel incontinence can also lead to (A, B, and C), but these are of less potential harm than a

71.After a client has been premedicated for surgery with an opioid analgesic, the nurse discovers that the operative permit has not been signed. What action should the nurse implement?
A. Notify the surgeon that the consent form has not been signed.
B. Re

Once a client has been premedicated for surgery with any type of sedative, legal informed consent is not possible, so the nurse must notify the surgeon (A). (B, C, and D) are not legally viable options for ensuring informed consent.
Correct Answer: A

72.A client who has been on bedrest for several days now has a prescription to progress activity as tolerated. When the nurse assists the client out of bed for the first time, the client becomes dizzy. What action should the nurse implement?
A. Encourage

The nurse should implement (D), because orthostatic hypotension is a common result of immobilization, causing the client to feel dizzy when first getting out of bed following a period of bedrest. To prevent this problem, it is helpful to have the body acc

73.The charge nurse observes an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) bending at the waist to lift a 20-pound box of medical supplies off the treatment room floor. What instruction should the charge nurse provide to the UAP?
A. Ask another staff member for

A 20-pound box is safely lifted by bending the knees (D), holding the box close to the center of gravity, and extending the legs using the quadriceps muscles. (A and B) might be helpful, but the charge nurse should use this opportunity to reinforce proper

74.A client is admitted to the hospital with intractable pain. What instruction should the nurse provide the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) who is preparing to assist this client with a bed bath?
A. Take measures to promote as much comfort as possib

Intractable pain is highly resistant to pain relief measures, so it is important to promote comfort (A) during all activities. A client with intractable pain may develop drug tolerance and dependence, but (B) is inappropriate for a UAP. Since intractable

75.A male client arrives at the outpatient surgery center for a scheduled needle aspiration of the knee. He tells the nurse that he has already given verbal consent for the procedure to the healthcare provider. What action should the nurse implement?
A. W

Written informed consent is required prior to any invasive procedure. The healthcare provider must explain the procedure to the client, but the nurse can witness the client's signature on a consent form (A). (B) is not necessary since written consent must

76.In assessing a client's femoral pulse, the nurse must use deep palpation to feel the pulsation while the client is in a supine position. What action should the nurse implement?
A. Elevate the head of the bed and attempt to palpate the site again.
B. Do

Deep palpation may be required to palpate the femoral pulse; and, when palpated, the nurse should document the presence and volume of the pulse (B). The site is best palpated with the client supine; elevation of the head of the bed requires even deeper pa

77.A nurse is preparing to insert a rectal suppository and observes a small amount of rectal bleeding. What action should the nurse implement?
A. Administer the medication as scheduled after assessing the client's vital signs.
B. Ask the pharmacist to sen

The presence of rectal bleeding is generally a contraindication for the insertion of a rectal suppository, so the nurse should withhold the medication and notify the healthcare provider (C). (A and D) may cause increased rectal bleeding. Prior to asking t

78.The nurse is preparing to irrigate a client's indwelling urinary catheter using an open technique. What action should the nurse take after applying gloves?
A. Empty the client's urinary drainage bag.
B. Draw up the irrigating solution into the syringe.

To irrigate an indwelling urinary catheter, the nurse should first apply gloves, then draw up the irrigating solution into the syringe (B). The syringe is then attached to the catheter and the fluid instilled, using aseptic technique (D). Once the irrigat

79.When assessing a client with an indwelling urinary catheter, which observation requires the most immediate intervention by the nurse?
A. The drainage tubing is secured over the siderail.
B. The clamp on the urinary drainage bag is open.
C. There are no

Maintaining a closed urinary drainage system is important to prevent infection, so the most immediate priority is to close the clamp (B) to reduce the risk for ascending microorganisms. If the drainage tubing is secured over the siderail (A), urine will n

80.While preparing to insert a rectal suppository in a male adult client, the nurse observes that the client is holding his breath while bearing down. What action should the nurse implement?
A. Advise the client to continue to bear down without holding hi

During administration of a rectal suppository, the client is asked to take slow deep breaths through the mouth to relax the anal sphincter (D). Bearing down (A) will push the suppository out of the rectum, so the suppository should not be inserted while t

81.The nurse is completing the plan of care for a client who is admitted for benign prostatic hypertrophy. Which data should the nurse document as a subjective findings?
A. Complains of inability to empty bladder.
B. Temperature of 99.8� F and pulse of 10

The nurse should document the client's complaints (A) as subjective data--symptoms only the client can describe. (B) should be documented as objective data, which is collected via the nurse's observation. (C and D) are documented as intervention results.

82.While the nurse is administering a bolus feeding to a client via nasogastric tube, the client begins to vomit. What action should the nurse implement first?
A. Discontinue the administration of the bolus feeding.
B. Auscultate the client's breath sound

When a client receiving a tube feeding begins to vomit, the nurse should first stop the feeding (A) to prevent further vomiting. (C) should then be implemented to reduce the risk of aspiration. After that, (B and D) can be implemented as indicated.

83.While caring for a child and mother from Cambodia, what action should the nurse implement to accommodate the clients' cultural needs?
A. Speak initially with the oldest family member to show respect.
B. Realize that Southeast Asians may not take Wester

Members of the Asian culture have high respect for others, especially those in positions of authority. Extended family members need to be included in the nursing care plan (A). Southeast Asians do not necessarily refuse Western medications (B). Asians als

84.Which client care requires the nurse to wear barrier gloves as required by the protocol for Standard Precautions?
A. Removing the empty food tray from a client with a urinary catheter.
B. Washing and combing the hair of a client with a fractured leg in

Possible contact with body secretions, excretions, or broken skin is an indication for wearing barrier (nonsterile) gloves. Emptying a urine drainage bag requires the use of gloves (D). (A, B, and C) do not require gloves.
Correct Answer: D

85.What action should the nurse implement when adding sterile liquids to a sterile field?
A. Use an outdated sterile liquid if the bottle is sealed and has not been opened.
B. Consider the sterile field contaminated if it becomes wet during the procedure.

Wet or damp areas on a sterile field allow organisms to wick from the table surface and permeate into the sterile area, so the field is considered contaminated if it becomes wet (B). Outdated liquids may be contaminated and should be discarded, not used (

86.A healthcare provider is performing a sterile procedure at a client's bedside. Near the end of the procedure, the nurse observes the healthcare provider contaminate a sterile glove and the sterile field. What is the best action for the nurse to impleme

Any possible break in surgical asepsis that is identified when others are unaware should be considered contaminated and new sterile supplies added to maintain the sterile field (D). Reporting the healthcare provider is not indicated (A). When sterility is

87.An older client who is able to stand but not to ambulate receives a prescription to be mobilized into a chair as tolerated during each day. What is the best action for the nurse to implement when assisting the client from the bed to the chair?
A. Use a

A client who can stand can safely be assisted to pivot and transfer with the use of a transfer belt (D). A mechanical lift (A) is usually used for a client who is obese, unable to be weight-bearing, and who is unable to assist. Roller boards (B) placed un

88.What action should the nurse implement to prevent the formation of a sacral ulcer for a client who is immobile?
A. Maintain in a lateral position using protective wrist and vest devices.
B. Position prone with a small pillow below the diaphragm.
C. Rai

The prone position (B) using a small pillow below the diaphragm maintains alignment and provides the best pressure relief over the sacral bony prominence. Using protective (restraining) devices (A) is not indicated. Raising the head and bed gatch (C) may

89.What action is most important for the nurse to implement when placing a client in the Sim's position?
A. Raise the bed to a waist-high working level.
B. Elevate the head of the bed 45 degrees.
C. Place a pillow behind the client's back.
D. Bring the cl

A waist-high bed height (A) is a comfortable and safe working height to maintain the nurse's proper body mechanics and prevent back injury. The head should be flat for a Sim's side-lying position, not raised (B). (C) is implemented after the client is pos

90.The nurse is providing passive range of motion (ROM) exercises to the hip and knee for a client who is unconscious. After supporting the client's knee with one hand, what action should the nurse take next?
A. Raise the bed to a comfortable working leve

Passive ROM exercise for the hip and knee is provided by supporting the joints of the knee and ankle (D) and gently moving the limb in a slow, smooth, firm but gentle manner. (A) should be done before the exercises are begun to prevent injury to the nurse

91.The nurse is caring for a client who is weak from inactivity because of a 2-week hospitalization. In planning care for the client, the nurse should include which range of motion (ROM) exercises?
A. Passive ROM exercises to all joints on all extremities

Active, rather than passive, ROM is best to restore strength and (B) is an effective schedule. Passive ROM 4 times a day (A) is not as beneficial for the client as (B). With weights (C), the client may fatigue quickly and develop muscle soreness. ROM is n

What action is most important for the nurse to implement when placing a client in the SIM's position?

What action is most important for the nurse to implement when placing a client in the Sim's position? Raise the bed to a waist-high working level.

When teaching a female client to perform intermittent self catheterization the nurse should ensure the clients ability to perform which action?

When teaching a female client to perform intermittent self-catheterization, the nurse should ensure the client's ability ti perform which action? Locate the perineum. A client is admitted with a stage four pressure ulcer that has a black, hardened surface and a light-pink wound bed with a malodorous green drainage.

What is the most effective way to implement a teaching plan?

What is the most effective way to implement a teaching plan? Teach the information that the client wants to learn first. Streamline the teaching plan to include only essential information. Present to the client all the information necessary to meet the objectives.

What action by the nurse demonstrates culturally sensitive care?

So asking permission before touching a client (A) demonstrates culturally sensitive care.