When people have dreams about falling or being chased that they have dreamed before we call these dreams?

When people have dreams about falling or being chased that they have dreamed before we call these dreams?

Chapter 4

The Freudian Approach: Relevant Research

1.According to Freud, the content of our dreams reveals

A.what has been on our mind when we are awake.

B.implicit punishments and rewards.

C.unconscious conflicts and desires.

D.what we value the most about ourselves.


2.If your friend the therapist agrees with Freud, she would say that the content of our dreams


A.unacceptable ideas that are actually acceptable.

B.unconscious conflicts and desires.

C.anxieties with which we were born.

D.much useless information.

ANS: B REF: 70

3.In dream research, sleepers are sometimes awakened when __________ indicates they are

probably dreaming.

A.a physiological measure

B.respiration rate

C.the time of night

D.none of the above

ANS: A REF: 70

4.Which of the following best summarizes research on the frequency of male and female

characters in dreams?

A.Both men and women have more male than female characters in their dreams.

B.Men have more male than female characters in their dreams, whereas women have

more female than male characters in their dreams.

C.Men have more female than male characters in their dreams, whereas women have

more male than female characters in their dreams.

D.Men have more male than female characters in their dreams, but women have

approximately equal numbers of male and female characters in their dreams.

ANS: D REF: 71

5.When people have dreams about falling or being chased that they have dreamed before, we

call these dreams

Which of the following best summarizes research on the frequency of male and female characters in dreams?

Which of the following best summarizes research on the frequency of male and female characters in dreams? Men have more male than female characters in their dreams, but women have approximately equal numbers of male and female characters in their dreams.

What concept do Sociocognitive theorists often use to explain the behavior of hypnotic subjects?

conscious rather than unconscious strategies. What concept do sociocognitive theorists often use to explain the behavior of hypnotic subjects? conscious.

Which statement is true about the superego quizlet?

Which statement is true about the superego? The superego represents internalized standards and values.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the id ego and superego?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the id, ego, and superego? The ego works to satisfy id impulses in manner that is acceptable to the superego.