When projects are organized within the functional organization coordination is maintained through?

Organization’s Structure andCultureOrganization’s Structure andCultureMarvin De LeonMarvin De Leon

Once management approvesproject then the questionbecomes, how will the project beimplemented?Once management approvesproject then the questionbecomes, how will the project beimplemented?aa

Different Project ManagementStructuresDifferent Project ManagementStructuresFunctional OrganizationDedicated project teamsMatrix ArrangementFunctional OrganizationDedicated project teamsMatrix Arrangement

Project Management StructureProject Management StructureProvides a framework for launching andimplementing project activities with a parentorganization.A good system appropriately balances the needs ofboth the parent organization and the project bydefining the interface between the project andparent organization in terms of:AuthorityAllocation of resourcesIntegration of project outcomes into mainstreamoperationsProvides a framework for launching andimplementing project activities with a parentorganization.A good system appropriately balances the needs ofboth the parent organization and the project bydefining the interface between the project andparent organization in terms of:AuthorityAllocation of resourcesIntegration of project outcomes into mainstreamoperations

Project Management StructureProject Management StructureChallenges to Organizing ProjectsThe uniqueness and short duration of projects relativeto ongoing longer-term organizational activitiesThe multidisciplinary and cross-functional nature ofprojects creates authority and responsibility dilemmas.Choosing an Appropriate Project ManagementStructureThe best system balances the needs of the project withthe needs of the organization.Challenges to Organizing ProjectsThe uniqueness and short duration of projects relativeto ongoing longer-term organizational activitiesThe multidisciplinary and cross-functional nature ofprojects creates authority and responsibility dilemmas.Choosing an Appropriate Project ManagementStructureThe best system balances the needs of the project withthe needs of the organization.

Many business organizationshave struggled with creating asystem for organizing projectswhile managing ongoingoperationsMany business organizationshave struggled with creating asystem for organizing projectswhile managing ongoingoperations

Reason for that…Reason for that…Projects contradict fundamental designprinciples associated with traditionalorganizations.Businesses find it difficult to effectivelyorganize projects because some projects aremultidisciplinary in nature which require thecoordinated efforts of variety of specialiststo be completed.Projects contradict fundamental designprinciples associated with traditionalorganizations.

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2.Coordination is maintained through normal managementchannel.3.The functional organization is also commonly used when,given the nature of the project,one functional area playsdominant role in completing the project or has dominantinterest in the success of project. High ranking managerin that area is given the responsibility of coordinatingthe project.4.Most of project work would be done within the specifieddepartment and coordinationwith other departmentswould occur through normal channels.ProjectManagement/MB-ITS/YRahmawati/201722

C. Project management structure1.Functionalorganization2.Dedicated teamMatrix arrangementOrganizing Project within Functional OrganizationExample: Organizing project in Delta Manufacturing IncProjectTo differentiate product:offers special design toolsfor left-handed individualProjectManagement/MB-ITS/YRahmawati/201723Taken from Larson&Gray (2014), pp. 68-69The project is coordinate by the President.Job is divided into special tasks and thendistributed to available departments.Estimate demand& price, identifydistribution outletsProduce tools inaccordance with newdesign & specificationModifyspecification forleft-handed tools

C. Project management structure1.Functionalorganization2.Dedicated teamMatrix arrangementOrganizing Project within Functional OrganizationA D V A N T A G E SNo changeProjects are completed within basic functional structureof parent organizationNo radical change in organization design & operationFlexibilityMaximum flexibility of staff usageEasy to organize temporary works for the employeesEasy to swift employees among different projectsIn-depth expertiseEasy to solve crucial aspects of narrow scope projects byassigning proper functional unitsEasy post-project transitionEasy to maintain normal career paths. Although specia-lists contribute to projects, they still can focus on theirprofessional growth & advances because they areassigned in special units.ProjectManagement/MB-ITS/YRahmawati/201724

C. Project management structure1.Functionalorganization2.Dedicated teamMatrix arrangementOrganizing Project within Functional OrganizationD I S A D V A N T A G E SLack of focusDiverse priority of responsibilities between units causeddifficulties in finishing tasks, since some units have towait other units to be able to do their tasks.Poor integrationSpecialists tend to concern their priority tasks only. Theydo the tasks as assigned, and not for the best of project.SlowGenerally takes longer to complete project.Project information & decisions have to be circulatedthrough normal management channel.Lack of horizontal & direct communication producereworks.Lack of ownershipWeak motivation appeared as caused of unclear distinc-tions between the works of operational & projects.

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What is a functional organizational structure in project management?

A functional organizational structure is composed by project team members allocated according to the different functional units of an organization. A typical organization has different functional units, such as the Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Operations, IT, Administration, etc.

Which organization is a combination of project organization and functional organization?

Matrix Organisation is created by merging the two complementary organization, the project and functional, it represents the combination of functional and project organization.

Which of the following is an advantage of a functional project management Organisation?

Strong motivation of project team membersE. All of these are advantagesThere is maximum flexibility in the use of staff. Appropriate specialists in different functionalunits can temporarily be assigned to work on the project and then return to their normal work.

Which of the following are true about companies that are predominantly project organizations such as construction or software firms?

Which of the following are true about companies that are predominantly project organizations, such as construction or software firms? Functional departments exist to be support staff for project teams. The organization is structured around projects.

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