When the equilibrium wage paid to welders increases, we expect the supply of automobiles to

journal article

The Wage Rate Effects of Occupational Labor Market Tightness

Eastern Economic Journal

Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1990)

, pp. 21-32 (12 pages)

Published By: Springer


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The Eastern Economic Journal, a quarterly publication of the Eastern Economic Association, was established in 1973. The EEJ publishes papers written from every perspective, in all areas of economics and is committed to free and open intellectual inquiry from diverse philosophical perspectives.

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A normal good is a good for which

demand increases when income increases

the more substitutes available for a product

the larger is its the price elasticity of demand

if demand is price elastic

a 1 percent decrease in the price leads to an increase in the quantity demanded that exceeds 1 percent 

which of the following is a microeconomic topic

the reasons why Kathy buys less orange juice

which of the following is not one of the factors that influences the supply of a product

the price elasticity of demand measures

the responsiveness o the quantity demanded to changes in its price

toothpaste and toothbrushes are complements, so the _____ elasticity of demand is ______

when the demand for a good decreases, its equilibrium price ______ and equilibrium quantity _____

if two variables are positively related 

they move in the same direction over time

goods whose income elasticities are negative are called

a price makes it illegal to pay a lower price than the specified level, one example is

the cross elasticity of demand between Coca- Cola and Pepsi- Cola is

positive, that is, coke and pepsi are substitutes 

producers total revenue will decrease if

the price rises and demand is elastic 

when supply decreases and demand does not change, the equilibrium quantity 

decreases and the price rises 

when a market is in equilibrium 

there is no shortage and no surplus at the equilibrium price 

the observation that the demand curve for grape jelly shifted rightward every time the price of peanut butter fell means that grape jelly and peanut butter are

the "law of demand" states that changes in

the quantity demanded of a good are inversely related to changes in its price

the equilibrium price and quantity are found at the 

point where quantity supplied equals quantity demanded

each point on a supply curve represents

the lowest price for which a supplier can profitably sell another unit

a nation produces at a point inside its PPF

when it produces inefficiently 

which of the following correctly describes how price adjustments eliminate a shortage?

as the price rises, the quantity demanded decreases while the quantity suppled increases 

individual economic decisions are coordinated by

markets through adjustments in prices

the quantity demanded of a good or service is the quantity that a consumer

is willing to buy at a particular price during a given time period

the study of the decisions of individual units in the economy is known as

each point on the demand curve reflects

the highest price consumers are willing and able to pay for the particular unit of a good

a minimum wage set above the equilibrium wage will

create a surplus of labor

economics is best defined as the study of how people, businesses, governments, and societies 

make choices to cope with scarcity 

cupcakes and granola bars are substitutes in consumption. the price of a granola bar increases. as a result, the demand for 

cupcakes will increase, that is, the demand curve will shift rightward 

the market demand curve is

the sum of the quantity demanded by each individual at each price 

when supply decreases, the equilibrium price ____ and the equilibrium quantity _____

when an action is chosen, the highest value alternative NOT chosen is called the 

the term ceteris paribus means

all other things remaining equal

if the price of crude oil falls, the equilibrium price of gasoline ____, and the equilibrium quantity ___

a society that is on its production possibilities frontier is 

fully utilizing its productive resources

by itself, an increase in the number of suppliers in a market results in a 

rightward shift in the supply curve

if the price of chocolate chip cookies rises, then

there would be a movement upward along the demand curve

a production possibilites frontier

shows combinations of two activities that are attainable with given resources 

all of the above answers are correct

which of the following best reflects an increase in quantity supplied rather than an increase in supply

the gov. stops controlling the price of a product, allowing the price to increase 

a change in the price of a good

does not shift the good's demand curve but does cause a movement along it

the demand for a good increases when the price of a substitute ____ and also increases when the price of a complement ____

if the slope of a line graphs the relationship between variable x and variable y is positive, then we know that

when the value of variable x decreases, the the value of y decreases

which of the following will increase the demand for a normal good

the price of good is expected to increase in the future

if mac and cheese is an inferior good, an increase in income will

decrease the demand for mac and cheese

a change in which of the following shifts the demand curve

the tastes and preferences of consumers

the law of supply states that, other things remaining the same

firms will produce more of a good the higher its price

when we say demand increases, we mean that there is a

rightward shift of the demand curve

the idea of comparative advantage implies that people or countries

opportunity cost is measured in terms of

both monetary value and time

which of the following statements is correct

when demand increases, both the price and the quantity increase

Which of the following will cause an increase in demand for automobiles?

In this scenario, when the price of car tires declines, the demand for autos will increase. Normally, when the demand for a product increases, the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity increase, ceteris paribus.

What will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of new cars quizlet?

What will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of new cars if the price of gasoline rises, the price of steel rises, public transportation becomes cheaper and more comfortable, and auto-workers negotiate higher wages? Quantity will fall and the effect on price is ambiguous.

Which of the following would cause a decrease in the equilibrium price of automobiles?

An increase in supply causes equilibrium price to decrease and equilibrium quantity to increase. Therefore, it is certain that quantity will increase, but the change in price is indeterminate.

What happens to supply when price increases quizlet?

According to the law of supply, if the price of a good or service increases: Quantity supplied will increase. If two goods are complements, an increase in the price of one good will cause a decrease in the demand for the other.