When there are two choices in a situation and neither resolves the issue in an ethically acceptable manner?

The contingency approach suggests thatMultiple Choice

2there is one best way to manageOB theories apply to all situationsa manager needs to learn a set of hard-and-fast rulesthe best answer depends on the situationCorrectmanagement practices from the past can be applied in today’s situationsOvercharging Medicare for care and services provided to patientsis an example of ______ behavior

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3CorrectillegalorganizationalEthics is primarily concerned withMultiple Choiceright and wrongCorrectlegal and illegalmoral and immoralreligious and nonreligiouspublic and nonpublic

4In an ethical dilemma such as the one presented above

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In the case above, this presents a(n) _____

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5desired outcomesystematic approachgoalProblemThe case above represents an extreme example of unethical andillegal conduct. These are the exception in the businesscommunity. Which of the following statements about this behavioris false?Multiple ChoiceVery few unethical acts are also illegalMost unethical acts are not punished in any wayEven if illegal, few of these acts are prosecuted

6You can rely on the legal system to manage or assure ethical conduct at work

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Problem solving and critical thinking are ______ because they uselogic and reasoning to develop and evaluate options

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What should you do after identifying unethical conduct in your workplace but before confronting the problem?

What should you do after identifying unethical conduct in your workplace but before confronting the problem? Determine possible causes.

When assessing good or bad behavior from employees managers should consider both the person and the?

Determine possible causes. In the systems approach to OB, person and situation factors are considered , while the three levels of analysis are categorized as processes or . When assessing good or bad behavior from employees, managers should consider both person factors and factors.

Which of the following should managers do to deal with unethical behavior in the workplace quizlet?

which of the following are thing managers should do to deal with unethical behavior in the workplace? Set clear expectations for when employees are confronted with unethical behavior.

Why are ethics considered so important when studying organizational behavior multiple choice?

Why are ethics important when studying organizational behavior? Unethical behavior makes it easy to influence others and conduct business. Unethical behavior can ensure loyalty, which helps the performance of individuals and teams. Some unethical acts are necessary to work around unfair governmental regulations.