When there is a disagreement among members at the same level of marketing channels such as when Best Buy?

Why would a supply chain be more efficient with a distribution center rather than simply delivering directly to stores?

The distribution center serves as a place to accumulate merchandise from many vendors and then allocate it to stores in the quantities they need. 

Marketing Channels Add Value

  • Reduce number of transactions
  • Increase value for consumers
  • More efficient and effective

Designing Marketing Channels

Direct Channel: Manufacturer - Customer Indirect Channel 1: Manufacturer - Retailer - Customer Indirect Channel 2: Manufacturer - Wholesaler - Retailer - Customer

Vertical Channel Conflict

When supply chain members that buy and sell to one another are not in agreement about their goals, roles, or rewards. 

Horizontal channel conflict

can also occur when there is disagreement or discord among members at the same level of marketing channel, such as two competing retailers or two competing manufacturers
Ex: if Home depot and lowers engage in a price war on Stanley tools, all three parties are affected.

Independent marketing channel

several independent members each attempts to satisfy its own objectives and maximize profits, often at the expense of the other members. 

Vertical marketing system

a marketing channel in which the members act as a unified system.
3 Types: administered, contractual, and corporate
reflect increasing phases of formalization and control. The more formal, the less likely conflict will ensue

A ___ is a facility where goods are received, stored, and redistributed to company stores or customers.

A ___ marketing channel is one in which products are sold from a manufacturer to a consumer without going through a retailer

A ____ coordinates deliveries to distribution centers

A marketing channel in which the members act as a unified system is known as

vertical marketing system

What benefits do firms receive by using routing and scheduling systems to manage shipment of merchandise from distribution centers to stores

improved vehicle utilization more efficient routes for deliveries accurate estimates of arrival time of merchandise

Conflicting goals of channel members can often lead to channel ____. 

Tiny scannable computer chips used to provide information about a container or product are called

The amount of times between the recognition that an order must be placed and the arrival of the needed merchandise is called ___ time

Shipping merchandise from a distribution center to stores has become increasingly

A ____ relationship is one in which the supply chain members are committed to maintaining the relationship over the long term and investing in mutually beneficial opportunities.

A specialized role is played by ___ a marketing channel

The computer-to-computer exchange of business documents from a retailer to a vendor and back is known as

Electronic data interchange EDI

Information stored in the data warehouse

is accessible on various levels

___ in a marketing channel exists when one firm has the means or ability to dictate the actions of another member at a different level of distribution

The approach for improving supply chain efficiency in which the manufacturer is responsible for maintaining the retailer's inventory levels in each of its stores is known as

Supply chain management refers to a set of approaches and techniques firms employ to efficiently and effectively integrate their manufacturers, warehouses, transportation intermediaries, stores, and

As noted in your text, each participant in a successful marketing channel adds

All of the following are examples of the value provided by a supply chain in the production of kitchen stoves EXCEPT

the product design team develops initial drawings for a new product offering.

A _____, which may be operated by retailers, manufacturers, or distribution specialists, is a facility for the receipt, storage, and redistribution of goods to company stores or customers.

When Clarissa sells the jewelry she makes at craft fairs or on her personal website, she is utilizing a _____ marketing channel.

In _____ marketing channels, one or more intermediaries work with manufacturers to provide goods and services to customers.

When supply chain members that buy and sell to one another are not in agreement about their goals, _____ channel conflict can occur.

When there is disagreement among members at the same level of marketing channels such as when Best Buy and Sears engage in a price war on Maytag appliances, _____ channel conflict can occur.

When the members of a marketing channel operate to satisfy their own objectives and maximize their own profits, often at the expense of the other members, the channel operates as

an independent marketing channel.

As the dominant member of the channel of distribution, Coca Cola holds a lot of power in the relationship with independent grocery stores, and as such, it performs the functions of restocking merchandise, setting up special displays, and rotating merchandise. This is an example of

an administered vertical marketing system.

_____ power is exhibited when one channel member wants to be associated with another channel member; the channel member with whom the others want to be associated has the power to get them to do what it wants.

_____ power is when one channel member threatens to punish or punishes another channel member for not undertaking certain tasks, such as delaying payment for a late delivery.

When companies enter into agreements that allow them to obtain economies of scale and coordination to reduce conflict, it is an example of

a contractual vertical marketing system

The most common type of contractual vertical marketing system is

The international fashion retailer Zara’s parent company, Inditex, owns the manufacturing plants, warehouse facilities, retail outlets, and design studios, which is an example of

a corporate vertical marketing system.

To create strong partnering relationships, supply chain members must develop mutual trust, openly communicate, have common goals, recognize the benefits of interdependence, and

be willing to invest in each other’s success

_____ is an electronic document sent by a supplier to a retailer prior to the shipment of a merchandise order

An advanced shipping notice

Purchase data collected at the point of sale is stored in  

A(n) _____ involves the computer-to-computer transmission of sales data, purchase orders, invoices, and data about returned merchandise between a retailer and its vendors.

electronic data interchange

Frito Lay is an example of a company that partners with retailers by implementing _____ system, involving taking on the responsibility of managing inventory levels at the retailers where its products are sold.

a vendor-managed inventory

Firms that use a(n) _____ supply chain allocate merchandise to stores based on previous sales forecasts.

With a _____ marketing strategy, there is less likelihood of merchandise being overstocked or out of stock because the store orders merchandise as needed on the basis of consumer demand.

Which type of strategy is most efficient for merchandise that has steady, predictable demand, such as milk and eggs?

In a distribution center which person would be responsible for the financial planning and analysis of merchandise and its allocation to stores?

The _____ is the person who coordinates deliveries to the distribution center.

Radio frequency identification tags are

tiny computer chips that transmit information about the contents of containers.

_____ is a practice in which merchandise cartons are prepackaged by the vendor for a specific store.

What two additional tasks are required to make merchandise floor-ready?

A forklift operator in a warehouse that needs to know how much of each item to get from specific storage areas would consult

JIT inventory systems are associated with all of the following EXCEPT

more inventory to warehouse.

When there is a disagreement among members at the same level of marketing channels such as when Best Buy and Sears engage in a price war on Maytag appliances?

horizontal Horizontal channel conflict can occur when there is disagreement or discord among members at the same level of a marketing channel, such as two competing retailers or two competing manufacturers.

When there is a disagreement among members at the same level of marketing channels?

A horizontal conflict refers to a disagreement among two or more channel members at the same level.

What are the four types of marketing channels?

We recommend these four marketing channels that modern go-to-market teams use today:.
Websites. Modern advertising companies are leaning heavily on websites as a way to drive conversion through content..
Email. ... .
Digital advertising. ... .

When supply chain members that buy and sell to one another are not in agreement about their goals roles or rewards ____ channel conflict can occur?

-Discord or vertical channel conflict occurs when supply chain members that buy and sell to one another are not in agreement about their goals, roles, or rewards.