When would the wheel model of epidemiology be more helpful than the epidemiological triangle model?

What is it called when an epidemiologist writes a summary of a food poisoning outbreak, from cause to plans, for prevention in the future?

When would the wheel model of epidemiology be more helpful than the epidemiological triangle model?

When there are multiple causes for chronic disease

Why is it so important to discover all the variables that may be involved in creating a disease state in some persons?

Find variables susceptible to prevention or early interventions

What is the advantage of the web of causation model in comparison with the epidemiological triangle model?

web of causation shows relationships among variables

The textbook summarizes a research study of sexually transmitted infections among young adults. What was determined to be a major variable in exposure to infection?

Environment in which the young adults lived

A community health nurse determined exactly how many cases of a particular disease were current in the community. What should the nurse do before determining what interventions should be planned?

Compare the current rate with the previous rate of disease

People were very concerned about another outbreak of swine flu. All care providers were asked to report, without individual names, any new cases to the public health department for tracking. What would be most helpful for local media to report to keep citizens informed?

In trying to determine whether the swine flu outbreak was getting worse, what rate should be carefully observed?

A newspaper published an article about the athletic banquet at the local high school that had approximately 1000 family members in attendance. Exactly 650 persons became ill within 24 hours, complaining of severe diarrhea, vomiting, and cramping. What is the attack rate?

In a particular community, the rate of new cases of diabetes and the rate of new cases of flu during the month of January were precisely the same. Which disease would have the higher prevalence rate?

As a chronic condition, diabetes would have the higher prevalence rate

What level of prevention does a screening examination, required for each school athlete before being active in school sports, represent?

What disease would be the best choice for screening if any of the following were possible?

Disease B, which can be controlled if caught early in the disease process

One hundred women received notification that their screening tests suggested that they might have a serious health problem. How can you reassure these scared women so they will come in for follow-up testing and treatment?

Point out that screening is only suggestive and that not all positive screenings mean they actually have the health problem.

What is the best way to increase the positive predictive value of a screening test?

Test a group at high risk for the health problem

Healthy People 2020 establishes goals for improving the health of all Americans. What is most necessary to determine whether Americans’ health is improving?

Comprehensive and systematically collected surveillance data on the health status of various population groups

Which kind of study would be most helpful in examining potential risk factors in comparison with disease at a specific time through collecting data regarding current exercise, sleep patterns, and current health status among 12-year-olds?

One famous study followed a cohort of nurses over their lives, collecting data and health histories as they aged. What kind of study is this?

A researcher wanted to engage in the best possible research design to obtain reliable information about the possible cause(s) of a disease. Which design would the researcher choose?

Which research design would a researcher with limited time and funds probably choose?

On the basis of findings related to elevated blood levels of cholesterol, a researcher wanted to determine whether a new drug would notably lower the blood levels of cholesterol in otherwise healthy persons. What kind of study would the researcher probably choose?

The lack of certain B vitamins can result in pellagra. Where would a nutritional deficiency fit in the agent-host-environment model?

What types of data do epidemiologists gather to try to determine which factors may lead to disease?

Description of commonalities among ill
Depiction of possible pathogen
Portrayal of the geographic area where people became ill

What is the advantage of the web of causation model in comparison with the epidemiological triangle model?

Although it is a more recently created model, the web of causation model is more useful because it illustrates the complexity of relationships among causable variables. It is not easier to understand and use as it has more variables than the three (agent, host, and environment) in the epidemiological model.

Which best describes the advantage of the web of causation model in comparison with the epidemiological triangle model quizlet?

Which of the following best describes the advantage of the web of causation model in comparison with the epidemiological triangle model? d. The web of causation model shows the relationships among variables.

Why is the triangle important to understanding the spread of infectious diseases?

The triad consists of an external agent, a susceptible host, and an environment that brings the host and agent together. In this model, disease results from the interaction between the agent and the susceptible host in an environment that supports transmission of the agent from a source to that host.

Which would be the best method to increase the positive predictive value of a screening test quizlet?

Which of the following would definitely increase the positive predictive value of the screening test discussed in the preceding questions? Use the screening test on a higher-risk population, which is likely to have a higher prevalence of undiagnosed disease.


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