When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

Bottom Line: Learn to change what happens when the Enter key is pressed after editing a cell. The cell below is typically selected, but we can change this behavior.

Skill Level: Beginner

Video Tutorial

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

Preventing the Enter Key from Moving Down

Typically when you are editing a cell and press the Enter key, the cell below is selected. This is the default behavior in Excel, but there are a few ways to change this.

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

About a month ago, we received a comment on one of our YouTube tutorials from a viewer called DRSteele, who indcated that their preference for the Enter key is that it doesn't make the active cell move at all.

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

Fellow commenter Joe M suggested a great one-at-a-time solution. If you don't want your selected cell to move down, you can press Ctrl + Enter instead of just Enter.

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

That's a really good tip for individual instances, and one I use often.

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

Altering Enter Key Behavior

If you want to change the behavior of your Enter key for the long term, DRSteele's recommendation to change the setting in Excel Options is great.

You can make it so that the Enter key makes the active cell stay where it is. You can also make it so that the Enter key moves the selected cell in another direction. It's a setting that is very easy to adjust.

Start by choosing the File tab, and then selection Options (at the bottom of the left menu). This will bring up the Excel Options window, where you'll want to select the Advanced Tab.

The first option in this menu controls how the Enter key behaves. You can uncheck the box if you don't want the Enter key to move the selection at all. Or you can use the drop-down menu to select another direction for the Enter key to move the active cell (up, down, left, or right).

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

If you've turned off the option to move the active cell, you can to use your arrow keys to move the highlighted cell instead of Enter.

Bonus Tip: Use the Tab Key for Tables

If you are entering data in a block that is set up as a table, you might want to use the Tab key instead of Enter. This moves your selection to the right, and as you get to the rightmost column of the table, the Tab key will move you down to the leftmost entry of the next row of the table.

This pattern of movement is the same way your eyes move when you read a book in English. Therefore, it's probably a familiar pattern to your brain, which may allow you to enter data faster.

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell to the right or to the first cell?

Selecting Shift + Tab will move you in the opposite direction.


Thanks again to everyone for the suggestions. Your comments inspire videos and help us all learn. So don't be shy; please leave a comment or suggestion below if this tip has been helpful or you have other recommendations for changing the behavior of the Enter key.

When you are entering data in a table which key can you press to move to the next cell?

Use the Enter Key This will automatically take you to the next row where you can begin entering data. This method is quick and easy, but it does have one downside. If you accidentally press the Enter key while you are still entering data in a cell, it will move your cursor to the next cell instead of the next row.

What key should you use to take you to the cell to the right?

Keyboard shortcuts for navigating in cells.

How can we move between cells in a table?

Use the ALT key+any arrow key on your keyboard to navigate between the cells.

How do you move to next cell in Excel?

Press SCROLL LOCK, and then simultaneously hold down CTRL and an arrow key to quickly move through large areas of your worksheet. Note: When SCROLL LOCK is on, Scroll Lock is displayed on the status bar in Excel. Pressing an arrow key while SCROLL LOCK is on will scroll one row up or down or one column left or right.