When you perceive an object as being closer to you because it blocks out part of the background you are using the depth cue of _______?

the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment

how the stimuli gets in

The process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events

Analysis that begins with the sensory receptors and works up to the brains integration of sensory information.

Information Processing guided by higher level mental processes as when we construct perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations

The study of relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli such as their intensity and our psychological experience of them.

Minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time

A theory predicting how and when we detect the presence of a faint stimulus ("signal") amid background stimulation ("noise"). Assumes there is single absolute threshold and that detection depends partly on a persons experience, expectations, motivation, and alertness.

Below ones absolute threshold for conscious awareness

the activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing one’s perception, memory, or response.
Priming a flower is the process of trimming and perfecting it. Similar to the psychology definition

the minimum difference between two stimuli required for detection 50% of the time. We experience the difference threshold as a just noticeable difference 

  • just noticeable difference

the principle that two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage (rather than constant amount) to be perceived as different.

Example: 1 candle to 20 candles and notice a difference in the brightness of the candles. Add 1 candle to 120 candles and do not notice a difference.

Diminished sensitivity as a consequence of constant stimulation

EX: Music playing next door, and you forget about it until it turns off

the focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus, as in the cocktail party effect

failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere

ability to attend selectively to only one voice among many

inability to detect changes in an environment form of in-attentional blindness

same as change blindness, but with sounds out of sight out of mind; one experiment where 40% of people focused on repeating a list of sometimes challenging words failed to notice a change in the person speaking;

(A form of inattention)Failure to notice the change in choice (ex. Choosing one face in a experiment and researchers switch it but participants do not notice)

choice blindness blindess

experimenter asks if in a hypothetical experiment if they would notice such a switch and 84% insisted they would

conversion of one form of energy into another. In sensation the transforming of stimulus energies, such as sights, sounds, and smells, into neural impulses our brain can interpret

the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The "electromagnetic spectrum" of an object is the characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that particular object.

The distance from the peak of one light or sound wave to the peak of the next. Electromagnetic wavelengths vary from the short blips of cosmic rays to the long pulses of radio transmission

the Dimension of color that is determined by he wavelength of light; what we know as the color names blue, green, and so forth.
"color" ----blue, green, red, etc/

Amount of energy in a light or sound wave; brightness/loudness as determined by the wave's amplitude.

the adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters 

a ring of muscle tissue that forms the colored portion of the eye around the pupil and controls the size of the pupil opening

Transparent structure behind the pupil that bends and focuses light rays on the retina.

The prosess by which the lens changes shape to help focus near or far objects on the retina

light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the receptor rods and cones plus layers of nuerons that begin the processing of visual info

condition in which nearby objects are seen more clearly than distant objects because distant objects focus in front of the retina

a condition in which faraway objects are seen more clearly than near objects because the image of near objects is focused behind the retina

retinal receptors that

detect black, white, &

gray; necessary for

peripheral and

twilight vision.

retinal receptor cells that are concentrated near the center of the retina and that function in daylight or in well lit conditions. The cones detect fine detail and give rise to color sensations

Second layer of neurons in the retina that transmit impulses from rods and cones to ganglion cells.

nerve that carries neural impules from the eye to the brain

the point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye because no receptor cells are located there 

the central focal point in the retina around which the eye's cones cluster 

Nerve cells in the brain that respond to specific features of the stimulus such as shape angle or movement 

the processing of several aspects of a problem simultaneously; the brain's natural mode of information processing for many functions, including vision i.e. you see a the color, motion, form, and depth of a bird all at once

two or more mental processes carried out in order

Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic (three-color) theory

The theory that the retina contains three different color receptors – one most sensitive to red, one to green, one to blue – which when stimulated in combination can produce the perception of any color.

subtracts wavelengths from the reflected out, ex mixing paint

Mixing lights- additive color mixing

  • process adds wavelengths and increases light

if we view colored stimuli for an extended period of time, we will see an afterimge in a complementary color
can't be explained via trichromatic theory of vision
receptors tire out - when you look away the opposite pair will repsond more strongly
when one side tires out, its replaced with opposite color

The theory that opposing retinal processes (red-green, yellow-blue, white-black) enable color vision. For example, some cells are stimulated by green and inhibited by red; others are stimulated by red; others are stimulated by red and inhibited by green

Perceiving familiar object as having consistent color even if changing illumination alters the wavelengths reflected by the object

the sense or act of hearing

the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time ex. per second

a tone's experienced highness or lowness; depends on frequency

the ____ _____ channels the sound waves through the auditory canal to the _______

the chamber between the eardrum and cochlea containing three tiny bones (hammer, anvil, stirrup) that concentrate the vibrations of the eardrum on the cochlea's oval window

A coiled, bony, fluid filled tube in the inner ear through which sound waves trigger nerve impulses.

the innermost part of the ear containing the Cochlea, semicircular canals, vestibular sacs

  • Inner lining of the cochlea
  • Has hair cells and when they bend it sends messages to the auditory receptor cells to fire.

in hearing, the theory that links the pitch we hear with the place where the cochlea's membrane (basilar) is stimulated

in hearing, the theory that the rate of nerve impulses traveling up the auditory nerve matches the frequency of a tone, thus enabling us to sense its pitch

hearing loss caused by damage to the mechanical system that conducts sound waves to the cochlea

Sensorineural hearing loss

hearing loss caused by damage to the cochlea's receptor cells or to the auditory nerves; also called nerve deafness

Like soldiers who alternate firing so that some can shoot while others reload, a group of neural cells can alternate firing.

device for converting sounds into electrical signals and stimulating the auditory nerve through electrodes threaded into the cochlea

Painful syndrome characterized by an abnormally painful reaction to a stimulus, especially a repetitive stimulus, as well as an increased threshold; explosive onset and greatly exaggerated severity. Associated with neuropathic pain.

When a limb is amputated, neurons in the somatosensory cortex that used to receive input from the missing limb respond to receptors from other parts of the body

the theory that the spinal cord contains a neurological "gate" that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass on to the brain; the "gate" is opened by the activity of pain signals traveling up small nerve fibers and is closed by activity in larger fibers or by information coming from the brain

The principle that one sense may influence another, as when the smell of food influences its taste.

audio/visual illusion audio"ba visually it looks like ga but perceived as da
visual and audio intergarion

synesthesia (or synaesthasia)

describing one kind of sensation in terms of another ("a loud color," "a sweet sound")

System for sensing position/movement of individual body parts

sense of body movement and position, including the sense of balance

contain fluid and small hairs which sense equilibrium and are responsible for balance, acceleration and movement

connect semicircular canals with the cochlea, contain fluid that moves when the head rotates or tilts.

the tendency for vision to dominate the other senses. - basis for ventriloquism and mckurk effect (bah , sounds like fah if it looks like fah)

an organized whole. Gestalt psychologists
emphasized our tendency to integrate pieces of information
into meaningful wholes.

Organization of the visual field into objects (the figures) that stand out from their surroundings (the ground)

the perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into coherant groups
organizing into groups

we group nearby figures together. we see not six separate lines but three sets of two lines

We tend to group objects on the basis of their similarity

we perceive smooth, continuous patterns rather than discontinuous ones

perceive each set of two dots and the line between them as a single strand (grouped together)

fill in gaps to complete the whole object

Ability to see objects in three dimensions although images that strike retina are two dimensional; allows us to judge distance 

a laboratory device for testing  depth perception in infants and young animals

depth cues, such as retinal disparity, that depend on the use of two eyes

binocular cue for perceiving depth: by comparing images from the retinas in the two eyes, the brain computes distance--the greater disparity (difference) between the two images, the closer the object

binocular cue for perceiving depth; the extent to which the eyes converge inward when looking at an object. The greater the inward strain, the closer the object -crossing eyes

depth cues, such as interposition and linear perspective, available to either eye alone

If two objects are roughly the same size, the object that looks the largest will be judged as being closest to the observer

One object partially blocks other, appears closer

because the light from distant objects pass through more air than closer objects, we perceive hazy objects to be farther away than those objects that appear sharp and clear

Gradual change from coarse, distinct to fine, indistinct texture signal increasing distance

Objects higher in field of vision perceived as farther away, figure-ground relationship

relative motion (motion parallax)

as we move, objects that are actually stable may appear to move

The appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer.

nearby objects reflect more light to our eyes, dimmer one seems farther away

an illusion of movement created by a rapid succession of stationary images

an illusion of movement created when two or more adjacent lights blink on and off in quick succession.

perceiving objects as unchanging even as illumination and retinal images change

Perceptual Constancy: Shape Constancy

We see it as being constant even though what we see keeps changing.

the perception that an object says the same size despite changes in distance from which it is viewed

Size-distance Relationship

We instantly perceive an object's size based on its perceive distance and the size of its image on our retinas

  • shows how context affects perception
  • moon looks larger when we see it on the horizon than when we see it in the sky b/c the horizon contains visual cues that make the moon seem more distant than the overhead sky
  • in the overhead sky, we cannot correct for distance when we perceive the size of the moon because we have no cues to work with

Ponzo rail road track Illusion

-an illusion where two horizontal lines of equal length are drawn inside two converging lines, but the line in the narrower section of the converging lines is perceived to be longer -due to linear perspective cues

we perceive objects as having a constant lightness (brightness) even while its illumination varies

The amount of light an object reflects relative to its surroundings. Perceived lightness depends on this (lightness / brightness constancy).

allows you to perceive the color of familiar object as constant, despite changing lighting conditions

An optimal period shortly after birth where certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development.

in vision, the ability to
adjust to an artificially displaced or even inverted
visual field.
The ability to adapt to our perception of the world

mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another
Is it a face or a saxophone?

human factors psychologists

branch of psychology that explores how people and machines interact and how machines and physical environments can be made safe and easy to use

extrasensory perception (ESP)

the controversial claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input; includes telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition

The study of paranormal phenomena, including ESP and psychokinesis.

Mind-to-mind communication; one person sending thoughts to another or percieving another's thoughts

Perceiving remote events ex. sensing that a friend's house is on fire

When you perceive an object as being closer to you because it blocks out part of the background you are using the depth cue called?

The monocular depth cue when one object partly blocks your view of another, you perceive the partially blocked object as being farther away. The monocular depth cue perspective with parallel lines that are known to be the same distance apart appear to grow closer together, or converge, as they recede into the distance.

When one object partially blocks out part of another object it is called?

Overlap. When one object partially blocks or obscures the view of another object, the partially blocked object is perceived as being farther away. This cue is also called interposition.

When one object partially blocks your view of another you perceive the partially blocked object as being farther away this is the monocular depth cue of?

Interposition is a monocular cue that occurs when one object obscures another, which causes the object that is partially covered to appear more distant.

When one object partially blocks another and is perceived as being closer the distance cue is called?

Occultation (also referred to as interposition) happens when near surfaces overlap far surfaces. If one object partially blocks the view of another object, humans perceive it as closer. However, this information only allows the observer to create a "ranking" of relative nearness.