When you want to explain why a particular phenomenon happened what method for analyzing quality data is the best resort?

1. What method of investigations to analyze the variables relevant to the subject understudy in its own natural settings?A. Action Research B. Case studyC. Grounded TheoryD. PhenomenologyWhat I Can DoAssessment

2. Quality data represents everything describing taste, experience, texture, or anopinion. This type of data is usually collected through the following, EXCEPT?

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3. What is the way of data reduction without compromising and changing the meaningof the data?4. What method is used to analyze content gathered from various sources such as

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personal interviews, field observation, and surveys?

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5. Which method of data analyses used to document information in the form of text,media, or even physical items characteristics?A. Content AnalysisC. Narrative AnalysisB. Grounded TheoryD. Thematic Analysis

6.What data analysis that studying documents, artifacts, and other materials to gaininsight into the group’s behaviors, actions, and other characteristics over a period?

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7. Which statement pertains to thematic analysis of data?

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What is the method to be used in analyzing your data?

Two main qualitative data analysis techniques used by data analysts are content analysis and discourse analysis. Another popular method is narrative analysis, which focuses on stories and experiences shared by a study's participants.

What data analysis is used to study of a phenomenon to describe the subjective reality of an event?

Phenomenology describes the "subjective reality" of an event, as perceived by the study population; it is the study of a phenomenon. Evidence from phenomenological research is derived from first person reports of life experiences.

What are three methods used in order to analyze data?

There are two main methods of Data Analysis:.
Qualitative Analysis. This approach mainly answers questions such as 'why,' 'what' or 'how. ... .
Quantitative Analysis. Generally, this analysis is measured in terms of numbers. ... .
Text analysis. ... .
Statistical analysis. ... .
Diagnostic analysis. ... .
Predictive analysis. ... .
Prescriptive Analysis..

What are the 5 methods to analyze qualitative data?

Qualitative data analysis can be divided into the following five categories:.
Content analysis. This refers to the process of categorizing verbal or behavioural data to classify, summarize and tabulate the data..
Narrative analysis. ... .
Discourse analysis. ... .
Framework analysis. ... .
Grounded theory..