Which action by the emergency department nurse is the priority for a client with heat stroke Quizlet

ANS: B Moderate hypothermia manifests with muscle weakness, increased loss of coordination, acute confusion, apathy, incoherence, stupor, and impaired clotting. Moderate hypothermia should be treated by core rewarming methods, which include administration of warm IV fluids, heated oxygen, and heated peritoneal, pleural, gastric, or bladder lavage, and by positioning the client in a supine position to prevent orthostatic changes. The clients trunk should be warmed prior to the extremities to prevent peripheral vasodilation. Extracorporeal warming with cardiopulmonary bypass or hemodialysis is a treatment for severe hypothermia

ANS: A, B, C, D, E, G

Dehydration, a history of smoking, previous episode(s) of frostbite, excessive fatigue, current smoking, and a history of diabetes are all risk factors for developing frostbite.

Which action by the emergency department nurse is the priority for a client with heat stroke?

Seek emergency medical care If you suspect heatstroke, call 911 or your local emergency number. Then move the person out of the heat right away.

Which interventions are appropriate for the client brought to the hospital with heat exhaustion?

Move the person out of the heat and into a shady or air-conditioned place. Lay the person down and elevate the legs and feet slightly. Remove tight or heavy clothing. Have the person sip chilled water, a decaffeinated sports drink containing electrolytes or other nonalcoholic beverage without caffeine.

What do you do when someone has a heat stroke?

If you suspect that someone has a heat stroke, immediately call 911 or take the person to a hospital. Any delay seeking medical help can be fatal.

How is heat stroke treated in the ER?

Treatment is directed at fluid replacement, electrolyte correction, removal from warm environment and rest. These patients may require active cooling, especially if not responding to the first 30-60 minutes of therapy.