Which approach to reducing anxiety would be best implemented through taking a public speaking course quizlet?


the presentation of a speech using your voice and body to communicate your message

A solid message chosen to accomplish specific goals with your audience, coupled with a delivery style demonstrating energy and passion, should be your objective for every speech

extemporaneous method

carefully prepared and practiced, but the presenter delivers the message conversationally without heavy dependence on notes

This method places equal importance on the message and the audience, with the speaker focused not on notes but on the ideas being expressed

extemporaneous literally means "on the spur of the moment"

Impromptu method

you deliver a presentation without notes, plans, or formal preparation and with spontaneity and conversational language.

The word impromptu has Latin and French roots and means "in readiness."

The impromptu method encourages you to "think on your feet" without research, preparation, or practice. Although you cannot practice your actual speech, you can (and should) practice speaking on various topics without specific preparation.

manuscript method

you deliver your presentation from a script of the entire speech.

The advantage is that you know exactly what to say.

The disadvantages are that the written message invites you to pay more attention to the script than to the audience, discourages eye contact, and prevents response to audience feedback.

memorized method

is committed to memory.

This method requires considerable practice and allows ample eye contact, movement, and gestures. However, it also discourages the speaker from responding to feedback, from adapting to the audience during the speech, and from choosing words that might be appropriate at the moment.

In other words, memorization removes spontaneity and increases the danger of forgetting.


public speakers can say the same words in different ways to get the audience to respond in various ways.

The way you say words creates emotion. The seven vocal aspects of presentation are pitch, rate, pauses, volume, enunciation, fluency, and vocal variety.


is the highness or lowness of a speaker's voice—the voice's upward and downward movement, the melody produced by the voice.


is the speed of delivery, or how fast you say your words. The normal rate for U.S. speakers is between 125 and 190 words per minute, but many variations occur.

Your rate of delivery can be strategically used to build drama during your presentation.

Think about a great action sequence in a movie. Typically, the background music has a more upbeat tempo to emphasize the action.

So, too, in a speech, your rate of delivery can be used to build excitement. Talking slowly at a pep rally may curb spirit, but fast delivery can get fans pumped up. Varying your rate of delivery can help you set certain moods as your speech develops.


an absence of vocal sound used for dramatic effect, transition, or emphasis.

vocalized pauses

are breaks in fluency that negatively affect an audience's perception of the speaker's competence and dynamism.

The "ahhhs" and "mmhhs" of the beginning speaker are disturbing and distracting.

Unfortunately, even some experienced speakers have the habit of filling silences with vocalized pauses.


the relative loudness of your voice.

Variations in volume can convey emotion, importance, suspense, and changes in meaning.

When speaking more loudly we also tend to speak more quickly and at a higher pitch; when speaking more softly we tend to be lower and slower. Thus, changes in volume often happen in conjunction with changes in tone and rate of delivery


the fifth vocal aspect of speech delivery, is the pronunciation and articulation of sounds and words.

In everyday conversation we are informal, and our friends know how we talk.

In speeches, however, you need to think more carefully about how you enunciate the syllables of words.


is the act of correctly saying words.


the accurate production of sounds—is the second part of enunciation.


the smoothness of the delivery, the flow of the words, and the absence of vocalized pauses.

Vocal Variety

This term refers to voice quality, intonation patterns, inflections of pitch, and how you draw out spoken sounds and syllables.


are movements of the head, arms, and hands that illustrate, emphasize, or signal ideas in a speech.

facial expressions

consist of the nonverbal cues expressed by the speaker's face.

Eyebrows rise and fall; eyes twinkle, glare, and cry; lips pout or smile; cheeks can dimple or harden; and a chin can jut out in anger or recede in yielding.

eye contact

refers to the extent to which the speaker looks directly at the audience.

Staring down the audience is too much of a good thing, but staring at your notes is poor delivery.

bodily movement

what the speaker does with his or her entire body during a presentation.

Sometimes the situation limits movement. The presence of a fixed microphone, a lectern, a pulpit, or any other physical feature of the environment may limit your activity.

The length of the speech can also make a difference. If your speech is short, movement may be less important.

For a speech lasting longer than a few minutes, movement can help keep audience members more engaged.

communication apprehension

the fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with another or others

First, apprehension can stem from any type of communication.

Just as some people fear public speaking, others have significant apprehension during interpersonal conversations.

Second, apprehension can stem from anticipated interactions with others.

In fact, much of the anxiety associated with public speaking stems from anticipation rather than from the act of speaking itself.

public speaking anxiety

fear or anxiety associated with either actual or anticipated communication to an audience as a speaker

skills approach

reducing fear by systematically improving presenting skills

positive thinking approach

using positive thoughts to bolster speaker confidence

visualization approach

invites you to picture yourself succeeding, as the positive-thinking approach does, but with the addition of imagery.

relaxation approach

trains you to associate public speaking with positive thoughts.

Although you can do this by yourself, another person, such as a facilitator, usually provides the relaxation commands.

The facilitator asks you to relax (actually lying down helps) and to think of a situation in which you are totally unstressed.

The facilitator links your relaxed state to a word, such as calm. After repeating this process, you start relaxing whenever you hear the word

self-managed approach

reducing the fear of presenting with self-diagnosis and a variety of therapies

visual resources

are any items that can be seen by an audience for the purpose of reinforcing a message, from the way you dress, to words on a dry-erase board, to items you bring in for a demonstration.

Visual resources lose their effectiveness if they are not integrated effectively into your presentation.

Do not talk to your visual resources

Display visual resources only when you are using them. Before or after they are discussed, they usually become a needless distraction to the audience.

Make sure everyone in the room can see your visual resources. Check the visibility of your visual resources before your speech, during practice.

Leave visual resources in front of the audience long enough for complete assimilation

Use a pointer or your inside arm for pointing to visual resources. The pointer keeps you from masking the visual, and using your inside arm helps you to avoid closing off your body from the audience.

Rule of Thirds

divides the frame into 9 sections, points of interest should occur at 1/3 or 2/3

which simply assumes that the shot view can be divided into three imaginary columns and three imaginary rows. Where the lines for these columns and rows intersect are hot zones where focal points can be established. By using the hot zones strategically, you can present information in a much more visually appealing way.

Delivery is how you use your voice and body to communicate your message to the audience. There are four general methods of delivering a presentation:

The extemporaneous method, in which the speech is carefully prepared but appears relatively spontaneous and conversational.

The impromptu method, which actually is spontaneous and without specific preparation.

The manuscript method, whereby the presenter uses a script throughout delivery.

The memorized method, which employs a script committed to memory.

There are various vocal and bodily behaviors you can use to improve your delivery

Vocal aspects of delivery include pitch, rate, pauses, volume, enunciation, fluency, and vocal variety.

Nonverbal aspects of delivery include gestures, facial expression, eye contact, and movement.

Most speakers experience nervousness before giving a speech. There are five general approaches to managing your communication apprehension related to speaking

The skills approach requires taking steps to improve your competence as a speaker.
By improving your skills, you will gain more confidence.

Positive thinking can reframe fears into steps you'll use to improve your speaking.

The visualization technique lets you mentally picture yourself doing well during a speech.

The relaxation technique, usually enacted by a trained facilitator, trains you to associate public speaking with relaxing thoughts.

Self-management occurs when you focus on what your actual fears are and develop techniques for addressing specific fears rather than the general condition.

Using visual resources in your presentation can increase interest in your speech and help the audience retain more of what you say.

Three days after your speech, audience members typically remember only about 10% of what you said if your speech does not include visuals; if you include visuals they typically remember about 65%

Most speakers create unappealing slides because they do not follow general principles of design when creating PowerPoint or Keynote slide decks. These design principles can help you make clearer and more appealing slides:

Use images, not words.

Apply the rule of thirds to use various areas of a slide as anchors for people and other objects.

Minimize details, so that your slide does not become cluttered.

Use multimedia resources to add interactivity, but practice with your materials several times to predict and avoid problems.

Which method of delivery encourages you to improvise and speak without previous research or preparation?



A disadvantage of a presentation delivered in the memorized method is

the need to create carefully prepared notes.

a lack of practice.

a lack of eye contact.

the removal of spontaneity and the danger of forgetting.

the removal of spontaneity and the danger of forgetting.

"Ummmms" or "aahhhs" that disrupt a speaker's fluency are termed

vocalized pauses.




vocalized pauses.

_______is the highness or lowness of a speaker's voice, and ________ is the smoothness of delivery and flow of words.

Volume; rate

Pitch; fluency

Rate; vocal variety

Pitch; enunciation

Pitch; fluency

Gestures are movements of the head, arms, and hands

used to improve source credibility.

that appear rehearsed and out of rhythm.

used to illustrate, emphasize, or signal ideas.

that convey a relationship with the audience.

used to illustrate, emphasize, or signal ideas.

With regard to movement, the speaker should

pace back and forth.

move without purpose.

move backward when introducing an important point.

avoid turning his or her back to the audience.

avoid turning his or her back to the audience.

If you are nervous or anxious about giving your presentation, you may be experiencing


communication apprehension.

cognitive modification.

audience adaptation.

communication apprehension.

Why are visual resources used?

Speakers do not need to prepare as much because they can just read their PowerPoint.

They are appropriate for all types of speeches.

People tend to learn and retain more when they both see and listen.

They are fun to watch.

People tend to learn and retain more when they both see and listen.

When using PowerPoint, you should

use a lot of text on each slide.

move the slides quickly, because the audience will get bored.

vary your slides to keep the presentation interesting.

utilize all color combinations.

vary your slides to keep the presentation interesting.

The rule of thirds divides a slide into how many hot zones?






The mode of delivery that allows ample eye contact, movement, and gesture but discourages the speaker from responding to feedback is the memorized mode.

Choose one:


A memorized mode of speaking is considered easier than extemporaneous speaking because you can read a copy of your speech.

Choose one:


Too much variance in pitch can detract from your delivery

Choose one:


An increase in the octave of your voice is an example of how your pitch can change during delivery.

Choose one:


A speaking rate of 200 words per minute would be considered faster than normal for a typical speaker in the United

Choose one:


A normal rate of speaking for Americans is just over 200 words per minute.

Choose one:


A vocalized pause is a positive feature of delivery because Americans dislike breaks and silence.

Choose one:


Volume in delivery is defined as the quantity or number of words in your speech

Choose one:


Enunciation is the pronunciation and articulation of words in your speech

Choose one:


Saying "goin'," "comin'," and "leavin'" is an example of an articulation problem

Choose one:


A person who is highly fluent is someone who uses a large vocabulary without mispronunciations

Choose one:


Audiences perceive a speaker's fluency as a sign of effectiveness.

Choose one:


An early research study found that the audiences retained more information when there were large variations in rate,
pitch, and voice quality.

Choose one:


When not gesturing, you should keep your hands in pockets or on a lectern.

Choose one:


A gesture in delivery is something that is said insincerely; for example, "It was only a gesture, not the real thing."

Choose one:


Facial expressions can be indicators of emotion

Choose one:


Your eye contact should be spread among many audience members.

Choose one:


American audiences tend to appreciate eye contact, and eye contact tends to improve source credibility.

Choose one:


Audience retention is approximately the same whether we tell, show, or show and tell our message

Choose one:


Visual resources do not require documentation.

Choose one:


One disadvantage of a handout is that audiences can be trying to read it while the speaker is talking.

Choose one:


Having four or more PowerPoint slides would violate the rule of thirds.

Choose one:


Visualization is a method for managing communication apprehension.

Choose one:


If a speaker presents ten points without visual aids, research suggests that a typical audience member would recall seven of those points three days after the presentation

Choose one:


Prezi is a linear presentation approach similar to PowerPoint or Keynote.

Choose one:


You should minimize rather than maximize details on a typical slide used in a presentation

Choose one:


The most common delivery approach, both inside and outside the classroom, is
A. extemporaneous.
B. memorized.
C. manuscript.
D. enhanced.

A. extemporaneous.

Vocal aspects of delivery include all of the following EXCEPT
A. pitch.
B. gestures.
C. fluency.
D. rate.

B. gestures.

Which of the following does pitch NOT do?
A. changes the meaning of a word or expression
B. affects what audiences perceive as good voices
C. alters the way an audience will respond to words
D. breaks the fluency of a speech

D. breaks the fluency of a speech

The normal rate of speaking for Americans is
A. between 60 and 100 words per minute.
B. between 125 and 190 words per minute.
C. between 150 and 200 words per minute.
D. between 175 and 225 words per minute

B. between 125 and 190 words per minute.

A vocalized pause is
A. always seen as a negative characteristic of delivery.
B. mostly seen as a positive avoidance of silence.
C. usually present when the speaker is highly fluent.
D. always present in extemporaneous speeches

A. always seen as a negative characteristic of delivery.

Enunciation is a delivery term that means
A. pitch and pronunciation.
B. pronunciation and articulation.
C. articulation and pitch.
D. pitch and pauses

B. pronunciation and articulation.

Dropping the "g" on words like "goin'," "comin'," and "leavin'" is an example of which vocal aspect of delivery?
A. pronunciation
B. articulation
C. pitch
D. vocalization

B. articulation

Fluency is a delivery term that means
A. smoothness of delivery, a flowing of words, and the absence of vocalized pauses.
B. the use of a large vocabulary without errors in pronunciation.
C. delivery without articulation errors.
D. the use of projection so that all of the audience can hear the message.

A. smoothness of delivery, a flowing of words, and the absence of vocalized pauses.

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the delivery concept vocal variety?
A. voice quality
B. intonation patterns
C. pitch inflections
D. correct articulation

D. correct articulation

Which of the following is NOT one of the four bodily aspects of speech delivery?
A. gestures
B. eye contact
C. movement
D. vocal variety

D. vocal variety

Which statement about eye contact is NOT correct?
A. Eye contact refers to meaningful attention to the eyes and faces of the audience members.
B. Good eye contact can improve the speaker's perceived source credibility.
C. The value of eye contact with audiences and individuals is culturally determined.
D. There is no such thing as too much eye contact

D. There is no such thing as too much eye contact

Which of the following affects retention most positively?
A. showing and telling an audience the message
B. telling an audience the message
C. showing an audience the message through visual aids
D. having the audience visualize the message

A. showing and telling an audience the message

The mode of delivery that is used most often in the public speaking classroom is the
A. memorized speech.
B. impromptu speech.
C. extemporaneous speech.
D. manuscript speech

C. extemporaneous speech.

When you answer a question in class, you are using which mode of delivery?
A. manuscript speech
B. impromptu speech
C. extemporaneous speech
D. memorized speech

B. impromptu speech

One mode that requires practice; allows ample eye contact, movement, and gestures; and discourages responding to audience feedback is the
A. memorized mode.
B. impromptu mode.
C. extemporaneous mode.
D. manuscript mode.

A. memorized mode.

In reducing communication apprehension, which approach trains you to associate public speaking with positive thoughts?
A. visualization
B. relaxation
C. skills
D. self-managed

B. relaxation

Which approach to reducing anxiety would be best implemented through taking a public speaking course?
A. visualization approach
B. negative thinking approach
C. skills approach
D. positive thinking approach

C. skills approach

Which approach to reducing anxiety would be best implemented through intrapersonal communication?
A. visualization approach
B. mediation approach
C. skills approach
D. positive thinking approach

D. positive thinking approach

Good movement is
A. any movement.
B. appropriate and purposeful.
C. movement during the main points only.
D. pacing like a "caged lion."

B. appropriate and purposeful.

Which of the following is NOT true of using people and other living things as a visual resource?
A. They can gain and maintain attention.
B. They may detract from the presentation.
C. They are easy to control.
D. They can provide good examples for the presentation

C. They are easy to control.

When using gestures in a presentation, you should
A. keep your hands in your pockets so the audience doesn't see them shaking.
B. make your gestures big and broad.
C. gesture with the hand holding your notes.
D. avoid practicing with them so that they are spontaneous.

B. make your gestures big and broad.

Which approach to reducing anxiety would be best implemented through intrapersonal communication?

Which approach to reducing anxiety would be best implemented through intrapersonal communication? extemporaneous speech.

When presenting your speech vocalized pauses are good because they create suspense?

Pause creates effective suspense: suspense can create interest. The audience will want to find out the conclusion or what happened if you pause before the punch line or conclusion. Pause after an important idea: pausing gives the audience time to process what you have just said before you continue with your delivery.

What mode of delivery that discourages responding to audience feedback requires practice and allows for ample eye contact movement and gestures?

The mode of delivery that allows ample eye contact, movement, and gesture but that discourages the speaker from responding to feedback is the memorized mode.

Which of the following are vocal elements of effective delivery quizlet?

Vocal aspects of delivery include pitch, rate, pauses, volume, enunciation, fluency, and vocal variety.