Which barrier is the most common problem for research surveys in foreign countries?

21 Mar 2013

Intro to Global Market Research Challenges

Market research in emerging countries brings with it a variety of challenges. It’s important for researchers to be aware of these challenges in advance and prepare for them.

Cultural Barriers

Which barrier is the most common problem for research surveys in foreign countries?

There are numerous cultural barriers to doing research in emerging countries. For example, in some places it would be unacceptable for women to conduct personal interviews with men, or vice versa. Another challenge is that during religious holidays, like Ramadan for Muslims, research must be suspended. Cultural taboos, like revealing your wealth to one another in certain parts of Africa, can stop the data gathering process. Another cultural barrier is language. In some regions like Africa, where there are over 1000 different languages, it would be highly expensive for researchers to translate questionnaires for diverse populations. Furthermore, in certain regions the ethnicity of the interviewer would need to be matched with the group being interviewed.

Government Bureaucracy

In some countries, the law requires a permit to perform a study. Governments often want to review the survey questions prior to giving their approval. A permit can take several weeks to be obtained, slowing down progress. Since the governments in emerging countries do not take regular census data as developed nations do, it is also extremely difficult for a researcher to target a specific population or to pinpoint a sample group. There is no centralized data to rely on.

Which barrier is the most common problem for research surveys in foreign countries?

Security Issues

In emerging countries, cases of corruption can be common, and illegal searches and confiscation of study materials are not uncommon occurrences. Conducting global
market research in slums is dangerous work. There are criminal gangs that can threaten researchers with violence and/or extortion. In some regions there is civil war activity and political unrest.

Limited Financial and Technological Capabilities

Financial companies are hesitant to finance research studies due to the challenges associated with emerging market research. Budget constraints make research efforts less than optimal, with little resources for R&D, technological upgrades, and staff development.  Local interviewers are less qualified and require more follow-up and training to ensure that the data is retrieved and analyzed appropriately.

Which barrier is the most common problem for research surveys in foreign countries?

Many emerging countries have subpar infrastructures, such as poor transportation and road systems, lack of electricity and telecommunication devices, and low levels of literacy. Much of the research conducted in emerging countries is face-to-face interviews due to the limitations in technological capabilities.

In conclusion, conducting global market research in emerging countries is challenging but not impossible. Face-to-face methodologies are a good first start. Look to nonprofit organizations for preliminary data before trusting government statistics. Prepare in advance, learn the culture, acknowledge the limitations and seek out local resources. Monitor political situations closely and try to obtain government support for your project at the start.
– ResearchOptimus

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Which barrier is the most common problem for research surveys in foreign countries?

Which barrier is the most common problem for research surveys in foreign countries?



There is a need for high quality research to improve perioperative patient care in Africa. The aim of this study was to understand the particular barriers to clinical research in this environment.


We conducted an electronic survey of African Surgical Outcomes Study (ASOS) investigators, including 29 quantitative Likert scale questions and eight qualitative questions with subsequent thematic analysis. Protocol compliant and non-compliant countries were compared according to WHO statistics for research and development, health workforce data, and world internet statistics.


Responses were received from 134/418 of invited researchers in 24/25 (96%) of participating countries, and three non-participating countries. Barriers included lack of a dedicated research team (47.7%), reliable internet access (32.6%), staff skilled in research (31.8%), and team commitment (23.8%). Protocol compliant countries had significantly more physicians per 1000 population (4 vs 0.9, P<0.01), internet penetration (38% vs 28%, P=0.01) and published clinical trials (1461 vs 208, P<0.01) compared with non-compliant countries. Facilitators of research included establishing a research culture (86.9%), simple data collection tools (80%), and ASOS team interaction (77.9%). Most participants are interested in future research (93.8%). Qualitative data reiterated human resource, financial resource, and regulatory barriers. However, the desire to contribute to an African collaboration producing relevant data to improve patient outcomes was expressed strongly by ASOS investigators.


Barriers to successful participation in ASOS related to resource limitations and not motivation of the clinician investigators. Practical solutions to individual barriers may increase the success of multi-centre perioperative research in Africa.



biomedical research

global health

research personnel

surveys and questionnaires

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© 2018 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

What is the most universal survey research problem in foreign countries?

The most universal survey research problem in foreign countries is the language barrier. Differences in idiom and the difficulty of exact translation create problems in eliciting the specific information desired and in interpreting the respondents' answers.

Why is it difficult to conduct marketing research in foreign countries?

Language is the most obvious obstacle. For example, questionnaires must be prepared in one language and then translated into the languages of each country researched. Responses then must be translated back into the original language for analysis and interpretation.

What would be the problems of data collection in the international market research?

Challenges of international data collection The main challenge that comes to the minds of researchers is how are they going to reach out to respondents in different locations. Researchers are never sure how respondents will react to the survey.

What are the three main difficulties of conducting research in international markets?

Global market researchers will come across difficulties from prominent differences across various countries such as diverse cultures and customs, differing levels of economic development, and varying buying patterns.