Which best compares new netherland and pennsylvania in the early days of their establishment?

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What was different about Pennsylvania compared to other colonies?

Pennsylvania's early history, influenced by the idealism of its founder William Penn, makes it unique among the original thirteen colonies. Religious tolerance, diversity, and representative government became reality here in Pennsylvania.

What colony was Pennsylvania similar to?

"The lower counties on Delaware," a separate colony within the province, broke away during the American Revolution as "the Delaware State" and was also one of the original thirteen states. The colony attracted Quakers, Germans, and Scots-Irish frontiersmen. ... Province of Pennsylvania..

What was the early economy of Pennsylvania?

From its beginning, Pennsylvania ranked as a leading agricultural area and produced surpluses for export, adding to its wealth. By the 1750s an exceptionally prosperous farming area had developed in southeastern Pennsylvania. Wheat and corn were the leading crops, though rye, hemp, and flax were also important.

Which two English colonies were formed from the Dutch colony of New Netherlands?

During this time of growth, the colony of New Netherland was born. Under the direct control of the Dutch West India Company, the New Netherland territory covered most of present day New York State, as well as parts of Connecticut, New Jersey, and Delaware.