Which clinical findings would the nurse expect to find when caring for a client with hyperthyroidism?


Weight loss is associated with hyperthyroidism because of the increase in the metabolic rate. Muscle weakness and wasting also occur. Tachycardia, palpitations, increased systolic blood pressure, and dysrhythmias occur with hyperthyroidism because of the increased metabolic rate. Restlessness and insomnia are also associated with hyperthyroidism because of the increased metabolic rate. Protrusion of the eyeballs occurs with hyperthyroidism because of peribulbar edema. Dry, coarse, scaly skin occurs with hypothyroidism, not hyperthyroidism, because of decreased glandular function. Smooth, warm, moist skin occurs with hyperthyroidism. Constipation is associated with hypothyroidism. Increased stools and diarrhea are associated with hyperthyroidism.


Methimazole (Tapazole) blocks thyroid hormone synthesis; it takes several weeks of medication therapy before the hormones stored in the thyroid gland are released and the excessive level of thyroid hormone in the circulation is metabolized. There are many common side effects that include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia, hyperpigmentation, drowsiness, headache, vertigo, and fever. Methimazole should be spaced at regular intervals because blood levels are reduced in approximately eight hours. Large doses cause toxic side effects that can be life threatening, including nephritis, hepatitis, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypothrombinemia, and lymphadenopathy.


Thyroid trauma, thyroid surgery, or physiological stress in a client with hyperthyroidism may lead to a release of abnormally high levels of thyroid hormones. High levels of the hormone triiodothyronine intensifies all the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism (thyroid storm or crisis), such as increased temperature, pulse, and respirations, restlessness, vomiting, and often death. Iodine binds with thyroxine, thus decreasing the potential for crisis. Tetany, not thyroid crisis, occurs from surgical excision of the parathyroid glands. Anesthesia will depress metabolism, not increase it.


Wearing shoes protects the feet from trauma; they should fit well and should be worn over clean socks. Drying between the toes after bathing prevents maceration and skin breakdown, thus maintaining skin integrity. Soaking the feet is contraindicated because it can cause macerations and skin breakdown, which allow a portal of entry for pathogenic organisms. Clients should not self-treat corns, calluses, warts, or ingrown toenails because of the potential for trauma and skin breakdown; these conditions should be treated by a podiatrist. Use of a heating pad, hot water bottle, or hot water is contraindicated because of the potential for burns; diabetic neuropathy, if present, does not allow the client to accurately evaluate the extremes of temperature.


Thyrotoxic crisis (thyroid storm) refers to a sudden and excessive release of thyroid hormones, which causes pyrexia, tachycardia, and exaggerated symptoms of thyrotoxicosis; surgery, infection, and ablation therapy can precipitate this life-threatening condition. Hypercalcemia is not related to thyrotoxic crisis; hypocalcemia results from accidental removal of the parathyroid glands. Tachycardia is an increased, not decreased, heart rate, which occurs with thyrotoxic crisis because of the sudden release of thyroid hormones; thyroid hormones increase the basal metabolic rate. Fever, not hypothermia, and diaphoresis, not dry skin, occur with thyrotoxic crisis because of the sudden release of thyroid hormones, which increase the basal metabolic rate.

Frequent swallowing in the postoperative period following subtotal thyroidectomy may indicate hemorrhage. In the absence of complications, the client should be ambulated within a few hours following surgery. Facial spasms, apprehension, and tingling of the lips, fingers, or toes are indicative of tetany. Tetany is caused by hypocalcemia, resulting from damage to or removal of the parathyroid glands during throidectomy. Tetany is a medical emergency. Oxygen, suction equipment, and a tracheostomy tray must be kept at the bedside in case of airway edema. The bed should be placed in semi-Fowler position and the client should avoid neck flexion to prevent tension on the suture line.

What are expected findings for hyperthyroidism?

The classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism include heat intolerance, tremor, palpitations, anxiety, weight loss despite a normal or increased appetite, increased frequency of bowel movements, and shortness of breath. Goiter is commonly found on physical examination.

Which clinical symptoms would the nurse observe in a patient with hyperthyroidism?

These include:.
Being nauseated, vomiting, and having diarrhea..
Sweating a lot..
Feeling extremely restless and confused..
Having a high fever..
Having a fast heartbeat..

What signs and symptoms might a patient show if they are experiencing hyperthyroidism?

Unintentional weight loss, even when your appetite and food intake stay the same or increase..
Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) — commonly more than 100 beats a minute..
Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).
Pounding of your heart (palpitations).
Increased appetite..
Nervousness, anxiety and irritability..

Which manifestations are most often seen in general hyperthyroidism?

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?.
weight loss despite an increased appetite..
rapid or irregular heartbeat..
nervousness, irritability, trouble sleeping, fatigue..
shaky hands, muscle weakness..
sweating or trouble tolerating heat..
frequent bowel movements..
an enlargement in the neck, called a goiter..


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