Which colony produced as many as forty separate groups to indicate different racial mixtures?

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Test Review ; Political Transformations (Empires and Encounters 1450-1750)

Terms in this set (27)

1. Name the Nations that become colonial powers in the period 1450-1750?

Spanish, Portuguese, British, French and Dutch

Describe Europe's global position in 1450

- They were behind in travel and discoveries (compared to China and other countries). They were behind in pretty much everything.

What aided the European conquest of the Americas?

- The Europeans had a great military power and new technologies. They brought dieses with them. The Native American's were not immune to these dieses.

Identify old-world crops that were soon were established in Europe's American colonies.

- Wheat, rice, sugarcane, grapes, and other garden vegetables and fruits

What was the significance of the introduction of horses to the North American West?

- Because of horseback, many farming peoples such as the Pawnee abandoned their fields to hunt bison. In the process, women lost much of their earlier role as food producers as a male-dominated hunting and warrior culture emerged. Both environmentally and socially, it was nothing less than revolutionary.

What name is given to the enormous network of communication, trade, and transference that the European colonial empires in the Americas generated?

The Columbian Exchange

What is mercantilism?

- European governments served their countries' economic interest best by encouraging exports and accumulating bullion (precious metals such as silver and gold)

Describe Spanish conquerors' relations with native women in the Americas?

-The transfer of women often accompanied conquests to the new colonial rulers. Many Spanish men married elite native women. Below this elite level of interaction, however, far more women experienced sexual violence and abuse. Rape accompanied conquest in many places. If women worked under the control of European men frequently found them required to perform sexual services.

What is encomienda?

- The Spanish crown granted to particular Spanish settlers a number of local native people from whom they could require labor, gold, or agricultural produce and to whom they owed "protection" and instruction in the Christian faith.

What is Creole?

- Spaniards born in the Americas

What position did Indian occupy in Spanish colonial societies?

-They were the primary labor force for the mines and estates of the Spanish Empire and were required to render tribute payments to their Spanish overlords.

The colonies of which European power were the most culturally blended?

British North America

Identity where "sugar colonies" were located in the new world.

-Brazil, Spanish, British, French and Dutch

Which region of the Americas imported the vast majority of slaves from Africa?

- Brazil and the Caribbean

Name the colony produced as many as forty separate groups to indicate different racial mixtures.


Which colonial regions saw significant migration of Europeans for religious reasons?

British Settlers

Which colonial regions were most heavily settled by Europeans?

New England, New York, and Pennsylvania

Settler colonies of which European country developed self-government to the highest degree?

Spanish and Portuguese

Name the colonial product, that was in great demand on the world market, was known as "soft gold."

Animal furs

Which ruler initiated a massive modernization and administrative reform of Russia in the decades at the turn of the seventeenth century?

Peter the Great

Name the empire that brought together much of Hindu South Asia under Muslim rule.

Mughal Empire

Explain how was Central Asia transformed in the period 1450-1750.

- That region had been the cosmopolitan crossroads of Eurasia, hosting the Silk Road trading network, welcoming all of the major world religions, and generating an eduring encounter beween the nomads of the steppes and the farmers of settled agricultural regions. Now under the Russian/Chinese rule they became the backward and impoverished region known to nineteenth- and twentieth- century observers. Land-based commerce across Eurasia increasingly took a backseat to oceanic trade. Indebted Mongolian nobles lost their land to Chinese merchants, while nomads, no longer able to herd their animals freely, fled to urban areas, where many were reduced to begging.

Describe the relationships between religions in the Mughal Empire?

The Mughal Empire was the site of a highly significant encounter between two of the world's great religious traditions. It began with an experiment in multicultural empire building and ended in growing antagonism between Hindus and Muslims.

Name the greatest Mughal emperor, who instituted sweeping policies of religious accommodation.


Describe the Ottoman Empire in the early modern period?

-It became a mall frontier principality to a prosperous, powerful, cosmopolitan empire, heir to both the Byzantine Empire and to leadership within the Islamic world.

What great city, conquered in 1453, became the capital of the Ottoman Empire?


What is devshirme?

the collecting or gathering of

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