Which conditions place a patient at risk for developing metabolic alkalosis? select all that apply.

Warm, flushed, dry skin

If the client is confused and has a warm, flushed, and dry skin, it may indicate the client has acidosis. Acidosis decreases the ability of excitable tissues in the blood vessels to respond adequately. So, there is vasodilation leading to hypotension rather than hypertension. Decrease in the ability of the excitable tissues in the muscles to respond adequately to stimulus, and the hyperkalemia associated with acidosis reduce the muscle tone. This leads to hyporeflexia rather than hyperreflexia. Mild acidosis may increase the heart rate, but as the acidosis worsens and there is hyperkalemia, the heart rate decreases making the peripheral pulse hard to find. Therefore, the peripheral pulse is thready rather than pounding.

Which conditions place a patient at risk for developing metabolic alkalosis?

Who is at risk for metabolic alkalosis? People who experience severe bouts of vomiting can get metabolic alkalosis. It's also common in people who are critically ill or in the hospital for certain conditions. The risk is especially high if you are dehydrated or need your stomach pumped (gastric suctioning).

What is the common cause of metabolic alkalosis?

The most common causes of metabolic alkalosis are the use of diuretics and the external loss of gastric secretions.

Which of the following clients is at greatest risk for developing metabolic alkalosis?

A client who has received sodium bicarbonate in large amounts is at risk for developing metabolic alkalosis.

What conditions diseases may result to alkalosis?

It's often caused by:.
hyperventilation, which commonly occurs with anxiety..
high fever..
lack of oxygen..
salicylate poisoning..
being in high altitudes..
liver disease..
lung disease..