Which document outlines what the loss of any critical functions will mean to the organization quizlet?

Which plan defines the data and resources necessary and the steps required to restore critical organizational processes?

-Succession Plan
-Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
-Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
-Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Answer = Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Which document outlines what the loss of any critical functions will mean to the organization?


Answer = BIA (Business Impact Analysis)

Which alternative site is designed to be operational within a few days?

-Warm site
-Hot site
-Reciprocal site
-Cold site

Answer = Warm site

Which RAID configuration, known as block-stripped with error check, is a commonly used method that stripes the data at the block level and spreads the parity across all of the drives?


Answer = RAID 5

RAID 0 = striped disks

RAID 1 = mirroring

RAID 2 = bit level error correcting code

RAID 3 = byte level stripped with error check uses one drive for parity

RAID 4 = dedicated parity drive similar to raid 3

RAID 5 = Block level striped with error check

2 Laptops are reported missing quarterly. They cost about 200. each. The ALE for laptop losses is _______.


Answer = $1600 per year.

math = 2 X $200 laptops per quarter= $400
4 quarters in a year.
$400 X 4 = $1600 (loss per year)

aka ALE (Annual Loss Expectancy)

Which type of alternative site generally use trailers, often rely on generators for their power but also factor in the requirement for environmental controls immediately?

-Shared alternative site
-Mobile backup site
-Incremental site
-Reciprocal site

Answer = Mobile backup site

Which RAID configuration, known as mirrored disks, copies the data from one disk onto two or more disks?


Answer = RAID 1

The Archive Bit is cleared in a Differential Backup


Answer = False

an incremental backup resets the archive bit.

Which term refers to the predicted average time that will elapse before failure (or between failures) of a system?

-Mean Time To Restore
-Mean Time To Recovery
-Mean Time To Failure
-Recovery Point Objective

Answer = Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)

Management has determined that in order to avoid catastrophic losses, they cannot afford to lose more than 12 hours of data. This is called:


Answer = A RPO (Recovery Point Objective)

You are unable to fully test a possible disaster, so walking through the procedure with other management and operational people is called a tabletop exercise:


Answer = True

Which backup requires a small amount of space and is considered to have a complex restoration process?


Answer = Delta

The easiest way to backup a VM is to perform:

-A full backup
-A bit-by-bit copy
-A snapshot
-A delta backup

Answer = A snapshot (only pertains to VMs)

Multi-national companies or companies that use cloud backup solutions must take into account this issue:

-Offsite backup
-Data sovereignty
-Backup time

Answer = Data sovereignty

______ is the process of moving from a normal operational to the continuity of operations is known as:

-Fall over
-Disaster planning
-Hot sites

Answer = Failover

Linking systems to have them act and work as one system is called:

-A failover system
-Load balancing

Answer = Clustering

Management is concerned about a possible outage in a specialized hardware component, especially if that part fails. What metric would be of high interest in this situation?


Answer = MTTF (Mean Time To Failure)

RAID increases reliability through performance metrics.


Answer = False

RAID is used to created redundancy (prevent data loss)

Which should be avoided if possible?

-Redundant controls
-Single point of failure
-High availability

Answer = Single point of failure

single point of failure is never good.

Backups are necessary to prevent a security incident from occurring.


Answer = False

Why is it important that security exercises be conducted?

-To provide the opportunity for all parties to practice the procedures that have been established to respond to a security incident

-To determine whether the organization's plan and the individuals involved perform as they should during a simulated security incident

-To determine whether processes developed to handle security incidents are sufficient for the organization

-All of the above

Answer = All of the above

A good backup plan will include which of the following?

-The critical data needed for the organization to operate
-Any software that is required to process the organization's data
-Specific hardware to run the software or to process the data
-All of the above

Answer = All of the above

In which backup strategy are only those portions of the files and software that have changed since the last backup backed up?


Answer = Differential

This question is a stupid one, as there are two possible answers. incremental or differential

Which of the following is a consideration in calculating the cost of a backup strategy?

-The cost of the backup media
-The storage costs for the backup media
-The frequency with which backups are created
-All of the above

Answer = All of the above

Which of the following is the name for a partially configured environment that has the peripherals and the software that the normal processing facility contains and that can be operational within a few days?

-Hot site
-Warm site
-Online storage system
-Backup storage facility

Answer = Warm site

Which of the following is considered an issue with long-term storage of magnetic media as discussed in the chapter?

-Tape media can be used a limited number of times before it degrades.

-Software and hardware evolve, and the media stored may no longer be compatible with current technology

-Both A and B

-None of the above

Answer = Both A and B

What common utility or infrastructure is important to consider when developing your recovery plans?

-Oil and Gas

Answer = Transportation

again a vague, wrongly worded question. you need communication in order to be able to connect your network and transfer data. but I know its referring to the distance in the offsite backup.

For organizations that draw a distinction between BCP and a DRP, which of the following is true?

-The BCP details the functions that are most critical and outlines the order in which the critical functions should be returned to service to maintain business operations.

-The BCP is a subset of DRP

-The DRP outlines the minimum set of business functions required for the organization to continue functioning.

-The DRP is always developed first and the BCP normally is an attachment to this document

Answer = The BCP details the functions that are most critical and outlines the order in which the critical functions should be returned to service to maintain business operations.

A Business Impact Assessment (BIA) is conducted to:

-Outline the order in which critical functions should be returned to service to maintain business operations

-Identify the most critical functions for an organization

-Identify the critical employees who must be onsite to implement the BCP

-Establish the policies governing the organization's backup policy

Answer = Establish the policies governing the organization's backup policy

To ensure that critical systems are not lost during a failure, it is important that which of the following be true?


Answer = MTTR < RTO

"having a RTO or RPO shorter than MTTR can result in losses"