Which evidence supports the application of healthcare informatics and client care technology?

Fish, Beef, Vitamin C tablets, Ibuprofen.
The fecal occult blood test, or guaic test, measures microscopic amounts of blood in the feces. False positive results can occur from food products such as fish, beef, and other red meats, grren vegetables, vitamin C supplements, aspirin, and NSAIDS.

B) Offer high protein foods;
Measures to manage nausea and vomiting include the use of antiemetics and avoiding foods and liquids that increase stomach acidity, such as coffee, milk, and citrus acid juices.
For some clients, an empty stomach exacerbates the nausea, so offering frequent, small amounts of foods that appeal to the client, such as dry cracker or bland, high protein foods, help maintain nutritional status.
A &C) Increase fluid intake and provide a high residue diet may help prevent constipation or diarrhea, the best action is to meet the clients basic needs for hydration and nutrition.
D) Give prompt mouth care is a comfort measure that minimizes nausea, the presence of protein in the stomach may be more effective.

D) Petechaie of the anterior chest wall
The pathophysiologic process of fat embolism syndrome (FES) after fracture is related to the release of bone marrow fat globules into the venous circulation followed with platelet aggregation.
Fat emboli lodge in the pulmonary vasculature, result in tissue hypoxia, and manifest as petechiae on the neck, anterior chest wall, axilla, buccal membrane, and conjunctiva of the eye.
The client with FES experiences acute onset of chest pain, tachypnea, tachycardia, and elevated blood pressure.
Although hypoxia, restlessness, and confusion occur, petechiae provides the most differentiating data for FES venus other complications.

Which intervention is most important for the nurse to include in the plan of care for a client with ankylosing spondylitis quizlet?

Upper right abdominal pain that occurs after meals and radiates to the back or right shoulder. Which intervention is most important for the nurse to include in the plan of care for a client with ankylosing spondylitis? Initiate a smoking cessation program.

What is the largest contributing factor for the increase in the need for home care quizlet?

What is the largest contributing factor for the increase in the need for home care? Reliance on family members to assist with care.

Which action should the hospice nurse implement to assist a client maintain self worth during the end of life process?

Plan regular visits with the client thoughout the day. Planning regular visits helps the client maintain a sense of self worth because it demostrates that the client is worthy of others and the nurse time and attention.

Which information is most important for the nurse to provide parents about long term care for their child with hydrocephalus and a Ventriculoperitoneal shunt?

Which information is most important for the nurse to provide parents about long-term care for their child with hydrocephalus and a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt? > Shunt malfunction or infection requires immediate treatment.