Which factor in a case presentation documents the final treatment results Quizlet

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All the above

- beer, wine, malt liquor, distilled spirits
Illicit drugs
- cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, marijuana, synthetic drugs, tranquilizers, sedatives, pain relievers
Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
- cough and cold medicines, inhalants

Hospice care.

- hospice is not a place, but a concept of care that exists to provide compassion, support, and care for persons in the last phases of terminal illness so that they might live as fully and as comfortable as possible
- end of life is "the period of time during which an individual copes with declining health from a terminal illness or from the frailties associated with advanced age, even if death is not clearly imminent"; the term palliative care initially referred to end-of-life palliative care, the scope of which has expanded to include maintaining and improving quality of life for all patients and their families during any stage of a life-threatening illness, whether acute, chronic, or terminal
- palliative care often includes hospice care before or at the end of life. Palliative care extends into the end-of-life phase, the final period of one's illness, as well as the bereavement period after the patient's death.
- Oral care is important in all phases of palliative care. A mouth free of discomfort and bad odors helps to maintain self-esteem and aids in social communication, preventing some of the loneliness experienced at the end of life. During this time, the mouth often becomes the center of existence because it maintains nutritional status and is important to communicate needs and emotions to loved ones.


Rampant caries, advanced periodontal disease, and poor oral hygiene are indicators of methamphetamine use.
- Cocaine may present intraorally as localized gingival and alveolar bone necrosis because of placement of cocaine in the maxillary premolar area to test the purity of a drug sample. There may also be increased caries from carbohydrates added to cocaine as filler. Their pupils will be dilated with no or little reaction to light.
- Cannabis users may have leukoplakia and increased incidence of lingual carcinoma and gingival enlargement. They may also have reddened sclera, swollen eyelids, and tears.
- Alcoholics may present with tooth erosion from sugar in alcohol or regurgitation, sialosis, xerostomia, stomatitis due to nutritional deficiencies and anemia, orofacial injuries from accidents or violence, severe infections due to immunosuppression, poor oral hygiene, gingival bleeding on probing, coated tongue, glossitis due to nutritional deficiency, attrition related to bruxism, erosion related to vomiting, broken teeth due to accidents while intoxicated, and cervical buccal caries.

The first statement is true, the second statement is false.

Perimylolysis, or dental erosion, is the most common dental finding in the patient with an eating disorder who engages in vomiting. Although dental erosion is the most common oral finding in the bulimia and binge-purge subtype of anorexia, it has also been associated with vomiting as a result of gastric disturbances (such as hiatal hernia, duodenal or peptic ulcers, previous pregnancies, and cancer-related chemotherapy), high-citric acid fruit intake, or habitual eating or sucking on chewable vitamin C tablets or sweet-and-sour type candies, Antabuse therapy for alcoholism, medications containing hydrochloric acid, and exposure to industrial acids.