Which governmental regulatory agency ensures the safety and effectiveness of disinfectants associated with dentistry?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)is responsible for:


Multiple Choice



The EPA reviews manufacturers' antimicrobial claims to ensure that they are supported by scientific evidence.
The EPA,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),and U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA)are not responsible for the manufacturing and labeling of medical devices.The FDA regulates the manufacturing and labeling of medical devices.The CDC publishes guidelines on the prevention of tuberculosis in healthcare settings.The FDA is responsible for reviewing claims on labels of products to be certain that those claims are true.

The federal agency that protects the public's health and safety,at home and abroad,is the:


Multiple Choice



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the leading federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people at home and abroad.
The FDA regulates the manufacturing and labeling of medical devices.
The EPA evaluates antimicrobial claims of disinfectants,provides a registration number for the materials,and regulates waste disposal.
OSHA regulates health and safety standards for American workers.

Annual OSHA inspections are mandatory for every dental practice.


True False



Dental office inspections can occur if an employee files a complaint,if a patient calls the dental board,if a dentist requests a consultation from OSHA to ensure compliance,or at random in offices with 11 or more employees.

The U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA)requires good manufacturing practices,reviews the safety and effectiveness of drugs and medical devices,and:

Multiple Choice

The governmental regulatory agency that ensures the safety and effectiveness of disinfectants associated with dentistry is the:

Multiple Choice

The OSHA standards related to dentistry includes:

Multiple Choice

The federal regulatory agency responsible for ensuring the safety and health of America's workers and for setting and enforcing protective standards is the:

Multiple Choice

The ADA,ADAA,ADHA,and OSAP are regulatory agencies that monitor and regulate the practice of dentistry.

True False

The primary federal agency that is part of the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services and that conducts and supports medical research and is the:

Multiple Choice

OSHA is responsible for ensuring the safety of:

Multiple Choice

All of the following are functions of the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA)except:

Multiple Choice

Infection-control procedures practiced in dentistry today are based on the Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Healthcare Settings-2003 issued by the:

Multiple Choice

The premier infection-control education organization in dentistry is the:

Multiple Choice

Issuing and enforcing rules and regulations with which dental practitioners must comply is the role of a(n)_____ agency.

Multiple Choice

The nonregulatory agency that issues recommendations based on strong scientific evidence that form the standard of care for dentistry is the:

Multiple Choice

A dental assistant must be able to understand the roles of:

Multiple Choice

States that administer their own state-operated OSHA programs do not have to meet or exceed federal OSHA standards.

True False

The agency that approves medical and dental devices for marketing in the United States is the:

Multiple Choice

The only federal institute responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury is the:

Multiple Choice

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)is a regulatory agency that investigates ways to help prevent disease and researches the causes,treatments,and cures for both common and rare diseases.

True False

Which regulatory body ensures the safety and effectiveness of disinfectants?

In general, EPA regulates disinfectants and sterilants used on environmental surfaces, and not those used on critical or semicritical medical devices; the latter are regulated by FDA.

Which agency makes recommendations for infection control guidelines practice it in dentistry?

CDC develops evidence-based recommendations to guide infection prevention and control practices in all settings in which dental treatment is provided.

Which federal regulatory agency located in Washington DC sets the bloodborne pathogen standard in dentistry?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is revising the Bloodborne Pathogens standard in conformance with the requirements of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act.

What is the name of the non regulatory agency that makes recommendations based on evidence?

NIOSH makes recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury.