Which graph best illustrates a population that was growing and has reached its carrying capacity?

To find carrying capacity on a graph, you need to locate the point on the graph where the population line is horizontal. Alternatively, the carrying capacity may be explicitly marked with a dotted horizontal line.

To find carrying capacity on a graph, you need to locate the point on the graph where the population line is horizontal. Alternatively, the carrying capacity may be explicitly marked with a dotted horizontal line or a horizontal line of a different color.

Typically, your graph is going to have population on the y-axis and some measurement of time (months, years, etc) on the x-axis. Once the population has reached a steady state, it will show zero growth, which will result in a slope of zero: a horizontal line.

In the image below, the carrying capacity is 10000.

In the graphs below, the carrying capacity is indicated by a dotted line.

Because populations naturally vary and rarely remain at absolutely zero growth for long periods of time, some graphs will identify carrying capacity, and the area on the graph identified as such will not be a flat line. See the image below for an example.

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What does the graph of a population at its carrying capacity look like?

A graph that reveals an “s” shape indicates that the population has hit its carrying capacity.

What happens when a population reach the carrying capacity?

If a population exceeds carrying capacity, the ecosystem may become unsuitable for the species to survive. If the population exceeds the carrying capacity for a long period of time, resources may be completely depleted. Populations may die off if all of the resources are exhausted.

What is carrying capacity on a graph?

Explanation: To find carrying capacity on a graph, you need to locate the point on the graph where the population line is horizontal. Alternatively, the carrying capacity may be explicitly marked with a dotted horizontal line or a horizontal line of a different color.

What happens to population growth as it reaches carrying capacity quizlet?

The rate of population growth decreases as the population approaches the carrying capacity. What are the conditions for exponential growth? When resources are unlimited and organisms can reproduce at capacity, the growth of the population can be exponential.


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