Which IBC member will conduct periodic inspections to ensure lab standards are rigorously followed?

What is the minimum number of members an Institutional Biosafety Committee IBC must have to comply with the NIH guidelines?

An IBC must consist of at least five members. There is no limit on the maximum number of members. Details on committee membership requirements may be found in Section IV-B-2-a of the NIH Guidelines.

What is Biosafety IBC?

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) reviews, approves and oversees research involving the use of recombinant or synthetic DNA/RNA and other biohazards. All work involving biohazards, including recombinant or synthetic DNA/RNA, is reviewed by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and EH&S.

What is an IBC approval?

IBC: The purpose of IBC reviews is to ensure protection from any possible exposure to bio-hazardous material. This includes protection for researchers, human research subjects, the community, and the environment. IBC approval is also required any time a study involves genetic engineering or gene therapy.

What requires IBC approval?

NIH Guidelines require IBC review for any genetic engineering research, including gene therapy research, that receives NIH funding or takes place at sites receiving NIH funding. This means any funding—even $1 of NIH funds for the site or the study means the study must be reviewed by an IBC.