Which information will the nurse learn about a patient using the Brief RCOPE assessment tool

What are the common health disparities among American Indians, Alaska natives, and Hispanics? Physical assault Cirrhosis deaths Deaths from poisoning New cases of tuberculosis Smoking by pregnant women


Cirrhosis deaths Deaths from poisoning New cases of tuberculosis

The nurse is caring for a Hispanic patient who is pregnant. The patient tells the nurse, "I’m visiting a traditional healer who has taken care of all the women in my family during pregnancy." Which traditional healer could the patient be referring to? Yerbo Partera Sabedor Espiritualista

ParteraA partera is a lay midwife who provides treatment and cares for pregnant women. Therefore, the nurse anticipates that the patient is visiting a partera. A yerbo is an herbalist who treats illness by administering herbal leaves and oils but does not provide treatment exclusively for pregnant patients. A sabedor is a traditional healer who manipulates the bones and muscles. An espiritualista is a traditional healer who treats illness by using spiritual methods.

A Chinese patient reports cardiac symptoms to the nurse. On reviewing the patient’s diagnostic reports, however, the nurse finds that the patient does not have a cardiac disorder. On interacting with the patient, the nurse learns that the patient’s parents recently died in an accident. Based on these findings, which condition does the nurse suspect in the patient? Mental illness Sense of integrity Shenkui syndrome Emotional disharmony

Emotional disharmonyChinese patients may convert mental experiences caused by loss into bodily symptoms. They consider the heart the center of emotion and complain of cardiac symptoms while grieving. Because the patient has negative diagnostic test results and the parents died in a recent accident, the nurse concludes that the patient has emotional disharmony due to the loss. Shenkui is a Chinese culture-bound syndrome associated with anxiety, dizziness, and insomnia. Geriatric patients usually experience a sense of integrity if they have achieved all their life goals. In this case, the patient is depressed because of the parents’ death. Therefore, it does not indicate that the patient has a sense of integrity. The patient is experiencing loss because of the parents’ death. Merely experiencing loss does not indicate that the patient has symptoms of mental illness.

The nurse is assessing a patient with gastroenteritis. On interacting with the patient, the nurse learns that the patient is from Spain and has recently immigrated to the United States. Which action of the nurse is in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? The nurse assesses the patient in the presence of an interpreter. The nurse keeps the patient’s illness and treatment confidential. The nurse provides treatment according to Spanish traditional methods. The nurse asks a family member who knows English to explain the patient’s problems.

The nurse is assessing a geriatric patient with severe fever and reddish discoloration of the tongue. The patient tells the nurse, "I’m sick because of imbalance in yin and yang ." Which cultural group shares the same beliefs as this patient? Asian African European American Indian

AsianAccording to Chinese philosophy, imbalance between the yin and yang can impair bodily functioning and result in illness. Many people from Asian countries such as China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam believe in this philosophy. Therefore, Asian culture supports the patient’s belief. Some individuals from African countries believe that disharmony with nature causes illness. In European countries, some individuals believe that absence of well-being or feeling bad results in illness. Some American Indians believe that disharmony with nature causes illness. Therefore, African, European and American Indian cultures do not support the patient’s belief.

What is the most common cultural practice followed by Russians for preventing illness? Burning sweet grass Lighting candles daily Wearing metal bangles Wearing prayer shawls

Wearing prayer shawlsThe Russians are of European heritage and believe that illness is caused by the absence of well-being. Therefore, to prevent illness, they wear prayer shawls and amulets. American Indians believe that illness is caused by disharmony with nature. They offer prayers by burning sweet grass. Mexicans believe that illness is a punishment given by God for their bad behavior. Therefore, they light candles and offer prayers to God to prevent illness. African patients wear metal bangles to ward off evil spirits and to prevent illness.

Which healing practices are favored by patients in the American Indian culture? Acupuncture Meditation Sweat lodges Herbal medicine Cupping

Meditation Sweat lodges Herbal medicineAmerican Indian patients may engage in meditation for healing purposes. They believe that cure is impossible unless there is a complete healing of the body, mind, and spirit. So, they may frequent sweat lodges for mental, spiritual and physical healing. American Indian patients may also use herbal medicines for a calming effect. Asian patients use health care practices such as acupuncture and cupping because they believe that such practices help restore the hot and cold imbalances in the body.

The nurse is assessing an Islamic child with severe fever and insomnia. The nurse learns that the child has recently migrated to the United States and has had difficulty in adjusting to the Catholic culture of the school. What does the nurse anticipate from these findings? The child is experiencing dhat syndrome. The child is experiencing a sense of integrity. The child is experiencing shenkui syndrome. The child is experiencing acculturative stress.

The child is experiencing acculturative stress.Cultural practices and beliefs vary across regions and counties. Individuals who migrate from different countries may have difficulty in adjusting to the new system and its customs. This may cause acculturative stress. In this case, because the Islamic child is unable to adjust to Catholic customs, the nurse anticipates that the child has acculturative stress. If the patient achieved all goals successfully in his or her life, then he or she would probably have a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of integrity. Dhat syndrome is a culture-bound syndrome characterized by severe anxiety and concerns about the discharge of semen. Shenkui syndrome is a culture-bound syndrome associated with anxiety, panic, and sexual dysfunction.

The nurse is caring for a patient from a different culture. Which nursing action is appropriate? Explain expected behaviors for patients in the U.S. health care system. Include the family members in all decision-making processes. Assess the patient’s beliefs, practices, and ideas about health care. Avoid discussion of subjects that may be uncomfortable for the patient.

Assess the patient’s beliefs, practices, and ideas about health care.The nurse should assess the patient’s beliefs, practices, and ideas about health care to develop a culturally congruent plan of care. There is no expected behavior from the patient to receive treatment in the U.S. health care system. Including family members in all decisions is not relevant if the patient is able to make cogent decisions. The nurse should not avoid discussions of any subjects that are uncomfortable for the patient, because the patient may need to know all the relevant facts to make an informed decision.

A Spanish patient who was in a car accident has severe leg pain. The patient refuses analgesics and will not undergo treatment. What is the best nursing intervention in this situation? Negotiate with the patient. Inform the patient’s family members. Inform the patient of the advantages of treatment. Provide alternative treatment according to the patient’s culture.

Provide alternative treatment according to the patient’s culture.Spanish patients most likely consult folk healers for treatment and may avoid taking medications prescribed by the health care provider. When the patient rejects undergoing treatment, the nurse should plan an alternative treatment method that is acceptable to the patient. Discussing the pain and treatment will not help in providing effective treatment to the patient. Informing family members of the patient’s condition may make them panic. Moreover, it does not help to provide effective treatment to the patient and may lead to further complications. The patient requires immediate treatment to prevent further complications. Therefore, the nurse should avoid discussing advantages of treatment and should not delay the treatment.

A patient believes in the hot and cold theory of illness. What is the patient most likely to use for the treatment of stomach cramps? Iced tea Curd Chili peppers Spinach

Chili peppersA patient who believes in hot and cold theory of illness considers stomach cramps a cold condition. The patient is likely to use "hot" foods such as chili peppers to eliminate the cold from the body. Iced tea, curd, and spinach are cold foods that may not have any benefits in this case.

While assessing a patient in a health care facility, the nurse uses Brief RCOPE. What is the reason for this intervention? To identify religious coping in the patient To identify the intensity of pain in the patient To identify psychologic symptoms in the patient To identify the cognitive development of the patient

The nurse is assessing a Nigerian patient who has been using traditional methods for relieving a cold. Which traditional methods are most likely to be followed by this patient? Drinking manzanilla tea Applying anise herbal oil Using swamp root powder Adding asafetida to food

Adding asafetida to foodNigerians tend to follow African traditional healing methods. They may use herbs such as asafetida for the treatment of illness. Unlike Americans, Nigerians do not generally drink manzanilla tea and do not apply anise herbal oil for the restoration of health. Unlike Europeans, Nigerians do not generally administer swamp root for the restoration of health.

Which patient characteristics comprise "culture"? Color of skin and hair A system of beliefs and practices Preference for education and studying Physical features such as eye shape

A system of beliefs and practicesCulture refers to a system of beliefs and practices that are learned and shared by a group of people. Color of skin and hair are genetically determined and not learned. A patient’s preference for education and studying helps in understanding the social influences on the patient. A physical feature such as the shape of the eye has a genetic basis.

The nursing instructor asks a student to define culture. Which response by the student is best? A group of people with one or more shared traits The learned behaviors shared by a particular group of people The classification of human beings on the basis of physical characteristics A complex system that includes knowledge, beliefs, and customs of a group

A complex system that includes knowledge, beliefs, and customs of a groupCulture refers to a complex system that includes knowledge, beliefs, and customs of a group of people. The members of a cultural group share all traits, knowledge, and skills. A person’s race is determined by the classification of human beings on the basis of physical characteristics. Cultural behaviors are learned at birth and shared by all the members of the same cultural group.

The nurse is caring for a patient who is from a different culture. Which action will help the nurse be most effective when caring for this patient? Evaluate the patient’s knowledge of medicines. Examine one’s feelings about cultural diversity. Determine whether the patient is willing to be treated. Recognize that the nurse cannot counsel the patient if beliefs and practices differ.

Examine one’s feelings about cultural diversity.The nurse should examine one’s feelings about cultural diversity, because it helps avoid cultural biases and discrimination of the patient. Evaluating the patient’s knowledge of medicines is not enough to understand the patient’s cultural practices. In the assessment process, the nurse determines whether the patient is willing to be treated. The nurse can counsel the patient belonging to any culture, even if there is a difference in the health practices. It is the nurse’s duty to understand the patient’s health practices and include them in the patient’s plan of care.

What is a common cultural practice among Turkish people? Wearing metal bangles Tying a seed to the newborn’s crib Hanging a glass blue eye in the home Placing a packet in the newborn’s crib

Hanging a glass blue eye in the homeMany Turkish people may believe in evil spirits, so they hang a glass blue eye in their home in order to ward off the evil spirits. Unlike Mexicans, Turkish people do not traditionally tie a seed to the newborn’s crib with a red string. Caribbean people, rather than Turkish people, are known for wearing metal bangles. Unlike Japanese people, Turkish people do not traditionally place a packet in the newborn’s crib.

The parents of a Hispanic child bring their child in for a respiratory infection. They tell the nurse, "We’re giving our child antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor and saying prayers as suggested by our Catholic priest." Given these two practices, which other practice are the parents likely to follow? The parents may give herbal teas to the child. The parents may give coffee and pork to the child. The parents may give homeopathic medications to the child. The patients may perform a purifying ritual with the smoke of sacred herbs.

hich condition is an Indian Hindu patient likely to consider a "hot" condition? Rash Earache Paralysis Pneumonia

RashMany Asian patients may believe in the hot/cold theory of illness. This theory claims that illness occurs due to an imbalance in the four humors of the body; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile; such a patient would consider a rash a "hot" condition. Earache, paralysis, and pneumonia are thought to occur when cold enters the body.

While working in a community health care center, the nurse finds that most of the patients are African Americans. Which action followed by the nurse is in accordance with the objectives of Healthy People 2020? Providing counseling with spiritual or religious leaders Encouraging patients to follow traditional healing methods Teaching preventive measures for sexually transmitted diseases Helping patients in decision making and dealing with activities of daily living

Teaching preventive measures for sexually transmitted diseases The objective of Healthy People 2020 is to eliminate health disparities and to promote well-being. The most common health problems among African Americans are gonorrhea, congenital syphilis, new cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and deaths from AIDS. These diseases are commonly transmitted during vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Therefore, to prevent this health problem, the nurse would teach measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Providing counseling with spiritual or religious leaders would not help to prevent health problems. Traditional healing methods are not clinically proven. They may worsen the patient’s health because of adverse effects. Therefore, the nurse will not encourage patients to follow traditional methods of healing. The nurse should encourage patients to make decisions and to deal with activities of daily living. This intervention helps to enhance patients’ decision-making skills and self-esteem. Therefore, the nurse will not help patients with decision making.

The nurse is planning to conduct an educational session for seniors at a community center who look after their grandchildren. From which cultural groups does the nurse expect to see the maximum number of participants? Cuban German Hispanic Alaskan native American Indian

Alaskan native American IndianIn Alaskan native and American Indian cultures, the grandparents take care of their grandchildren more often, as compared with grandparents in the other groups. Therefore, the nurse anticipates that most of the participants in the educational session would be Alaskan Natives and American Indians. In the Cuban, German, and Hispanic cultures, most grandparents do not take responsibility for their grandchildren. Therefore, the nurse does not anticipate finding the maximum number of participants from these cultural groups.

Which conditions are commonly found in non-Hispanic Whites? Death from cirrhosis Fetal alcohol syndrome Greater exposure to ozone Higher exposure to carbon monoxide Chronic lower respiratory disease deaths

Death from cirrhosisChronic lower respiratory disease deathBecause of health disparities, many minority or racial groups are vulnerable to developing certain diseases. Non-Hispanic Whites have a high rate of death from cirrhosis and prevalence of chronic lower respiratory disease. Fetal alcohol syndrome is more common in American Indians and Alaskan Natives because of alcohol consumption by pregnant women. The Asian population has greater exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide. Unlike the Asian population, non-Hispanic Whites are not usually exposed to high levels of ozone and carbon monoxide.

A patient with a severe cold tells the nurse, "I’ve been taking a tonic given by a braucher for the last two weeks." What does the nurse understand from this information? The patient is Amish. The patient is Asian. The patient is Hispanic. The patient is American Indian.

The patient is Amish.Individuals belonging to the Amish culture may consult a braucher, a person who is a folk healer. The braucher uses herbs and tonics to treat patients. Therefore, the nurse anticipates that the patient is Amish. Asians consult an herbalist, an acupuncturist, or a bone setter to treat illness. Hispanics consult a curandero, espiritualista, yerbo, partera, or sabedor to treat illness. American Indians consult a shaman to treat illness. Therefore, the nurse does not anticipate that the patient is Asian, Hispanic, or American Indian.

While caring for an Asian patient with gastrointestinal discomfort, the nurse finds that the patient has a naturalistic perspective on health and illness. Which practice does the nurse anticipate to be most acceptable to the patient? Providing warm foods Providing swamp root extract Providing antacids and analgesics Providing homeopathic medications

Providing warm foodsA patient with a naturalistic perspective may believe that he or she has gastrointestinal discomfort due to excess cold entering into the body. In order to alleviate the symptoms of the illness, the patient would consume warm food. Therefore, providing warm foods would be most acceptable to the patient. Unlike patients of European heritage, Asian patients do not use swamp root for alleviating illness. The patient with a naturalistic perspective does not believe that illness is caused by impaired body functioning and may not prefer taking medications. A patient with a biomedical perspective prefers taking medications. Unlike patients of European heritage, Asian patients may not take homeopathic medications. However, an Asian patient would consult an herbalist for the treatment of illness.

Individuals from which groups are at high risk for sickle-cell anemia? Spanish Italian Greek Chinese Korean

Spanish Italian Greek Sickle-cell anemia is a genetic disorder characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cells. This specific trait is most commonly found among Mediterranean cultural groups. Therefore, people from Spain, Italy, and Greece are at risk for sickle-cell anemia. China and Korea are not Mediterranean countries. Therefore, people from these countries are not susceptible to sickle-cell anemia.

What are indicators of health disparities in Hispanics? Cirrhosis death Physical assault Congenital syphilis Fetal alcohol syndrome New cases of tuberculosis

Cirrhosis death Congenital syphilisNew cases of tuberculosisThere are health disparities between Individuals belonging to different cultures because of variations in social, political, economic, and environmental resources. The indicators of health disparities in Hispanics include congenital syphilis, cirrhosis death, and new cases of tuberculosis. Unlike American Indian or Alaskan Native populations, Hispanics do not have a higher rate of physical assault and fetal alcohol syndrome when compared to the rest of the population.

While caring for a Hispanic patient, the nurse finds that the patient believes in the magicoreligious perspective of healing. Which action does the nurse expect the patient to follow? Hanging an amulet at home Visiting the hougan during the illness Reciting prayers as suggested by the priest Lighting a candle to cleanse the surroundings

Reciting prayers as suggested by the priestA patient with a magicoreligious perspective believes in supernatural forces for healing. Hispanics believe in the healing powers of God and say prayers suggested by the Catholic priest. Unlike American Blacks, Hispanics may not visit a hougan or a voodoo priest for the treatment of illness. Unlike the Turks, Hispanics do not hang an amulet at home to ward off negative energy. Also unlike Mexicans, Hispanics do not light candles to cleanse negative energy from the surroundings.

While assessing a patient with tuberculosis, the nurse uses the Brief RCOPE assessment questionnaire. Which questions does the nurse include in the questionnaire? "Do you question God’s power?" "Do you ask God to forgive your sins?" "Do you wonder if God has abandoned you?" "Do you look for a stronger connection with God?" "Do you interact with your family during illness?" "Do you think you are ill due to excess cold in your body?"

Asian heritages

chinaindiajapankoreaphilippinessoutheast asialaoscambodiavietnam

african heritages

africa haitijamaicawest indian islands

european heritages


american indian/alaska native

north american indians/ alaska natives

iberian, central and south american heritages

spainportugalbrazilcubamexicopuerto ricocolombia

asian illness beliefs

imbalance of 'yin and yang"

african illness beliefs

disharmony with nature

european illness beliefs

absence of well-beingfeeling bad

american indian/alaska native illness beliefs

disharmony with nature

iberian/central/south american illness beliefs

punishment for wrongdoingimbalance of hot and col

asian health protection

wear amulets such as jadeeat correct and compatiable foods

african health protection

wear banglesfaith

european health protection

wear amuletsshawls

american indian/alaska health protection

use of amulets and sweet grass

iberian/central/south american health protection

amulets such as a mano negro, soaps, candles

asian health restoration

traditional remedies such as ginseng rootacupuncturemoxibustioncupping

african health restoration

asafoetida herbs and roots

european health restoration

home remedies such as swamp root and olbas

american indian/alaska health restoration

sand paintingsherbs

iberian/central/south american health restoration

prayerspromises to saintsherbs, anis, and manzanilla

asian traditional healers

chinese physiciansherbalists

african traditional healers

root workerspiritualists"old lady"

european traditional healers

homeopathic physiciansbrauchers

american indian/alaska native traditional healers

medicine man (shaman)

iberian/central/south american traditional healers

folk healers such as the santro/a, partera, or curandero/a

disease cauastaion (3)


biomedical causation

assumes all events in life have a cause and effectgerm theory: holds that microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses cause specific disease conditionsmost health care providers embrace this causation

naturalistic causation

believe human life is only one aspect of nature and a part of the general order of the cosmos

yin yang theory

asian belief-health exists when all aspects of the person are in perfect balance-yin represents female and negative forces such as emptiness, darkness, and cold-yang represents male and positive, emitting warmth and fullness-cold foods eaten with hot illness and vice versa

heritages most likely to have grandparents responsible for the care of grandchildren

african americansamerican indians alaska indians

heritages with the largest average family size

native hawaiian/pacific islanders

T/FThe US accepts more immigrants than any other county in the world


T/FMexico has the largest number of immigrants to the US


the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolished quota systems that denied entrance into the US to....

latin americans, asians, and africans

determinants of health

personal,, social, economic, and enviornmental factors

_____ has the greatest influence on health status


purposes of healthy people 2020

address the multiple determinants of health and evaluate interventions that go beyond the traditional health care provider-patient model

7 largest health care disparities among african americans

5 largest indicators of health disparities among hispanics

congenital syphilisnew cases of TBnew cases of AIDSexposure to environmental contaminants and cirrhosis deaths

health disparities among asians

congenital syphilisnew TB caseshigh rates of exposure to carbon monoxide, and no source of ongoing care--asian population had low rates of pap testing, greater exposure to ozone, greater lack of knowledge of stroke symptoms and lower rates of self-monitoring of blood glucose levels among people with diabetes

effective care

results in positive outcomes and satisfaction for the patient

respectful care

takes into consideration the values, preferences and expressed needs of the patient

cultural and linguistic competence

set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system among professionals that enables work in cross-cultural situations

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

services cannot be denied to LEP people


social group that may possess shared traits such as a common geographic origin, migratory status. religion, language, values, traditions or symbols, and food preferences

ethnic identity

one's self-identification with particular ethnic group


process of social and psychological exchanges that take place when there are ongoing encounters between individuals of different cultures with subsequent changes in either or both groups


immigrants take on the characteristics of the dominant culture-unidirectional


develop new means of forging identities between the countries of origin and their host country-bidirectional inducing reciprocal changes in both cultures and maintaing aspectst of the original culture

acculturative stress

losses and changes that occur when adjusting to or integrating a new system of beliefs, routines, and social roles


organized system of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe especially in a divine or superhuman power-shared experience of spirituality

religious affiliation and practices can support spiritual harmony and health in 3 ways

1. promotes health through social networks and social support systems that buffer and affect stress and isolation2. promotes healthy behavior and lifestyles3. offer social support. faith benefits health by leading to thoughts of hope, optimism, and positive expectation


14 question assessment that examines whether a patient is using positive or negative religious coping

positive religious coping

strongly connected to a divine presence, spiritually connected with others, and has a benevolent outlook on life

negative religious coping

spiritual struggle with one's self or with Godassociated with poor health outcomes and provides an opportunity for the nurse to intervene

health definition

the balance of the person both within one's being and in the outside worldwithin: physical, mental spiritualoutside: natural, communal or metaphysical

epilepsy viewed among Ugandans

contagious and untreatable

epilepsy viewed among Greeks

cause for family shame

epilepsy viewed among mexican americans

reflection of a physical imbalance

epilepsy viewed among hmong

entr of a "spirit" into the person's body

epilepsy viewed among Hutterites

gained favor by enduring a trial by God

no chinese word for "sadness" so they somatize their pain by

convert mental experiences or states into bodily symptoms (complain of cardiac symptoms when sad)

hot/cold theory

Many Asian patients may believe in the hot/cold theory of illness. This theory claims that illness occurs due to an imbalance in the four humors of the body; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile; such a patient would consider a rash a "hot" condition. Earache, paralysis, and pneumonia are thought to occur when cold enters the body.


A patient with a magicoreligious perspective believes in supernatural forces for healing.dependent on the action of supernatural forces for good or evil

faith healing

based o nreligious beliefs most prevalent among certain Christian groups

culture shock

state of disorientation or inability to respond to the behavior of a different cultural group because of its sudden strangeness, unfamiliarity and incompatibility with the newcomer's perceptions and expectations

culturally sensitive

possess some basic knowledge of and constructive attitudes toward the diverse cultural populations

culturally appropriate

apply the underlying background knowledge to provide best possible health care

culturally competent

understand and attend to the total context of the individual's situationimmigration status, stress factors, cultural similarities and differences

cultural formation model (5 categories)

heritage assessmentif person seems anxious...

postpone asking the questions or weave them into other parts of the health history

Which culture would the nurse expect a patient to be from when told I've been taking a tonic given by a braucher for the past two weeks?

Individuals belonging to the Amish culture may consult a braucher, a person who is a folk healer. The braucher uses herbs and tonics to treat patients. Therefore the nurse anticipates that the patient is Amish.

Which environmental factors cause Acculturative stress select all that apply quizlet?

Unemployment and language barriers are environmental factors that cause acculturative stress. Because of unemployment, the patient may have financial difficulties, resulting in stress.

Which nursing action is appropriate when caring for a patient from a culture different from the culture of the majority?

Which is the best action for the nurse to take when caring for a patient whose beliefs differ from those held by the majority population? Analyze the patient's beliefs to determine their significance.

Which information would the nurse educator include regarding the seating of the patient?

Which information would the nurse educator include regarding the seating of the patient and the interviewer while teaching nursing students about interviewing techniques? Maintain equal-status seating with the patient.