Which instruction with the nurse provide the patient when assessing the patients accessory nerve quizlet?

When suspecting a spinal lesion, for which prescribed diagnostic test would the nurse prepare the patient?

Myelogram CORRECT

Transcranial Doppler

Cerebral angiography

Carotid duplex studies

Myelogram is a radiation technique that helps to detect spinal lesions in patients. Transcranial Doppler is an ultrasound examination that helps to evaluate the velocity of blood flow in blood vessels. Cerebral angiography is a radiation technique that examines intracranial and extracranial blood vessels. Cerebral angiography helps to detect tumors and vascular lesions in the brain as well. A carotid duplex study is an ultrasound technique that determines the velocity of blood flow in the veins and arteries.

For which diagnostic procedure would the nurse prepare the patient as a means of confirming the health care team's suspicion of cerebral death?

Reflex test


Lumbar puncture

Cerebral angiography CORRECT

Cerebral angiography is a form of angiography that provides images of blood vessels in and around the brain. Lack of cerebral circulation is an important confirmatory test for cerebral death (brain death). A myelogram is an x-ray of the spinal cord and vertebral column performed after an injection of contrast medium into the subarachnoid space. Reflex tests help to assess the integrity of the nerve circuits and are performed to quickly confirm the integrity of the spinal cord or specific nerve root function. Lumbar puncture aspirates cerebrospinal fluid.

Which term would the nurse use to reflect that the patient's eyes did not move together when performing an assessment of their extraocular movements?



Disconjugate CORRECT


With weakness or paralysis of one of the eye muscles, the eyes do not move together, which is described as a disconjugate gaze. Nystagmus is fine, rapid-jerking movement of the eyes, particularly with lateral gaze. Accommodation is when pupils constrict with near vision. Tracking is when both eyes follow a moving object in a coordinated fashion.

Which neurotransmitter would the nurse associate with a patient's clinical manifestation of mood, sleep, and emotional changes?

Serotonin CORRECT



γ-aminobutyric aciD

Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system involved in the regulation of mood, sleep, and emotions. The lack of this neurotransmitter may cause the patient's clinical manifestations. Acetylcholine acts on cholinergic receptors. A decrease in acetylcholine results in neurologic conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. Norepinephrine is a hormone and neurotransmitter involved in the flight-or-fight response and increases the heart rate and blood flow to the skeletal muscles. The chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system is γ-aminobutyric acid. It has a role in the regulation of neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system.

Which clinical manifestation would the nurse identify when admitting a patient suspected of having lesions in Broca's area?

Visual defects

Difficulty in swallowing

Irregular speech patterns CORRECT

Decreased sense of smell

Broca's area, located at the frontal lobe of the cerebrum, regulates verbal expression. Lesions in Broca's area affect speech production. Visual defects are common if the lesion is in the occipital lobe. Damage to the olfactory bulb may affect the sense of smell. Brainstem injuries may cause difficulty in swallowing.

Which assessment findings would the nurse report to the health care provider when assessing the mental function of a patient with a neurologic disorder? Select all that apply.

Attention is fleeting. CORRECT

Patient is overtalkative. CORRECT

Patient is well groomed.

Patient sits comfortably.

Conversation flows easily.

Fleeting attention and overtalkativeness imply a disturbance in mental status. If the patient is well groomed and sits comfortably, this indicates that the patient is aware of his or her appearance and behavior. An easy flow of conversation indicates that the patient can communicate well.

When testing the functions of the accessory nerve for suspected injury, which instructions would the nurse provide the patient? Select all that apply.
"Shrug your shoulders." CORRECT

"Move your tongue up and down, and side to side."

"I will place a tongue blade in your mouth to elicit a gag reflex."

"Attempt to move the tongue blade by pushing your tongue to the side."

"Attempt to turn your head to either side while I hold your head in place."CORRECT

The accessory nerve controls the functions of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles and is tested by asking the patient to shrug the shoulders and turn the head to either side against resistance. There should be smooth contraction of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. Elicit the gag reflex to test the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. When testing the hypoglossal nerve, ask the patient to move the tongue up and down and side to side, and to push the tongue to either side against resistance.

Which instruction would the nurse provide the patient when assessing the patient's accessory nerve?

Ask the patient to shrug the shoulders against resistance. CORRECT

Ask the patient to push the tongue to either side against resistance.

Invite the patient to say "ah" while the nurse visualizes elevation of the soft palate.

Have the patient stick the tongue out while the nurse strokes the posterior pharynx.

Test the spinal accessory nerve by asking the patient to shrug the shoulders against resistance and to turn the head to either side against resistance while observing the sternocleidomastoid muscles and the trapezius muscles. Assess the gag reflex and saying "ah" to assess the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Asking the patient to push the tongue to either side against resistance and to stick out the tongue assesses the hypoglossal nerve

Which cranial nerve would the nurse associate with a patient's hemianopsia from a brain lesion?

Optic nerve CORRECT

Olfactory nerve

Oculomotor nerve

Vestibulocochlear nerve

Hemianopsia is a change in one half of the visual field resulting from brain lesions. Visual fields and acuity assessment determine the function of the optic nerve. Examination of the olfactory nerve determines the sense of smell. Examination of the oculomotor nerve assesses the movement of the eye. Examination of the vestibulocochlear nerve will help to assess hearing.

Which interventions would the nurse implement when preparing a patient for a prescribed cerebral angiography to detect a potential brain tumor? Select all that apply.

Explain that the procedure is noninvasive.

Assess the patient for stroke signs and symptoms. CORRECT

Ensure that the patient has a full bladder prior to testing.

Instruct the patient about injection of a contrast medium.CORRECT

Ensure completion of a full meal before the procedure.

.Cerebral angiography is a contrast-based test. The nurse should assess the patient for stroke before the test because of potential dislodging of any thrombi, if present, during the procedure. The nurse should explain that injection of a contrast medium occurs by inserting a small needle into the vein, making this procedure invasive. Ask the patient to empty the bladder before the procedure. Withhold the preceding meal to prevent aspiration if an adverse reaction to the contrast medium occurs.

When assessing a patient with a traumatic brain injury, which term would the nurse use to document the patient's uncoordinated movement of extremities?





Ataxia is a lack of coordination of movement, possibly caused by lesions of sensory or motor pathways, cerebellum disorders, or certain medications. Apraxia is the inability to perform learned movements, despite having the desire and physical ability to perform them related to a cerebral cortex lesion. Anisocoria is inequality of pupil size from an optic nerve injury. Anosognosia is the inability to recognize a bodily defect or disease related to lesions in the right parietal cortex.

Which method would the nurse use to test the function of the optic nerve (CN II) if a Snellen chart was not available?


Amsler grid


Magazine or newspaper CORRECT

To test the function of the optic nerve (CN II), the nurse tests the visual acuity. If a Snellen chart is not available, asking the patient to read from a magazine or newspaper will give a gross assessment of acuity. Penlight can be used to test pupillary reaction. Use the Amsler grid to detect macular degeneration. The ophthalmoscope is an instrument used for inspection of vessels and structures within the eye.

Which instruction with the nurse provide the patient when assessing the patient's accessory nerve?

The accessory nerve controls the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles that aid in head rotation, shoulder elevation, and abduction of the arm. Therefore, while assessing the patient's accessory nerve, the nurse should ask the patient to shrug the shoulders and turn the head to either side against resistance.

Which instruction would the nurse provide the patient when assessing the patients accessory nerve quizlet?

Which instruction would the nurse provide the patient when assessing the patient's accessory nerve? Ask the patient to push the tongue to either side against resistance.

Which cranial nerves would the nurse assess when eliciting a patient's gag reflex?

Expected Versus Unexpected Findings.

What task should a nurse ask a client to perform to assess the Cranial nerve XI?

What task should a nurse ask a client to perform to assess the function of cranial nerve XI? The function of cranial nerve XI can be assessed by asking the client to shrug his or her shoulders against resistance.