Which interventions are appropriate to promote comfort and healing for a woman during the first 24 hours after a cesarean delivery?

Localized area of redness, inflammation, or pain in either breast.
Persistent abdominal tenderness.
Feelings of pelvic fullness or pressure.
Persistent perineal pain.
Frequency, urgency, or burning on urination.
Abnormal change in character of lochia (increased amount, resumption of bright-red color, passage of clots, foul odor).
Localized tenderness, redness, edema, or warmth of the legs.
Redness, separation of, or foul drainage from an abdominal incision.

Latch (0, 1, 2)
Audible swallowing (0, 1, 2)
Type of nipple (0, 1, 2)
Comfort (0, 1, 2)
Hold (0, 1, 2)

Sets with similar terms

What nursing interventions are important during the first 24 hours after delivery?

Care within the First 24 Hours Assess the labor and birth history such as the length of labor and if any analgesia or anesthesia was used to determine any necessary procedures to be done. Determine the infant's data and profile to help with planning the care of the newborn and promote bonding between the parents.

Which nursing intervention is appropriate to help prevent thrombophlebitis in a postpartum woman who delivered by cesarean birth quizlet?

Early and frequent ambulation helps prevent thrombophlebitis in postpartum women who delivered by C-section.

Which of the following interventions would be most helpful to assist a woman to void after cesarean birth?

Which of the following interventions would be most helpful to assist a woman to void after a cesarean birth? Withholding prescribed analgesic. Letting the woman void every 4 hours.

Which nursing interventions can help prevent abdominal distention and gas discomfort for a postpartum woman who delivered by cesarean birth?

Increased ambulation stimulates peristalsis and helps prevent abdominal distention and gas for a woman who delivered by C-section. Encourage increased PO fluid intake.